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What After Btech? Top Career Options for Graduates

what after btech?
what after btech?

Wondering what after Btech? If yes, you have come to the right place. graduates must have a plan in place when entering the job industry to find their dream role, especially since there are more and more people graduating each year with these qualifications, making it more difficult than ever before to stand out from your peers is very crucial. 

You require a well-thought-out career plan; without one, you may be at an extreme disadvantage compared to others who have clear goals for where they want their professional life to go.

Importance of Career Planning for Graduates

Tech graduates may struggle to search for the right job opportunities or settle for jobs that don’t fit their interests and abilities.

The major difficulty B.Tech graduates face is not having a precise idea of what they want in their careers. Many students enter the labour market without knowing who they are, what skills they possess, and which direction in life they would like to take. This lack of understanding can make them feel lost while seeking employment; plus, nowadays, there is so much volatility in the tech industry – making things even more difficult for recent B Tech grads!
B.Tech grads must stay on top of the hottest industry trends and tech to remain competitive in the job market.

What after Btech? Your Pathway to Success

What kind of career options do B.Tech graduates have?

If you are a B.Tech graduate, you will find that there is no shortage of choices when it comes to picking your profession depending on what area interests you or which field has used special skills developed during your coursework studies. 

The most popular career options for Btech Graduates are:

  • software programming,
  • data analysis,
  • networking engineering
  • cybersecurity
  • defence systems,
  • protection measures, and implementation process specialists like AI and robotics experts,
  • avionics specialist (in aerospace), e-commerce expert, etc.

What skills do you required to Pursue these career options after Btech?

To get eligible for an occupation profile related to this particular field knowledge connected specifically with coding languages such as Java C++ and Python becomes mandatory along with sound programming ability -which would help shape up core competency areas required within specific profiles based largely upon general job description parameters being looked into by prospective employers.

To pursue their dreams in the IT Sector, they need specialized knowledge. So, what does it take for B Tech grads?

Software Development:

When it comes to software development, understanding the methods and frameworks used is the path, if you desire to become an expert programmer or work on embedded systems projects. Along with that, familiarity with various programming languages would be helpful as well.

Data Analysis:

Data Analysis requires maths and stats skills, which form the foundation of this field, so make sure your skill set encompasses those areas. Also, knowing how to use machine learning tools such as Python, R language, or SQL is mandatory.

Network Engineering:

Networking engineering may seem like quite a hotspot sector right now but there is more than just glamour associated with it. You will also require technical know-how when configuring devices connected over networks and having an eye towards security matters too as cybercrime threats exist there. Finally, let us talk about Cybersecurity – Nowadays, it has become an even more essential component of due diligence because we do not want bad guys accessing our confidential information online. Tech graduates must comprehend computer networks, encryption algorithms, and safety protocols. Additionally, they should be knowledgeable about ethical hacking techniques, as well as, cybersecurity tools.

Artificial Intelligence:

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics are fresh fields that offer thrilling career opportunities for B.Tech grads. To thrive in these areas, students must have a solid base in mathematics, coding, and machine learning competencies. Plus, it is also beneficial if they possess some knowledge of AI frameworks and robotics platforms.

Constructing an Impressive Professional Network

Getting linked up with the right people certainly counts when you need to succeed professionally – Constructing an impressive professional network is critical for B Tech Graduates. By this, one can tap into resources which otherwise would not be available or accessible so easily. You never know who may become your mentor/coach/guide down the line. It is all about creating good connections a relationships along the journey. So networking events like industry conferences and many more could prove worthwhile investments from this perspective, especially since tech trends keep evolving rapidly each day.

Building a Professional Network for B.Tech Graduates One of the best things about being a B.Tech graduate is that it can open up doors to new job opportunities and provide you with valuable advice and guidance along the way. A professional network consists of people willing to offer support and suggestions and even refer potential employers – so how do you go about building one?

Heading out to industry events such as conferences or seminars is usually an effective way when we have to make connections in our field. It is essential that any B. Tech graduates actively participate on these occasions – conversation flows easily when everyone has similar interests! Also, exchanging contact information after may be helpful should mentorships arise later on.

Don’t forget the online world either; LinkedIn offers excellent options for increasing your presence within professions by interacting with other professionals worldwide from the comfort of your home if networking face-to-face isn’t feasible for some reason.
Tech graduates put together a convincing LinkedIn profile, emphasizing their talents, experiences, and career plans. They should interface with experts in their preferred field of study and become part of exchanges by commenting on posts and sharing pertinent content.

What’s more, B.Tech graduates can join expert associations related to the area they’re interested in. These organizations frequently organize networking occasions and provide assets and support for professional development. By taking an active role at these get-togethers, students may increase their network connections with significant industry knowledge.

Crafting an Impressive Resume and Cover Letter

Creating a great resume and cover letter is essential for B.Tech graduates to make the best first impression on potential employers. These documents are like introducing yourself to someone, so you must stand out!

When putting together your resume as a B.Tech graduate, showcase any technical skills you have gained through coursework or internships with projects or awards earned during your studies. Don’t forget certifications because they help put some extra weight behind what makes you extraordinary.

It’s pivotal to personalize the resume for specific job requirements and use action words to portray their achievements. The cover letter should enhance the CV by summarizing the graduate’s skills, encounters, and career targets. B.Tech graduates ought to utilize this opportunity to explain why they are interested in the company and how their abilities correspond with the role criteria. It is crucial to keep it clear-cut without any mistakes.

How to Prepare for a Job Interviews after Btech?

Getting ready for job interviews is critical for B Tech students

Tech graduates should make a good impression on potential employers and boost their chances of getting an ideal job. Here are some tips for interviewing:

  • Look into the company

B. Tech graduates must research deeply into the firm they’re being interviewed by. They ought to get familiar with the company’s products, services, mission statement and values to mould their answers with those goals.

  • Rehearse typical interview questions

B. Tech grads could practice common questions ahead of time; if asked any during interviews, they can be ready to answer them promptly without hesitation or sounding too rehearsed or robotic!

Tech graduates should practice responding to frequent interview questions like “Tell me a bit about yourself” and “Why do you want this job?”. They should have concise, thoroughly thought-out answers that showcase their qualifications and experiences.

  • Dress the Part

B.Tech grads should dress sharp for the meeting. Put on professional attire and ensure their arrangement properly. Making an effort means showing how seriously they take it.

  • No Showing Up Late

To avoid negative impressions, techies shouldn’t be late; punctuality speaks volumes when trying to land a desired position. Getting late for an interview can give a poor impression and signify that you might not be as professional as the employer would like. It’s important to remember to have respect when speaking about past employers or coworkers to demonstrate your character, which will help illustrate that you are qualified to work well with others. Asking questions during interviews also shows interest in the job and company – so it is essential for B. Tech graduates. Being prepared with a list of inquiries ahead of time is crucial. Navigating the Job Search Journey: Asking Questions, Exploring Options, and More

Searching for a job can be daunting for B.Tech graduates – but there are some ways to make it more achievable. Here is how you should go about hunting down that dream role:

  • Check out job boards

Start your search by trawling through popular websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn and Glassdoor; they are great resources to begin your hunt! You will also get an idea of the roles available in particular industries or locations. Also, if potential employers have left reviews on these sites – this is extra helpful information.

  • Don’t forget to ask questions

It is crucial not only to look at what jobs are available now– you need to research those companies which might offer even better opportunities for you in future. When trying to find out more details before applying, do not hesitate to reach out with queries. Apart from salary expectations, What kind of values does the company uphold? Are there chances for career growth? Would I fit their existing culture? These questions will help narrow down whether a particular opportunity suits your needs.

  • Create Profiles on Social Platforms and Set Up Job Alerts

Attend Networking Events for Opportunities to Connect with Professionals from the Industry

  • Leverage Your Network Through Social Media

Creating profiles on social media platforms and turning on job alerts can unlock new opportunities for B.Tech graduates. When we turn on the notifications, it is easy to get notified.

Networking events are a great way to get your foot in the door – you get an opportunity to meet experts in their field of interest while exchanging contact info with others. It is crucial that graduates attend these gatherings, engage confidently and take part without hesitation.

Social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook can boost networking efforts by connecting users directly with professionals in their desired career path. Joining related groups should become second nature so that newly made colleagues stay connected – Also, it helps join conversations around topics within your industry!

  • Get Recommendations

B.Tech grads should reach their contacts and ask for referrals. Referrals can increase the chances of landing an interview and provide helpful information about a company’s hiring processes.

  • Look Into Internships & Freelance Work

Doing internships or freelance work is a great way to build experience and show off your portfolio skillsets acquired during college years; it helps you get hands-on with industry knowledge while still pursuing your degree.

  • Polishing Up Your Soft Skills for Career Success

Having technical qualifications like a B.Tech is vital in succeeding career-wise, but honing those desirable soft skills, such as communication abilities, problem-solving capabilities etc., also counts towards success later that succeed when applying/interviewing for jobs – so do not forget them!

As a B.Tech graduate, developing essential soft skills is as crucial for career success as anything else. Soft skills are our traits and characteristics that permit us to communicate with others in both verbal and non-verbal ways.

What kind of soft skills should Techies have?

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Communication

Being able to clearly express one’s thoughts and concepts – especially when it comes to technical matters – can be tricky. That’s why good communication is necessary for tech graduates so that they can get their ideas across and collaborate well with team members.

  • Problem-Solving Ability

Problem-solving ability plays a significant role in any field these days–and tech roles are no exception! A successful techie needs solid problem-solving capabilities to comprehend complex issues and find workable solutions based on limited information.

B.Tech grads need to have some abilities, like the capacity to think critically and produce creative solutions; teamwork aptitude that allows them to work productively in a group setting without any problem, such as working together with other members of their team, exchanging ideas and making sure they all contribute positively for success; flexibility – those who just graduated from B.Tech courses must stay informed on current tech trends while being open-minded when it comes to learning new methods or technologies; plus time management which implies organizing tasks efficiently so deadlines are met.

Do you have what it takes? Tech grads should possess strong time management skills to organize their projects and complete tasks quickly. Having the ability to effectively manage one’s resources and handle multiple tasks at once is essential if you’re going to remain competitive in today’s job market.

  • Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends and Technologies

For B.Tech graduates to stay ahead of the curve, they must keep up with industry trends and technologies which are ever-changing due to advances and alterations within this field. Here are some tips:

  • Read trade magazines

Keeping abreast by subscribing to industry publications will help those graduating from B Tech courses become informed about new developments which could potentially boost your abilities than just what was learned during university studies.

Tech grads should keep up with the latest trends and technologies by reading industry publications, blogs, and forums. Subscribing to newsletters is also a good idea and following influential professionals in their field of interest.

  • Take Advantage of Online Courses

Platforms such as Network Kings provide online courses on multiple topics. It would be wise for B.Tech graduates to take advantage of these platforms to acquire new skills or become familiarized with emerging tech.

Top online courses provided by Network Kings are as follows-

  • Webinars & Workshops

Attending webinars and workshops gives you chances to learn from experienced industry professionals while getting first-hand knowledge on current advancements in your sector.

Tech grads should be proactive at these events and take part in conversations.

  • Get involved with professional organizations

B.Tech graduates need to join up with specialized groups and affiliations linked to their specific field of interest. These associations usually provide tools, webinars, and seminars that help members remain updated on the newest industry trends.

  • Enter hackathons & ncoding challenges

Hackathons and dcoding competitions give opportunities for working out real-life issues and exhibiting technical knowledge. B Tech alumni must be active players in such tournaments to get practical experience and connect with experts from the sector.

Doing something like this is a better way for recently graduated tech students to build relationships within an established network – it could even lead them closer towards employment!

  • Negotiating Job Offers

Tips for Getting the Best Deal Getting a good deal on your job offer is an essential skill that B.Tech graduates must hone to maximize their potential success. Here are some tips to help you get ahead of the game when negotiating job offers:

  • Research salary ranges

It is crucial for all B.Tech grads to research what other people with similar positions and experience levels make in their industry and area – this way, they’ll have realistic expectations going into negotiations and can negotiate a fair wage.

  • Showcase your worth 

When it is about discussing money, don’t be afraid to point out exactly why you’re worthy of more! Talk up values such as relevant skills or experiences that set yourself apart from the competition – emphasizing these points could give you leverage during negotiations.

How Can B.Tech Grads Negotiate Salary?

B.Tech grads need to know how to negotiate salary when they have to land a job or ask for a raise at their current one. Here are some tips on how they can do this:

  • Make your case

While negotiating, graduates should be able to articulate why they deserve the higher pay rate or better benefits package that they are asking for. They need to explain what additional value and expertise will bring to the company and emphasize why these qualities make them worth more than other candidates who possess the same experience. 

  • Be flexible

B Tech graduates must keep an open mind while discussing wages with potential employers. Although getting fair remuneration is the key, there are plenty of other factors which could sweeten any deal, such as career growth opportunities, work/life balance situation and office environment! Allowing yourself room to wiggle in terms of considering different options can often lead you closer towards securing successful negotiations.

  • Practice negotiation skills beforehand

Before entering into talks about money matters with rigorous preparation practice makes perfect; doing so gives techies confidence, which helps tremendously during conversations surrounding salaries etc.

Career Planning is the key to being successful in the job search as a B.Tech graduate, career planning is the key. Individuals must explore their options and build connections with professionals within their chosen field. A strong resume and cover letter will go far in helping them stand out from other candidates during interviews or when applying for jobs online. Additionally, familiarizing themselves with industry trends keeps grads ahead of the competition while soft skills such as communication are necessary components of success after landing one’s dream gig. Lastly, negotiating salaries confidently also increases chances of getting accepted offers that properly reflect experience level and worthiness—allowing graduates to reach higher heights along their career paths.


To wrap up our discussion on effective strategies for transitioning into your desired profession post-graduation – let us highlight once more what we’ve discussed here. Researching different careers can help graduates find something they’re passionate about–plus having an extensive network helps open doors leading towards potential employers. You should ensure you have a rock-solid CV and cover Letter combo ready before starting any recruitment process —focusing on continually developing both technical abilities (such as keeping up-to-date with all new technologies) alongside specializing in interpersonal ones like excellent verbal/written communication techniques too.

Finally, remember that understanding how salary negotiations work takes practice, so get yourself out there by roleplaying scenarios either alone or preferably under guidance from mentors who know better than anyone else what could give your application an edge over others’ applications whilst staying truly authentic at the same time!

In the end, its safe conclusion says if proper plans are put together efficiently, without doubt, this blog does provide useful tips which allow B. Tech Graduates to increase their odds of bagging perfect jobs – allowing them to meet their goals and truly thrive in technology-related fields.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing: Explained

characteristics of cloud computing
characteristics of cloud computing

94% of companies across the globe make use of cloud services. Thanks to the boom in cloud computing that came along in 2020, especially when everyone was forced to work remotely. Ever since then, cloud computing has become a part and parcel of every business organization.

Large-scale organizations cannot survive without cloud computing anymore. Let’s consider Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon’s one-of-a-kind cloud computing service which generates over 80% of the total Amazon’s revenue. This is how much the cloud is blowing up right now.

So, what’s cloud computing? What are the characteristics of cloud computing that have made it an exceptional and super fast technology like none other existing technology. Let’s dive deep into the realm of cloud computing.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be an intimidating term for you, especially if you’re a non-tech individual keen to know about it. Cloud computing is nothing but an Internet service that provides storage to host all the applications/software that you conventionally use on your local computers.

With a local computer, you can only access files through that device. However, with the intervention of cloud computing, files could be shared with anyone across the globe since they’re present on the cloud. For example, Google Drive is a cloud computing tool. When shared access, anyone from across the world can access your files irrespective of the device they’re on.

Cloud computing has provided the following benefits to business organizations:

  • It has cut down the IT costs.
  • It has enhanced scalability.
  • It ensures business continuity.
  • It has allowed easier collaboration amongst teams/individuals/stakeholders.
  • It prevents the loss of data.

Now that you’re aware of what cloud computing is, it is important to dive deep into the essential characteristics of cloud computing.

What are the essential characteristics of cloud computing?

There are many distinguishing features of cloud computing. The significant cloud characteristics are mentioned below:

  • Scalability and elasticity:

To understand this cloud feature, let’s consider example of a restaurant. During the rush hours, many extra tables are accommodated to serve surplus customers. These extra tables are removed when the customer count is back to normal.

This is how the concept of scalability works! When there are too many applications to be hosted on the cloud, the cloud service expand its number of servers and infrastructure, as aligned to the demand of storage. This makes cloud a scalable tool. When the load comes back to normal, it scales down. This cuts down the extra costs and make it cost-effective.

Elasticity, on the other hand, responds to short-term cloud-infrastructure needs. When there is a sudden surge in the demand for infrastructure, the cloud computing services add resources to cater to the storage requirements quickly.

Benefits of scalability and elasticity in cloud computing:

  • Cost-effectiveness: You save a lot of money as the resources are only used when there is a surge in the demand. Therefore, cost optimization works wonders.
  • Peak performance: Since the load is distributed amongst various servers and instances, you can fetch optimal performance of the applications.
  • Highly available infrastructure: The scalability and elasticity also take care at the times of system failures and provide disaster recovery smoothly, therefore, providing highly available infrastructure.
  • Reliable servers: In case there is a hardware that suffers downtime, this characteristic of cloud computing can safely redirect traffic.
  • On-demand self service:

Consider this! If you subscribe to a postpaid cellular service, the bill is generated according to your data consumption. This is the main agenda of how the cloud computing services work. Except for added benefits such as you can monitor and manage your own uptime, storage consumption, functionalities, instances, server activity, etc. 

This is how you become the boss of everything and you only pay for the services that you’ve used over a period of time. A consequent bill is generated as per your service consumption. Therefore, on-demand self service is one of the most basic features of cloud computing!

Benefits of on-demand self service in cloud computing:

  • Scale as per your needs: Since there is no intervention by a service provider, you can access the required amount of cloud services such as server space, applications, virtual machines, functionalities, etc. that suit your requirements. This gives you the flexibility at your own terms.
  • Reduced costs: You only pay for the services you have used and nothing more than that. This is why cloud services are practical and beneficial to use.
  • You are the boss: The control to use the services is in your own hands. You can use resources according to your need and choices. This also gives you a chance to experiment and innovate with the setups and configurations.
  • Broad network access:

Have you ever wondered how an image that exists in someone’s phone can be shared with you even if you’re on a different device sitting 2000 miles away. This is because cloud computing knows no boundaries. In the above-mentioned instance, it is possible through iCloud sharing, which is also an iOS-based cloud service.

Therefore, with broad network access, you can break all the barriers of geography and access someone else’s files, data, directories, etc. This is an essential characteristic of cloud computing and it is the foremost reason for business organizations shifting to cloud.

Especially, when remote work became a norm, broad network access enabled individuals and organizations to access all the information from anywhere across the globe!

  • Resource pooling:

In simple words, resource pooling can be referred to as resource sharing. This characteristic of cloud computing highlights the feature of sharing of resources amongst various organizations. These resources include memory, storage, servers, processing and network bandwidth. 

One such example of resource pooling is making use of a public cloud service such as AWS. Resource pooling works on a multi-tenant architecture where it provides services to various clients or ‘tenant’. The cloud service represents the whole apartment and each flat inside that apartment can be referred to as a tenant making use of the shared resources.

One example of resource pooling is Virtual Server Pools. It consists of a number of virtual servers that are connected to the Internet for the clients to make use of it via cloud services.

Benefits of resource pooling:

  • Efficient workload handling: As the infrastructure and other services are provided based on the demand, the cloud vendors can efficiently handle the load and provide services quickly and dynamically.
  • 24/7 service availability: The resource pooling makes cloud services highly available as fault-tolerant infrastructures can be catered to the users. This fulfils the need for continuous cloud services availability.
  • Optimum resource usage: With the use of load balancing over a pool of servers, for example, the load can be distributed and the best of services can be provided to the users with the minimum use of resources.
  • Rapid elasticity:

Rapid elasticity is one of the most essential characteristics of cloud computing. Let’s understand rapid elasticity with an example!

During the Flipkart’s Big Billion Days sale, there is a sudden spike in the traffic as a lot of people want to buy things at attractive prices. This is when a normal server could crash and the website could face a significant downtime. However, with the use of cloud computing, rapid elasticity will come into play.

This is how it works:

  • The cloud recognizes a sudden surge in the traffic.
  • In response, it expands its storage and resources dynamically by making use of more virtual machines, servers, storage, etc.
  • Therefore, the website works at a higher computing capacity as compared to the normal days.
  • This prevents the website from crashing.
  • When the sale is over and the traffic becomes normal, the expanded resource usage is stopped and the computing capacity goes back to normal.

Benefits of rapid elasticity:

  • Quick scaling during traffic spike: With the rapid elasticity, cloud infrastructure automatically scales up the computing resources to meet the demands of the increased users. 
  • Smooth user experience: This feature of cloud computing ensures smooth and seamless user experience.
  • No extra costs: The rapid elasticity comes at no extra costs. You only pay for what you use.
  • Measured service:

This cloud computing characteristic makes sure that the user is charged with no extra costs. It means that the user DOES NOT need to pay for the resources that he did not use. This is also referred to the ‘pay-as-you-go’ model. 

The user is charged for every billing cycle for the following metrics:

  • Storage
  • Compute instances
  • Network bandwidth
  • Software and services
  • Development tools
  • API calls
  • Database usage
  • Intelligence
  • Capabilities
  • Disaster recovery
  • Processing power
  • Content delivery network (CDN)
  • Message queue usage
  • Load balancer
  • Data transfer

Benefits of measured service:

  • Cost optimization: As the bill is only generated on the services used by a user, a lot of extra costs are cut down.
  • Improved business performance: As a monthly report is generated based on the resource utilization, user behaviour, power consumption, etc., it becomes easy to improve on the shortcomings and formulate a better business model.

Access scalability: When there is a high demand of cloud computing resources, these could be reached dynamically. Thanks to the ‘pay-as-you-go’ model. Therefore, you can scale your infrastructure easily.

Other significant cloud computing characteristics

There are few other cloud computing features that need to be discussed further. These are mentioned as follows:

  • Multi-tenancy:

As discussed earlier, the multi-tenancy refers to a cloud instance/resource open for usage by multiple users. This is most evident in case of public cloud services where a single instance such as compute storage is accessed by more than one client.

The major goal of multi-tenancy concept is optimized allocation of cloud resources. This also benefits the user as he does not have to pay for anything extra. On top of that, there are no security issues as data privacy is maintained throughput the resource usage.

The implications of multi-tenancy on resource sharing is mentioned below:

  • Optimized resource usage: As the resources are only used when needed, computing multi-tenancy services ensures that the resources are used only when required.
  • No individual performance is hampered: Since there is resource sharing amongst various users, no individual performance is harmed. The Quality of Service (QoS) and optimized resource allocation ensures optimal performance for each user accessing the service.
  • Equal priority: This feature also makes sure that no single user takes unfair advantage of the resources. Instant scalability feature is provided to a user in need at times of enhanced traffic.
  • Ubiquitous access:

The cloud computing services work beyond geographical barriers. It has made it easy for users sitting in various corners of the world to access files, data, etc. from any nook and corner of the globe. 

Also referred to as ubiquitous computing, a user can access applications, infrastructure and storage anytime, anywhere, using any device. All you need is an Internet connection, and you can access all these services online on your choice of device.

The devices and technologies allowing ubiquitous access:

  • Laptops
  • Personal computers (PCs)
  • Smartphones
  • Smartwatches
  • Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Virtual Reality (VR) headset

All these devices have blurred the lines between reality and the digital world. Cloud computing is indeed a strong medium for it.

  • Resilience and reliability:

It is important for cloud vendors to provide resilience, reliability and integrity to its users. This is why they make sure that the businesses experience zero downtime and seamless experience during their cloud computing usage. 

The various measures that ensure high availability:

  • Business continuity: The business continuity is maintained as the cloud service provides/asks for regular data backups. These prevent loss of any data in case of server downtime or hardware failures.
  • Disaster recovery: An interesting thing that the cloud vendors provide is data replication. It means that the entire IT infrastructure and data of a particular user is replicated on another cloud environment. When a user faces data loss or unexpected failover, the cloud service quickly shifts the user to the another cloud environment. This interesting cloud computing characteristic is called disaster recovery.

Wrapping up:

That’s all for the blog. This guide is the best for noobs who want to understand cloud computing or people who are new to cloud computing. Understanding the characteristics of cloud computing gives you an in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of cloud computing and how it works as a whole. You also get a ‘behind-the-scenes’ by learning about these interesting cloud computing features.

So far, we covered essential cloud computing characteristics such as self-service, multi-tenancy, measured service, resource pooling, scalability, elasticity, and broad network access. 

What does the future hold? We can expect further refined and seamless experience with these cloud computing features. There would be heavy focus on enhanced security and data protection. You can also expect interference of advanced serverless computing in the upcoming years. The incorporation of AI and machine learning to create better predictive models for efficient resource management will be seen.

It’s your time to dive deep into the realm of cloud computing!

Embark on the DevOps Engineer Roadmap for Success

devops engineer roadmap
devops engineer roadmap

The trend to become a DevOps engineer is through the roof this year! A lot of people want to become a DevOps Engineer but let’s address the main question: what is a solid DevOps engineer roadmap?

This is what this blog is all about. You’ll learn about the DevOps Engineer roadmap. Because of its extensive cultural aspects along with the technical knowledge, it is comparatively difficult to enter the DevOps industry as a fresher. This is why industry experience plays a crucial role in becoming a DevOps Engineer.

A DevOps Engineer does more than just ‘automation’. He acts as a medium of collaboration/communication between software development and IT operations. Therefore, the role of a DevOps professional is more generalized that being a specialized professional in a specific tool.

DevOps Engineer Roadmap: Essential Skills and Technologies

A DevOps Engineer needs to have good technical skills as well as soft skills. He must be aware of all the core technical tools required. The essential skills and technologies include the following:

  • Proficiency in scripting and automation:

The first step to becoming an outstanding DevOps Engineer is to have good expertise in programming and scripting languages. By being handy at scripting languages, you can easily automate the process of application release/product development. 

It is recommended to be proficient in the following programming/scripting languages:

  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Shell scripting
  • Golang
  • Knowledge of cloud platforms and infrastructure:

Since most business organizations have shifted their infrastructure to the cloud, it is important to understand how various applications are hosted on cloud vendors such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure, etc.

The use of cloud computing platforms has cut down the costs of hosting applications and spending money on buying physical servers.

  • Understanding of containerization and orchestration:

These abilities are helpful early in the process. Applications can be efficiently released and deployed as a bundle. Different container orchestration tools, like Docker & Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc., make these activities possible. 

In a highly available environment, these technologies can automate the processes of scaling, configuring, provisioning, load-balancing, securing, and assigning resources.

  • Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and tools:

Whenever we talk about DevOps, the phrases ‘Continuous Integration’ and ‘Continuous Development’. A DevOps Engineer must be aware of these processes. This is because, oftentimes, when an application is pushed to the server by the software development team, there could be bottlenecks in the system. These bottlenecks could arise because of issues with the servers. The servers are the responsibility of the operations team. 

To resolve issues between the two and make the process of verifying, packaging, releasing, and monitoring easy, a DevOps engineer must be aware of the CI/CD pipelines

Note: if you want to learn more about DevOps engineer skills in details, you can check out the blog here.


Navigating the DevOps Engineer Roadmap in 2024

Let’s examine the current trends in the industry related to the popularity of DevOps as a well-established part of the world.

According to the DevOps Global Market Report 2023, the DevOps market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 22.9%! This means that the global industry will hit over $ 24.71 billion USD by the year 2027.

This data makes it evident that there have been major advancements in the DevOps field in the past few years. To back up this information, the use of DevOps is not just limited to the IT industry. It has engraved ints grooves in many other different markets, including healthcare, manufacturing, IT and telecommunications, and retail, etc.

global devops market size

These trends are quite evident from the above image as the global industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25% approximately. Thanks to the constant need to improve the process of software delivery and make it efficient, fast in enterprises.

How to stay updated with the fast-paced world of DevOps?

Since DevOps is a new-world technology, it is bound to keep evolving with time. New tools and technologies related to DevOps emerge almost every day. It could be overwhelming to stay updated with all the upcoming tools. This is why filtering out what’s necessary and something that aligns with your career goals is important for an aspiring DevOps professional. You can follow the following DevOps Engineer roadmap:

  • Enroll in a course to stay updated: 

One of the best ways to stay ahead of time is by continuously learning and staying updated. If you’re a beginner in the field of DevOps and you don’t know which tools you should learn, you can opt for Network Kings’ DevOps Master’s program. This program is specially created by DevOps Engineers with over 12 years of experience. 

This DevOps course covers all the state-of-the-art tools and technologies that can keep you updated with industry standards and help you land your first DevOps job!

  • Leverage industry resources and communities:

Whenever a new technology is released in the DevOps industry, one of the best ways to stay updated is by attending upcoming events that discuss the best DevOps tools, technologies, philosophies, and practices. You can also join various communities formed by DevOps professionals to get familiar with the industry’s best practices.

Building a Successful Career: Roadmap for DevOps Engineers

The secret to building a successful career in DevOps lies in organized planning and a clear future vision. It is crucial to set short-term and long-term goals to build a solid career in a competitive industry like DevOps.

Identifying career goals and objectives:

If you want to create a solid career in DevOps, the first thing that you need to ask yourself is: ‘What do I want to achieve in my DevOps career?’

This is when you can think about what profession you are targeting. It could be becoming a DevOps Engineer, a DevOps Architect, an Automation Engineer, or a DevOps team leader. Based on your career vision, you can trace out a roadmap to only learn specific technical skills that align with your career goals.

Short-term and long-term targets:

Once you’re clear in terms of what you want to become, it is realistic to plan short-term and long-term targets. Following a solid DevOps Engineer roadmap is necessary for a successful career. 

Your short-term targets can include learning a specific set of skills, applying for a job to get hands-on industry experience and working on projects for your portfolio.

The long-term targets can include contributing to the industry by joining DevOps communities, getting leadership roles and working on large-scale projects. This way, you can develop and grow your career in the domain.

Mapping out necessary skills and competencies:

There are numerous tools and technologies out there when it comes to learning DevOps methodologies. You shouldn’t get confused about which technologies you should focus on. This is why we have created a list of the most important tools and technologies that you must focus on:

  • Learning programming and scripting languages:

Start your DevOps journey by learning about programming and scripting languages such as Python, PHP, Node.js, JavaScript, Ruby, etc. These help you in performing automation tasks.

  • Learning about operating systems:

It is important to learn about operating systems such as Windows, Linux, etc. We recommend you learn about Linux as 90% of the public cloud workloads run on Linux. Also, it is one of the most secure operating systems out there.

  • Learning about network security:

Oftentimes, you would need to work with firewalls, load-balancing, performing network security tasks, etc. to protect your servers/code, especially during the stages of deploying and releasing applications. You must be aware of various networking protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, SSH, etc.

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

By learning tools such as Jenkins and Git, you can become proficient in performing CI/CD methodologies and ease the process of building, testing, deploying, and releasing code changes.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

As a DevOps Engineer, you must know how to use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) resources such as Terraform to automate codes for designing and deploying infrastructures.

  • Containerization and orchestration:

It is important to learn containerization and orchestration tools such as Docker and Kubernetes to deploy and release applications as a package efficiently. 

  • Getting familiar with the cloud:

Since most businesses have shifted their infrastructure to the cloud, it is crucial to learn about cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, etc.

  • Logging, troubleshooting and monitoring:

You must know how to read all the logged events and records to make the necessary changes in the code-pushing processes. You need to understand how to monitor and troubleshoot systems to bring out the best application performance.

Seeking relevant certifications and training opportunities:

To put your best foot forward in the DevOps industry, obtaining necessary and relevant certifications under your belt is the best way to begin a successful career in the industry. You can begin by taking certifications from recognized organizations like AWS, Microsoft, Kubernetes, etc.

On top of that, you should also explore internship opportunities, work on projects in collaboration with your peers and contribute to open-source resources such as GitHub to bring forth your presence in the industry.

Key Milestones and Competencies on the DevOps Engineer Roadmap

Every company has its own set of skill requirements when hiring for the role of a fresher/experienced DevOps Engineer. Yet, we have mentioned a certain set of skills that are suitable at each level of your career. These are as follows:

  • Entry-level skills and responsibilities:

  • Basic knowledge of scripting and programming language: Python, PowerShell, JavaScript for automation.
  • Operating systems knowledge: Windows or Linux OS knowledge.
  • Network security skills: Familiarity with networking protocols such as SSH, HTTPS, etc.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform to manage infrastructure.
  • Version-control: Git to manage repositories of code.
  • CI/CD: Jenkins, GitLab to look after the CI/CD pipelines.
  • Monitoring and logging: Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK stack for monitoring and troubleshooting.
  • Cloud computing fundamentals: Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, and GCP.
  • Collaboration skills: Having good communication skills.


  • Intermediate-level skills and responsibilities:

  • Knowledge of how the Cl/CD pipeline works.
  • It is good to be handy with software development and IT operations teams.
  • Having good knowledge of programming languages like Ruby, Python, JavaScript, etc. and automating workflows.
  • Using tools like Docker and Kubernetes to carry out containerization and orchestration.


  • Advanced-level skills and responsibilities:

  • Expertise managing, leading, and maximizing workflow in the DevOps environment with huge teams.
  • Perform sophisticated logging, reporting, and monitoring.
  • A deeper comprehension of using DevSecOps.
  • A thorough knowledge of design architecture for cloud computing platforms like AWS, GCP, etc.
  • Performing tasks related to infrastructural growth.


  • Expert-level skills and responsibilities:

  • Advanced automation: Use advanced automation to improve workflows.
  • advanced security: Carry out security audits with advanced security.
  • Build scalable infrastructure: Use the architectural design process to practice scalability and performance.
  • Optimize apps: Apps hosted in the cloud can be optimized for cost-effectiveness.
  • Collaboration and effective communication: You must have excellent communication and soft skills to talk to the stakeholders.
  • Leadership qualities: As a proficient Senior DevOps Engineer, having leadership qualities is important. You can only lead a team if you have exceptional team spirit.

Mastering the DevOps Engineer Roadmap: A Guide to Success

Here are some methods for improving your skills in the DevOps industry. Once you have practical experience, you can enter the industry completely prepared.

  • Gaining hands-on experience through projects and collaborations:

If you’re a fresher seeking a job in the DevOps field, you can work on several small-scale projects by yourself to add them to your portfolio. This would show your enthusiasm for the field and your readiness to offer your DevOps efforts. If you already hold an entry-level DevOps position, you can also work on a project alongside your peers.

  • Seeking mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals:

Working under a skilled DevOps Engineer is one of the finest ways to gain a sense of what a DevOps Engineer does on a daily basis. LinkedIn enables you to connect with qualified DevOps experts. You can then ask them about the primary functions of the domain and how to be successful in it.

Crafting Your Journey: Roadmap for Becoming a DevOps Engineer

It is important that you take the following steps to become irreplaceable in the DevOps industry:

  • Learn technical skills including automation and programming languages.
  • Learn the essentials of network security and operating systems.
  • Learn about DevOps procedures and Agile approaches.
  • Learn more about AWS, GCP, and other cloud computing platforms.
  • Work on your own personal projects and carry out automated tasks to gain practical experience.
  • Collaborate on projects with people and network with DevOps professionals.

Importance of foundational knowledge and learning resources:

If you’re starting out as a fresher, it is crucial to enroll in a professional or certification course to gain practical knowledge in a competitive domain, such as DevOps. The best way is to enroll in an online course.

You can check out the DevOps course by Network Kings where you can learn directly from DevOps Engineers with years of experience. You also gain hands-on knowledge and get a DevOps Engineer roadmap directly from Engineers. You can then become ready for a job!

Identifying relevant job opportunities and internships:

You can look for relevant jobs and internships by following these strategies:

  • Apply for jobs through LinkedIn, Indeed, Naukri, etc.
  • If you have a specific company in your mind, you can look at their career pages to find job openings relevant to you.
  • You can ask for referrals from your LinkedIn connections/friends.
  • Make sure that you tailor your resume according to a particular job opening that you’re applying for.

Exploring the Future: Roadmap for DevOps Engineers in 2024

In the upcoming years, you can witness continuous growth in the DevOps market, especially in the monitoring and performance-management field. It is projected to grow up to $6,410.3 million by 2027

DevOps market

DevOps is gaining traction already and we can expect it to merge with Artificial Intelligence. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) is going to become significant in the industry. Thanks to its special ability to reduce bottlenecks and speed up the troubleshooting process in DevOps.

You can expect the following emerging technologies to establish a renowned place in the DevOps industry:

  • Multi-cloud: There will be significant adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud environments to address latency issues.
  • Serverless computing: Serverless computing will play a significant role in the market. This would drastically lower the cost of the servers.
  • Use of minimal coding: One of the best examples is the Salesforce platform, which generates customer 360s with AI, automation, and data and utilizes very little code for development.

DevOps technologies to expect in 2024:

Every business organization wants to get ahead of the curve. This is why we can expect the adoption of new tools and technologies this year. These include:

  • ML and AI: Enhanced use of ML and AI to automate and optimize workflows, especially during the processes of application release and product development.
  • Cloud-native tech: Increased adoption of cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes, etc. for scaling and deploying applications.
  • Serverless computing: Faster deployment of applications by using serverless computing that requires no management of infrastructure.
  • DaaS: The new-age service, DevOps as a Service (DaaS) is gaining traction as other parties are selling DevOps services to business organizations. This can allow organizations to outsource their DevOps workload and focus majorly on operational tasks.

Preparing for future challenges and opportunities in 2024:

There are certain practices that you can follow to create a solid career in DevOps:

  • Contribute to the community: It is the best resort to work on projects, build your portfolio and attend community events. You can also contribute to the projects on GitHub.
  • Constant upskilling: It is important to keep updating yourself if you’ve entered a fast-paced technology like DevOps. You can enroll in hands-on courses and certification courses.
  • Advanced technologies: You need to become constantly better at technologies such as automation and cloud computing.
  • Enhanced communication skills: You must also focus on improving your soft skills.


That’s a wrap! DevOps is a competitive domain that demands years of experience making it a little hard for freshers to break directly into the industry. It is important to follow a specific DevOps Engineer roadmap to gather all the necessary skills to succeed in the DevOps domain.

It should be your duty to take proactive steps to become future-proof in the industry by working on portfolio projects, attending DevOps events, and participating in communities. You must also focus on constant upskilling and learning.

If you’re an aspiring DevOps Engineer, you should enroll in a DevOps course that trains you with a practical approach. Gaining hands-on skills can take you a long way.

Happy learning!

DevOps Career Roadmap to Your Successful Future

Devops career journey today.
Devops career journey today.

Wondering how to start a DevOps career? Here is the pathway.

DevOps career got into one of the hottest career opportunities from last year. The demand for DevOps is increasing day by day. You can enter the world of DevOps with a DevOps Certification. To start a career in DevOps you must have a valid certification.

This blog will guide you to start a career in DevOps. If you are a DevOps aspirant or want to become one, read this blog till the end.

DevOps Career Ladder: Pathway to Success

DevOps Career Ladder: Pathway to Success

Are you a DevOps enthusiast and finding ways to kickstart your career in DevOps? Here is the answer to your question. Follow these steps for your DevOps career roadmap.

  1. Understand programming languages.
  2. Study operating systems.
  3. Check networking safety and protocols.
  4. Comprehend Infrastructure as Code.
  5. Embrace Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment tools.
  6. Invest in application and infrastructure monitoring.
  7. Study cloud providers.
  8. Understand cloud design practices.

Accelerate Your DevOps Career Growth: Strategies for Advancement

Step by step devops implementation strategy.

DevOps is a growing technology that has rapidly transformed our work. As the world evolves increasingly digital, the stress on companies to innovate quicker than ever is growing.

DevOps is an approach that helps communities work more efficiently jointly to satisfy these requests.

Some sources assert that 21% of software development experts have strategized the DevOps practice in 2022. The future of DevOps is, thus, substantially bright. The fate of DevOps jobs is also incredibly more encouraging compared to other technology areas. 

Strategies to enhance your DevOps Career

To enhance your DevOps career, you must follow these strategies:

  1. Career Growth: Measuring the stage for fast career growth in the DevOps domain. If you set out to create a career in DevOps, your career path in DevOps can see you begin as a Release Manager, then drive up to DevOps Test Engineer, DevOps Cloud Engineer, and at last, a DevOps Architect.
  2. Upskill Knowledge: Leveraging constant knowledge and upskilling to remain competitive. Learning DevOps tools will help you enhance your skills and expertise.
  3. Challenges: Processes for striving out challenging projects and duties. Indulge yourself into a challenging project to gain more experience.
  4. Leadership: There is great significance in accepting leadership roles and responsibilities.
  5. Remove obstacles: Guide potential obstacles or roadblocks to career acceleration.
  6. Get Advice: Actionable steps and practical advice for accomplishing rapid career growth.

DevOps Career in India

DevOps career in India

The era from, automation to Artificial Intelligence has changed recently. Earlier it was all about automation, but now everything goes with machine learning. The fortune of a DevOps position is that of a bright one. Here are the reasons why:

Future of DevOps based on Industry:

IT Industry: DevOps engineer is responsible for automating tasks, development, and deployment. They also care for technical and non-technical aspects of software development. Hence, the demand for a DevOps engineer is high in the IT industry.

Communication: DevOps is a software development method that employs software engineering and functions engineering methods. It is about teaming with people in distinct domains to produce high-quality, durable, and protected derivatives.

Healthcare: DevOps uses approaches that support bridging the gap between development and functions. It is not common for companies to use DevOps for their software-based products, but one can also employ it in industries like healthcare.

Inventory Management: DevOps has developed from a set of tools into an enterprise-wide approach that traverses various business functions and activities, including product development, marketing, sales, and customer service. Other zones possess IT operations management (ITOM), quality assurance (QA), security engineering (SENG), project management (PM), and human resources (HR). Therefore, it is good enough to say that the fate of DevOps jobs is shining with chances.

Manufacturing: The future of DevOps depends on the industry. Manufacturing is a vital industry that can help by executing DevOps practices. DevOps has been around for a while and has been thriving in the manufacturing industry.

DevOps future based on Location:

India: India boasts a high population of over 1 billion people. India has some of the best tech skills in the world, so it’s evolving into a famous destination for outsourcing and offshoring jobs. India has seen an addition in DevOps-related positions, and startups use DevOps to assist them in their business quickly and efficiently. India’s immense population and high attention to tech talent will make it an appealing destination for DevOps to flourish.

NOTE: If you are looking to start your DevOps course in any of these cities- Coimbatore, Noida, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Nepal etc. then, Network Kings is the best online learning Platform to choose.

United States: In the future, DevOps will be location-agnostic and an important part of the international economy. The United States has a considerable benefit in this area because it has an extensive population of experienced engineers and developers.

Canada: Canada has numerous DevOps conferences, meetups, and groups. One example is the Canadian Developer’s Conference (CDNConf), an annual meeting that gets together developers from all over Canada to understand new technologies and network with like-minded people. In addition to CDNConf, several meetups and groups have come along in recent years, such as DevOps Vancouver or TorontoDevOps.

United Kingdom: In the UK, the fate of DevOps is profitable because there has been improved adoption of DevOps in the last few years. The government has made it more leisurely for businesses to adopt DevOps by making changes in legislation that will clear obstacles to embracing it.

Australia: Australia is a convincing case for DevOps as most of the country is in a single time zone, with rarer natural tragedies. Any outage or downtime will not involve a large part of the inhabitants. In Australia, many communities have embraced DevOps to enhance the grade and pace of software delivery.

DevOps is the association of software developers and processes who functions jointly to confirm that the developed, freed, and maintained software is more durable, efficient, and safe. The future of DevOps jobs seems promising as there are a lot of job prospects in this field.

Many new businesses are examining for qualified experts to serve these roles. DevOps has become a critical part of today’s institutions as it guarantees constant delivery of high-quality code quickly with enhanced safety and peace.

How to Start a DevOps Career?

Before you start a career in DevOps, you must know these things:

  • Understanding of DevOps.
  • Background and existing knowledge in DevOps.
  • Must focus on technologies of DevOps career.
  • Learn Automation.
  • Develop your brand.
  • Complete training courses.
  • Earn Certification in DevOps.
  • Go with Entry-level jobs.
  • Apply for highly-paid DevOps job opportunities.

Note: You can get a DevOps certification course from Network Kings and learn required DevOps engineer skills to become a best DevOps expert in IT industry.

Is a DevOps career right for you in 2024?

DevOps career is right for you, but before just believing only words. Let’s see why is DevOps the right career for you!

  • The rising demand for DevOps talent: DevOps is responsible for maintaining a balance between Development and Operation teams. With the help of DevOps, companies are getting better and faster software solutions.
  • Career growth in the field of DevOps: DevOps has high demand and due to the increase in demand, it has various job opportunities.
  • Key responsibility areas (KRA) as a DevOps expert: Being a DevOps Expert, you must know your responsibilities or key responsibilities area to boost in your field.
  • Technical skills needed to build a DevOps career: There are various technical skills needed to build a DevOps career, like Linux Fundamentals and Scripting Skills, Understanding of Relevant Tools., Security Skills, Automation Skills, Coding and Scripting, Cloud Skills, Testing Skills, and Configuration and Version Management.

Benefits of DevOps Certification Training

benefits of DevOps
  • DevOps can help communities update their IT infrastructure, push creation, and enhance general employee satisfaction. Because of these advantages, employers are increasingly curious about engaging DevOps professionals.
  • After successfully working as a DevOps Test Engineer, you can drive up to the part of a DevOps Cloud Engineer. This role will show you the challenges connecting to operating, evolving, and operating systems and applications based on the cloud.
  • As a DevOps Engineer, you’ll bring software engineering best practices and an engineering perspective to arguments on the approach of infrastructure, security, and IT. In this role, you will work across several clients to deliver customized solutions to technical challenges.

Technical skills are necessary for getting a DevOps career.

Where to pursue DevOps training?

There are various choices to pursue DevOps training, but the best is Network Kings. Network Kings will offer perks like:

  • We provide you with the finest online training.
  • We provide courses in Hindi and English for more useful understanding.
  • We deliver 24/7 Lab access with zero downtime.
  • We mostly start our DevOps batches in the evening to relax after finishing all the work.
  • The timing is not a limitation if you are a working professional.
  • We have trainers who are industry experts and are invested with all the knowledge and know the industry needs since they teach accordingly.
  • In the DevOps course, you will get 50+ hours and all the knowledge with proper guidance.

Why Network Kings to pursue DevOps course?

You will get many choices when you plan on accomplishing a DevOps course, but NETWORK KINGS is the most useful of all the platforms for knowing the DevOps course, and this is not just an inadequate statement but a truth. Therefore, one can have belief in us by scanning our registered sessions.

Once you complete the DevOps course training, you will see the result and blessings of doing it from NETWORK KINGS. We consider supplying our students with the best material for their upliftment and enhancement of technology.

What modules will you learn in the DevOps course at Network Kings?

DevOps modules

The modules will you learn during the online DevOps training at Network Kings are:

  • Manage and observe different variants of the source code using GIT
  • Create and automate tests utilizing Jenkins and Maven
  • Mechanize testing of web segments employing Selenium apparatuses
  • Form and deploy containerization utilizing Docker
  • Understand diverse jobs and command line use of Ansible
  • Control grouping and scaling with Kubernetes
  • Conduct ongoing monitoring utilizing Zabbix
  • Further experience in chipping away at an industry-standard live Projects

What is the eligibility of the DevOps training?

The eligibility of the DevOps training are:

  • Graduation
  • Basic understanding of the IT industry
  • The course helps IT professionals with experience in software development, operations, or IT management.
  • Participants have basic skills and an understanding of programming languages.

What are the job opportunities after the DevOps training?

A bar graph illustrating the quantity of job opportunities in the devops career.

The top highly-paying job opportunities after completing the DevOps training are as follows-

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • DevOps Manager
  • Release Engineer
  • Infrastructure Engineer
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
  • (CI/CD) Engineer
  • Kubernetes Administrator
  • Platform Engineer
  • Docker Engineer
  • Build Engineer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • IT Operations Manager
  • Software Development Manager
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Solution Architect

What are the salary expectations in the DevOps Training?

The DevOps Engineer salary in different countries can be:

  • United States – USD 105,057 to USD 160,000 per year
  • Canada – CAD 153,111 to CAD 158,434 per year
  • United Kingdom – £49,654 to £177,514 per year
  • Australia – AUD 92,500 to AUD 120,000 per year
  • Germany – €48,000 to €79,000 per year
  • France – €34,000 to €65,000 per year
  • United Arab Emirates – AED 31,000 to AED 287,361 per year
  • India – INR 4 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs per year
  • Japan – average salary of ¥70,70,124 per year
  • South Africa – ZAR 540,000 to ZAR 840,000 per year


To conclude, the DevOps career is high due to its high demand. If you are desiring to step into the world of DevOps, it is not a bad idea. You can get a secure future with highly-paid DevOps jobs if you have followed the DevOps career roadmap mentioned above. To initiate your DevOps career, you must start your DevOps training first and for that, you can rely on Network Kings. Network Kings offers the best study material and Live classes from IT professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is DevOps a good career?

DevOps career continues to grow in the tech world. DevOps career is one of the hottest jobs in the modern era.

What is the DevOps career path?

The DevOps career path opens career options like Release Manager, then move up to DevOps Test Engineer, DevOps Cloud Engineer, and DevOps Architect.

Is DevOps a future job?

DevOps career is bright in India and other countries. You can earn a handsome salary with DevOps jobs.

Is DevOps need coding?

DevOps need coding and scripting of both for DevOps jobs.

Is DevOps a stressful job?

DevOps engineers are more often worried than the IT average.

Is DevOps easy to learn?

Getting started to learn DevOps is easy.

Will AI replace DevOps?

No, AI is meant to ease the task and it cannot replace human interactions and communication.

Which language is used in DevOps?

For DevOps, one must know Python.

Best Career Options in India 2024: Top Career Opportunities 

Career Options

In the ever-evolving landscape of India’s job market, individuals must stay abreast of the best career options with high salary presenting promising opportunities in the coming years. Though today, every individual is looking for a job opportunity to excel in life, we are here with a list of the Best Career Options in India 2024 to help you understand India’s job market in brief.

Therefore, paving a career path while looking for a job is as mandatory as honing one’s skills and gaining relevant experience. Having a clear career path helps to set goals and make informed decisions ensuring that they are moving in the right direction. From being an IT Engineer, Software Developer, Product Manager, Data Scientist, Investment Banker, Digital Marketer, Blockchain Developer, or Medical Assistant, a career path and the right guidance will always help you succeed. 

Keep reading the blog till the end to understand the best career opportunities you can choose to grow and upskill in India.

Career Options

Why choose top career options in India?

There are numerous reasons why people choose the top career options in India, such as-

  • These careers offer high salaries and financial stability to secure the future.
  • The top career options are often in high-demand fields. 
  • These careers provide a sense of prestige and social status in society. 
  • Choosing a top career option in India leads to global opportunities and a chance to work with leading organizations. 

Outlook for Future Jobs and Career Opportunities

The outlook for future jobs and career opportunities is expected to be positive, with technological advancements driving the creation of new roles. Jobs in fields such as AI, data science, and cybersecurity are predicted to be in high demand. Also, remote and flexible work arrangements are likely to become more common. Individuals need to upskill and adapt to changing trends to remain competitive in the job market.

NOTE: For in-detailed career options and Highest-Paying jobs opportunities, Click Here to read the best in the domain.

List of Best Career Options with high salary in India: Disclosed

Let’s discuss the trending list of various career options and the salary package they offer. Deciding on a career option may sound chaotic but experience in a relevant field can lead you to direct growth. Among so many career options available in the field of interest, one needs to opt for the best. An individual’s present and future depend upon the choice he or she makes. 

Most Popular Career Options in India

Let us now discuss the top in-demand high-paying career options available in India to grow and upscale in the industry-

Technology and IT Sector

  1. Software Development and Engineering

Software developers and engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications and systems, using programming languages and tools to create functional and user-friendly software solutions for various industries and end-users.

  1. Data Science and Analytics

Data scientists and analysts collect, process, and analyze data using statistical and computational techniques to gain valuable insights, make data-driven decisions, and develop predictive models to solve complex business problems.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Professionals in this field work on creating AI systems and machine learning algorithms that enable computers to learn from data, recognize patterns, and make autonomous decisions, leading to the development of applications such as virtual assistants, image recognition, and natural language processing.

  1. Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking

Cybersecurity experts protect computer systems and networks from potential threats, such as hackers and malicious software, by implementing security measures, conducting vulnerability assessments, and engaging in ethical hacking to identify and fix security loopholes.

Healthcare and Medical Industry

  1. Medical Professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists)

Medical professionals provide healthcare services to patients, diagnosing illnesses, administering treatments, and offering medical advice and support to improve patients’ well-being.

  1. Biotechnology and Research

Professionals in this field conduct research and development in biotechnology, exploring new medical technologies, drugs, and therapies to advance healthcare and improve the quality of life.

  1. Health Informatics and Telemedicine

Experts in health informatics manage and analyze health-related data using information technology, while telemedicine professionals use telecommunications to provide remote medical consultations and services.

  1. Medical Transcription and Healthcare Administration

Medical transcriptionists convert medical recordings into written reports, ensuring accurate documentation of patient records, while healthcare administrators manage and oversee the operations of healthcare facilities, ensuring smooth functioning and adherence to regulations.

Green and Renewable Energy

  1. Sustainable Energy Engineers

Sustainable energy engineers design and develop renewable energy systems and technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, to promote environmentally friendly and sustainable energy solutions.

  1. Renewable Energy Analysts

Renewable energy analysts assess and analyze data related to renewable energy sources, evaluating the efficiency and impact of various projects and initiatives within the renewable energy sector.

  1. Environmental Consultants

Environmental consultants offer expertise in assessing and mitigating environmental impacts, guiding businesses and organizations to adhere to environmental regulations and adopt eco-friendly practices.

  1. Green Architecture and Urban Planning

Professionals in this field design sustainable and energy-efficient buildings and urban spaces, integrating green technologies and eco-friendly principles to reduce carbon footprints and create environmentally conscious communities.

E-Commerce and Digital Marketing

  1. E-Commerce Specialists

E-commerce specialists manage online businesses, handling product listings, customer support, inventory management, and optimizing the online shopping experience.

  1. Digital Marketing Managers

Digital marketing managers strategize and execute online marketing campaigns, utilizing various digital channels such as social media, search engines, and email to promote products and services and drive traffic and sales.

  1. Social Media Strategists

Social media strategists develop and implement social media campaigns to build brand awareness, engage with the target audience, and create a positive online presence for businesses and organizations.

  1. Content Creators and SEO Specialists

Content creators produce compelling and relevant content for websites, blogs, and social media, while SEO specialists optimize online content to improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.

Space Technology and Aerospace

  1. Aerospace Engineers

Aerospace engineers design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems, working on various aspects such as aerodynamics, propulsion, and materials to create efficient and safe aerospace vehicles.

  1. Satellite Technology Experts

Professionals in this field specialize in satellite technology, including design, construction, and launch, enabling various applications such as communication, Earth observation, and navigation.

  1. Space Tourism and Exploration

Experts in space tourism and exploration focus on commercial space travel and missions to explore and study outer space, opening up opportunities for private individuals and scientific research.

Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

  1. Nanomaterial Engineers

Nanomaterial engineers work on designing and producing materials at the nanoscale level, exploring unique properties and applications for use in various industries, including electronics, medicine, and manufacturing.

  1. Nanomedicine Researchers

Researchers in nanomedicine study and develop nanotechnology-based medical therapies and treatments, aiming to enhance drug delivery, diagnostics, and targeted therapies for various diseases.

  1. Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics

Experts in this field focus on nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices, pushing the boundaries of smaller and more efficient electronics and light-based technologies.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

  1. VR/AR Developers

VR/AR developers create immersive virtual reality and augmented reality experiences, designing applications and simulations for entertainment, training, education, and various industrial applications.

  1. UX/UI Designers for VR/AR Applications

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers focus on crafting intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for VR/AR applications, enhancing user interactions and overall experiences.

  1. Training and Simulation Specialists

Professionals in this area develop training programs and simulations using VR/AR technology to provide realistic and hands-on learning experiences for various industries, including aviation, healthcare, and military.

Remote and Freelance Careers

  1. Digital Nomads

Digital nomads are remote workers who use technology to work from various locations worldwide, often travelling while maintaining their employment.

  1. Freelance Writers and Content Creators

Freelance writers and content creators provide written content for various clients, such as articles, blogs, marketing materials, and creative works, offering their services on a project-by-project basis.

  1. Remote Project Managers and Consultants

Remote project managers and consultants manage projects and provide expert advice and guidance to businesses and organizations, collaborating with teams and clients remotely to achieve project objectives.

Since now you have read the list of top career opportunities in India, you need to choose one of the best careers that excite you and help you reach heights. 

Therefore, each one of the top careers mentioned above can bring you high salary packages. India needs enthusiastic professionals who strive to grow and upskill. 

What career choices are available in the current scenario?

In the current scenario, there are diverse career choices available globally. For instance-

  • The technology sector continues to thrive with opportunities in software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.
  • The healthcare sector is also in high demand, with jobs in medical and nursing fields, as well as health informatics and telemedicine.
  • E-commerce and digital marketing sectors are experiencing growth, providing careers in online retail, social media marketing, and digital content creation. 
  • Renewable energy and sustainable development have opened up careers in green energy engineering, sustainable design, and environmental consulting.
  • Remote work and freelance opportunities have expanded in fields such as virtual assistance, content writing, graphic design, and online tutoring.
  • With the increasing focus on mental health, counselling and therapy professions have also gained prominence. 

There is a growing demand for skilled tradespeople in construction, plumbing, electrical work, and carpentry. 

What career opportunities in India are in high demand?

In India, several career opportunities in India are currently in high demand, namely-

  • Technology

With the rise of digitalization and automation, there is an increasing need for professionals in the IT industry. Software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are some of the key areas within this field that are in high demand.

  • Healthcare

Roles such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical researchers, and healthcare administrators are highly sought after. Additionally, there is a growing demand for telemedicine services and healthcare IT professionals.

  • Finance

Careers in finance, accounting, banking, insurance, and investment management are in high demand as individuals and businesses require financial expertise to navigate the complexities of the market.

  • E-commerce

As more people prefer online shopping, job opportunities in areas such as logistics, supply chain management, digital marketing, and customer service are on the rise.

The aforesaid career opportunities can land you high-paying job roles and help you upskill, making you a global asset. Therefore, choosing the right career opportunities is the hardest challenge ever faced by an individual in life. All you need is proper guidance and insight into your ambition.

What is the average salary for a fresher in India?

The average salary for a fresher in India in different fields is as follows-


In India, a fresher can earn an average salary of INR 3 LPA to 6 LPA in technology.


In India, a fresher can earn an average salary of INR 2 LPA to 5 LPA in healthcare and medicine.


In India, a fresher can earn an average salary of INR 3 LPA to 6 LPA in the finance industry.


In India, a fresher can earn an average salary of INR 2 LPA to 5 LPA in e-commerce.

Where can I receive the best career guidance in India?

There are plenty of platforms to earn top-class career guidance in India and one of the best ways to earn guidance is to understand your actual ambition. To understand it right, what you need is a mentor who can guide you in choosing the right career option. For instance, if you wish to pursue a career in-

IT Industry

To pursue a career in the IT industry, you need an experienced engineer to guide you as a mentor.


To pursue a healthcare and medical profession, you need a professional doctor or surgeon to guide you as a mentor.


To pursue a career in the finance industry, you need a banking expert to guide you as a mentor.


To pursue a career in the e-commerce industry, you need a digital marketing expert to guide you as a mentor.

The world is full of so-called professionals or experts but all you need is to look for the actual experts with real-time industry experience to outshine. Choose a path that excites you rather than running behind herds. 

How to choose from the best career options after graduation?

The confusion that arises before choosing the best career options and opportunities can cause you great trouble. Therefore, to choose the best career in the future, you need to follow the given steps-

Step – 1

Assess Yourself: Take some time to understand your interests, values, skills, and personality traits. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Consider what activities or subjects you enjoy the most and what brings you a sense of fulfilment.

Step – 2

Explore Career Options: Research various career paths that align with your self-assessment. Use online resources, career guides, and networking to gain insights into different professions. Attend career fairs and seminars to learn about diverse industries and job opportunities.

Step – 3

Consider Education and Training Requirements: Once you narrow down potential careers, investigate the education and training required for each option. Determine if you need a specific degree, certification, or specialized training to enter your chosen field.

Step – 4

Evaluate the Job Market and Salary: Examine the job market trends for the careers you are interested in. Consider factors such as demand, growth prospects, and potential salary ranges. While passion is crucial, it is also essential to ensure your chosen career can provide financial stability and growth opportunities.

Step – 5

Seek Advice and Mentorship: Connect with professionals who are already working in your desired field. Seek advice from them about their experiences, challenges, and insights. A mentor can offer valuable guidance and help you gain a better understanding of the industry.

Step – 6

Gain Experience Through Internships or Job Shadowing: Before committing fully to a career, try to gain practical experience through internships, part-time jobs, or job shadowing opportunities. This will provide you with a firsthand experience of the day-to-day responsibilities and help you confirm if it’s the right fit for you.

NOTE: You must have noticed that most of the promising job opportunities fall under the IT industry providing top career options. Thus, we are here to help you in choosing the best career options to excel in India and abroad. So, keep reading to know the top positions in IT.

Why is the IT industry trending in India?

The IT industry is trending in India due to its skilled IT workforce, cost-effective services, large market size, and supportive government policies. The increasing adoption of digital technologies, outsourcing opportunities, and the growth of e-commerce and start-ups have further contributed to the industry’s growth.

To choose a career in IT, one can work in a variety of career options to choose the right career path. To grow in the future, choose a particular career among different career options in IT. Hence, your career goals depend upon your ambition; do not choose a career just because others are choosing it. 

NOTE: Click Here to know the future of IT industry in detail!

Is it hard to make a career in IT?

Making a career in IT can be challenging but rewarding and requires a strong understanding of technology. IT professionals need to possess problem-solving, critical thinking, and attention to detail skills. Also, staying updated with current trends and certifications is essential.

However, with the rising demand for IT professionals and the wide range of job opportunities available, it is possible to establish a successful career with dedication and perseverance. 

NOTE: Know the concept of making a successfull career in IT by Clicking Here!

What is the scope of the IT industry in India?

The scope of the IT industry in India is vast and continuously expanding. Since India is one of the leading IT outsourcing destinations in the world, it is providing employment opportunities to millions of professionals and continues to attract foreign investments. With advancements in technology, the demand for IT services is expected to grow even further, making the industry a key driver of India’s economic growth. 

Even in the next 10 years, the IT industry is about to boom like never before. The job roles falling under electrical engineering, computer science or a related field, data science, and artificial intelligence will increase by 5x. The best career options in India can offer you up to INR 10 LPA as an average salary package. 

The work you choose can make a huge difference in your growth and industry. Since the job of a data science expert is in demand these days, major companies are seeking such candidates as well.

NOTE: Today, data science is one of the top in-demand careers which can rule the list of your long-term progress in IT.

What are the prerequisites to enter the IT industry?

The prerequisites to enter the IT industry are as follows- 

  1. A degree in computer science or related fields, such as information technology or software engineering.
  2. Knowledge of programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and computer networks.
  3. Problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills.
  4. Relevant certifications or practical experience.
  5. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technological advancements. 

What courses should I opt for to enter the IT industry?

The IT industry offers various domains opening an ocean of job opportunities to striving candidates. The domains in IT are as follows-

IT Networking


Cloud Computing


Where to enroll for the best IT course training?

To enroll in the most prestigious and highly regarded IT courses available in India, individuals can place their trust in Network Kings – an exceptional online ed-tech platform offering training directly from seasoned industry professionals. 

By opting for Network Kings, individuals can become highly sought-after skilled engineers in India and gain unlimited access to the world’s largest virtual laboratories, free of any operational interruptions.

However, the question remains: why should one select Network Kings?

The reasons for choosing Network Kings for IT courses are manifold, including:

  1. Live sessions that are recorded for future reference.
  2. Career guidance to ensure successful professional trajectories.
  3. Live training sessions for real-time learning experiences.
  4. Receipt of a completion certificate to officially validate acquired skills.
  5. Flexible learning options to accommodate individual schedules.
  6. Training led by industry experts to guarantee relevant and up-to-date knowledge.

Furthermore, another advantage of selecting Network Kings is the opportunity to enroll in our All Access Pass, which provides access to 45+ diverse courses covering IT Networking, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, and DevOps.

Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your IT skills – Register Today

Wrapping Up!

The job market in India is constantly evolving, offering a wide array of career options with promising opportunities in 2024. Individuals need to stay informed and align their career paths with their interests, skills, and market demands. Proper guidance and insight into one’s ambition are crucial for success. The IT industry stands out as a trendsetter in India, providing a plethora of top career choices. 

Pursuing a career in IT may be challenging but rewarding. Enrolling in reputable IT course certification training, such as Network Kings, can further enhance one’s skills and opportunities in the ever-expanding IT industry. Embrace your ambition, make informed decisions, and work diligently to achieve a successful and fulfilling career in India and beyond.

NOTE: Take a closer look at network security, cloud security, cyber security, and DevOps – essential domains that deserve your attention. As companies increasingly adopt continuous delivery models, the demand for skilled DevOps engineers has soared, resulting in lucrative job opportunities with attractive salaries and bonuses. Gain a competitive edge by securing your All Access Pass today!


What is the best career option now?

The best career option now in 2024 falls under the IT industry. The job roles available in network security, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and DevOps can land you high-paying jobs and help you upskill in the industry.

Which career has a bright future in India?

Making a career in the IT industry has a bright future in India. Undoubtedly, the IT industry is growing at a fast pace. Jobs in IT have a promising outlook due to the rapid growth of the industry.

Are there enough career options to explore?

Yes, there are numerous career options to explore across various industries and sectors. From healthcare and technology to finance and arts, there is a wide range of career paths available for individuals to choose from and pursue based on their interests, skills, and aspirations.

Why can choosing a career in high demand benefit you?

Choosing a career in high demand can benefit you in numerous ways, such as- a.) Increased job security: High-demand careers are less likely to be affected by economic fluctuations and layoffs. b.) Higher earning potential: Demand for professionals in high-demand fields often leads to competitive salaries and benefits. c.) Better opportunities for advancement: As demand for professionals in these fields grows, so do opportunities for career growth and advancement. d.) Transferable skills: Careers in high demand often provide valuable and transferable skills that can be used in other industries. e.) Increased job satisfaction: Being in a career that is in high demand can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfilment knowing that your skills are valued by employers and in demand in the market.

Which job has bright future?

The jobs available in IT have a bright future. Undoubtedly, the IT industry is growing at a fast pace. Jobs in IT have a promising outlook due to the rapid growth of the industry.

Top Highest Paying IT Jobs in the World 2024

Highest Paying IT Jobs
Highest Paying IT Jobs

Are you looking for the highest paying IT Jobs? As technology plays a critical role in our daily lives, the need for professional information technology (IT) professionals persists to grow. According to the sources, employment in the IT field is projected to increase 15% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

If you are giving your career some consideration make sure you are future-proofing your skillset or possibly pushing into a new field completely. Have a look at the video below to know everything about the top 10 highest-paid IT jobs in 2024.

This blog will have insight into top highest-paying IT jobs in the world.

What is the importance of highest highest-paying IT jobs in India?

High-paying IT jobs play a crucial role in today’s international economy for several effective reasons:

  1. Driving Creation and Technological Progress: Well-compensated IT professionals are at the forefront of innovation. Their expertise and skills contribute to the development of advanced technologies, software, and systems that guide improvement across industries.
  2. Economic Growth and Competitiveness: A successful IT sector with high-paying jobs states a strong and competitive economy. It draws talent, encourages entrepreneurship, and promotes investment in technology-driven industries.
  3. Attracting Top Talent: Offering competitive salaries in the IT sector helps draw and maintain the best and most brilliant minds in technology. This inflow of talent fuels a culture of excellence and promotes an environment helping to breakthroughs.
  4. Global Talent Mobility: High-paying IT jobs often have a global appeal. Professionals with technical skills are in demand worldwide, leading to cross-border partnerships and the transfer of wisdom and expertise across countries.
  5. High Consumer and Business Confidence: A successful IT industry, supported by high-paying jobs, infuses confidence in consumers and businesses alike. It signals strength, dependability, and a forward-looking approach to technological advancement.
  6. Multiplier Effect on Other Industries: The IT sector has a profound impact on various other industries. High-paying IT jobs lead to increased consumer spending, helping retail, hospitality, real estate, and more.
  7. Cybersecurity and Data Protection: With the increasing danger of cyberattacks, well-compensated IT professionals are required to protect sensitive data and ensure digital infrastructure security. Their expertise helps safeguard individuals, businesses, and governments from possible violations.
  8. Digital Transformation Initiatives: Many industries are experiencing digital transformation, leveraging technology to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. Skilled IT professionals are instrumental in guiding and executing these initiatives.
  9. Fostering Entrepreneurship and Startups: Well-paid IT professionals often have the financial means to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. This can lead to the creation of startups and innovative businesses that further stimulate economic growth.
  10. Supporting Remote Work and Global Connectivity: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of IT in enabling remote work and ensuring global connectivity. High-paying IT jobs facilitate the development of tools and infrastructure that make remote work feasible.
  11. Contribution to GDP: The IT sector is a significant contributor to a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). High salaries in this sector have a direct impact on the overall economic output of a nation.
  12. Addressing Societal Challenges: Skilled IT professionals are increasingly involved in projects addressing critical societal issues such as healthcare, climate change, and education. Their work has the potential to bring about positive, far-reaching impacts.

In essence, high-paying IT jobs are instrumental in propelling economies forward by driving innovation, attracting talent, and enabling businesses and individuals to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Their significance in today’s global economy cannot be overstated.

Before knowing the highest-paid IT jobs, you must know How to start your career in IT. Click on the link below to learn this.

What are the top Highest paid IT jobs in the World?

The top Highest Paid  IT Jobs in 2024 are:

Software Engineer Manager:
In an administrative job reporting to upper management, the role of a software engineering manager is to lead and direct the work of other software engineers on projects, including the design and development of software, programs, and applications. A software engineering manager normally requires at least a BCA or Programming degree, and several years of experience in a role or industry closely related. In addition, they must be proficient in programming languages and programs to donate separately. 

Mobile Application Developer
 The newest mobile gadgets and software are revolutionizing how we interact with one another, do business, and get news and entertainment. As a result, mobile app development has arisen as one of the most promising and fast-growing professions due to the general adoption of this creative medium by businesses, consumers, programmers, and creatives. Applicants have a tremendous edge over the competition for this role if they have a computer science or information systems degree. 

Information System Security Manager:
A manager of information security is in charge of controlling computer viruses, security lapses, and harmful hacker attacks on a company’s computers, networks, and data. All the crucial, and highly secret data may be lost if an organization’s information technology systems are interrupted due to these types of intrusions. In addition to financial losses, ignoring to save data can result in penalties for organizations. Therefore, companies must execute appropriate security standards. 

Database Manager
A database manager is in charge of creating and managing the systems an organization uses to hold and organize data for businesses. They ensure the security of the data kept by establishing several security systems. Additionally, the database manager is accountable for managing the database teams’ day-to-day operations and selecting the data storage needs of businesses.

Data Security Analyst:
Data security experts ensure that computer networks and systems are secure from viruses and hackers. They often do this job for typical companies, ensuring the antivirus software and other security applications are present and working correctly. Then assess a company’s computer security systems to find flaws and openness, and they suggest modifications as necessary to improve system security and efficiency.

Product Manager:
Next on the list of high-paying tech jobs is a product manager. Product managers are accountable for creating an operating plan that can assist in acquiring strategic and tactical goals and objectives, creating a product portfolio, operating and setting marketing plans into action, and donating to the idea of the product strategy.

Product managers have encountered substantial growth and significance in recent years as companies realize the value of strategic product development and customer-centric strategies.

AI Engineer:
AI Engineers are in high demand due to the quick integration of AI technologies across industries. These professionals are responsible for planning, inventing, and executing AI-powered solutions and algorithms to solve difficult problems and improve decision-making processes. Their work implicates data analysis, machine learning model development, natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning applications. AI Engineers cooperate with data scientists, software engineers, and domain experts to create AI systems that enhance efficiency, automation, and customer experiences.

As the demand for AI applications resumes to grow, AI Engineers play a critical role in driving invention and helping businesses stay competitive in the modern, data-driven world, making their expertise positively sought after in various sectors such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more.

Front-end developer:
Front-end developers are professionals who specialize in developing and designing the visual components of websites and applications, with the purpose of making them attractive and user-friendly. They work together with designers to make sure that the user interface looks great and is easy to use.

Using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, front-end developers create and develop parts of websites and apps that users can see and interact with, like menus, buttons, and forms. They guarantee that websites and applications are not only attractive, but also work well, load quickly, and can be used on other devices and web browsers.

Full-stack developer:
A full-stack developer is hard to explain, but the nearest definition would be someone with fluent in both front-end and back-end development or has competence in every stage of the development process, from design to completion.

A full stack developer may be liable for building and constructing APIs using MEAN stack technologies, providing the resultant apps are responsive and respectful of the applicable standards, pushing the code’s integrity, and implementing data security.

Cloud Architect:
Cloud architect is definitely one of the highest paying IT jobs in technology today! Cloud Architects cooperate with IT teams, developers, and business stakeholders to comprehend needs and architect cloud solutions that align with business objectives. They design cloud architectures that can tolerate high loads, ensure data privacy, and enable seamless integration with existing systems.

As the demand for cloud-based services resumes to grow, Cloud Architects play a crucial role in helping organizations harness the power of the cloud, creating the expertise required for thriving digital transformations and allowing businesses to leverage the full potential of cloud technologies.

DevOps Engineer:
The DevOps engineer position is next on the list of the best-paying tech jobs. It could mean a member of the development team who assists with deployment and network operations, or it could mean a member of the operations team who works on application development. 

Some of the skills a DevOps engineer must are coding and writing scripts and learning how to set up and operate a network, Git and Jenkins. System management skills with Linux or Unix A DevOps engineer may be in charge of creating and maintaining a deployment infrastructure, connecting cloud services to automate processes, or shell programming in PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Knowing about the high-paying jobs isn’t enough. Below is the video by Atul Sharma, the renowned Networking mentor, on how to earn INR 2lacs per month. Check this out to enhance your knowledge.

What are the challenges in high-paying IT jobs in the world?

Receiving high-paying IT jobs can be a competitive industry, and there are several challenges that people may face in this pursuit. Here are some of the key challenges:

  1. Extreme Competition: The IT industry is highly competitive, with a large pool of experienced professionals competing for lucrative positions. Standing out among multiple eligible candidates can be a substantial burden.
  2. Evolving Skill Requirements: Rapid technological advancements necessitate constant learning and skill updates. Keeping up with the latest technologies and trends can be appealing, especially for those seeking high-paying roles.
  3. Specialized Expertise: Some high-paying IT jobs need highly specialized knowledge or expertise in niche areas. Acquiring such ability can take time and effort, and not all professionals may have entry to the essential resources or opportunities.
  4. Experience Requirements: Many high-paying IT positions require a substantial level of skilled experience. Entry-level professionals may face challenges in meeting these experience requirements.
  5. Certification and Qualification Demands: Some high-paying roles, especially in cybersecurity and specialized domains, may necessitate industry certifications or specific educational qualifications. Obtaining these certifications can be time-consuming and may demand financial investment.
  6. Geographical Considerations: The availability of high-paying IT jobs may vary by location. Experts may need to ponder migrating to areas with a higher demand for their skill set, which can be a logistical and emotional challenge.
  7. Employer Expectations and Cultural Fit: Companies often have clear expectations concerning soft skills, cultural fit, and domain knowledge. Meeting these criteria can be crucial in securing high-paying roles.
  8. Networking and Industry Connections: Selecting a professional network and having industry connections can play an important role in accessing high-paying opportunities. Building and supporting these connections needs time and effort.
  9. Negotiating Compensation Packages: Negotiating salary and benefits can be a sensitive process. It needs a deep knowledge of industry standards, the power to express one’s value, and a strategic approach to negotiations.
  10. Overcoming Gender and Diversity Disparities: The IT industry has historically faced issues of gender and diversity differences. Overcoming these challenges and providing equal opportunities for all can be an additional hindrance.
  11. Demonstrating Track Record of Success: Employers often seek prospects with a proven track record of success, which may pose a challenge for experts who are transitioning between roles or industries.
  12. Adapting to Organizational Cultures: Different organizations have different cultures and work environments. Adapting to a new company’s culture and work methods can be a challenge for professionals making transitions.

It is important to approach these challenges with a proactive and strategic mindset. Constant learning, professional development, networking, and a strong work ethic can help experts crush these barriers and improve their probability of securing high-paying IT jobs.

How can you Prepare yourself for getting the Highest Paying IT Jobs in India?

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, remaining forward of the curve in the field of Information Technology is vital. 

Network Kings emerges as a valuable resource for experts aiming to improve their skills and knowledge base. Delivering a comprehensive array of IT courses taught by industry experts, Network Kings delivers a unique learning experience. With 24/7 lab access, students have the freedom to sharpen their practical skills at their own pace. 

Moreover, upon successful completion of these courses, learners receive certifications that validate their expertise in the subject matter. The combination of live and recorded lectures provides flexibility in understanding and adapting diverse schedules and learning preferences. By selecting Network Kings, individuals are not only funding in education but in a pathway towards flourishing careers in the dynamic realm of Information Technology.

Note: You can learn top IT courses from Network Kings.

Where to Pursue Top IT Courses?

You can pursue the top IT courses from Network Kings. Network Kings offers top IT Courses from expert engineers. You can get benefits like:
Live interactive session.

  • Completion Certification.
  • Flexible learning with video lectures.
  • Virtual labs.
  • 24/7 access to labs.
  • Learn from professional engineers.

Refer to the video below to learn more about Top job roles in IT Networking

What are the top IT Courses offered by Network Kings?

The top IT courses are as follows:

1. CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)

CCNA stands for Cisco Certified Network Associate. It is an entry-level certification offered by Cisco Systems that validates the skills required for professionals to install, operate, and troubleshoot small to medium-sized enterprise branch networks. CCNA covers a wide range of networking topics, including network fundamentals, LAN switching technologies, routing technologies, infrastructure services, and network security. Earning a CCNA certification demonstrates a solid foundation in networking concepts and technologies, making it a valuable credential for individuals pursuing a career in network engineering or related fields.

Exam Details of CCNA Certification are as follows

Exam Code

CCNA 200-301

Exam Level


Exam Cost


Exam Duration

120 Minutes

Exam Format

MCQ & Multiple Response

Total Questions

90-110 Questions

Passing score

Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)


English & Japanese

2. CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)

CCNP stands for Cisco Certified Network Professional. It is an advanced-level certification offered by Cisco Systems that validates the ability to plan, implement, verify, and troubleshoot local and wide-area enterprise networks. CCNP certification covers a range of advanced networking topics, including routing, switching, security, wireless, and collaboration technologies. With CCNP certification, professionals demonstrate expertise in designing and managing complex network infrastructures, making them valuable assets in enterprise networking environments. CCNP certification is ideal for network engineers, network administrators, and IT professionals looking to advance their careers in the networking field.

Exam Details of CCNP Certification are as follows

Exam Code

350-401 ENCOR + 300-410 ENARSI

Exam Level


Exam Cost

$400 + $300

Exam Duration

120 + 90 Minutes

Exam Format

MCQ & Multiple Response

Total Questions

90-110 Questions

Passing score

Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)


English & Japanese

3. Azure Certifications

Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. Azure provides solutions for virtual computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, AI, IoT, and more, enabling organizations to scale their infrastructure and applications with ease.

Microsoft Azure offers certifications at different levels to validate expertise in various Azure technologies and services. Here are the levels of Azure certifications:

  • Azure 104: Microsoft Azure Administrator certification validates your skills in implementing, managing, and monitoring an organization’s Microsoft Azure environment.

Exam Details for AZ-104 Certification:

Exam Name

Microsoft Azure Administrator

Exam Code


Exam Cost

USD 165

Exam Format

Multiple-choice questions

Total Questions

40-60 questions

Passing Score


Exam Duration

150 minutes


English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Indonesian

Testing Center

Pearson VUE

  • Azure 500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification focuses on implementing security controls, maintaining security posture, and protecting data, applications, and networks in Azure.

Exam Details for Az-500 Certification

Exam Name

Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Exam Code


Exam Cost

USD 165

Exam Format

Multiple-choice questions

Total Questions

40-60 questions (one lab with 12 sub-tasks)

Passing Score


Exam Duration

150-210 minutes


English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Indonesian

Testing Center

Pearson VUE

  • Azure 700: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer certification validates your expertise in designing and implementing solutions that manage devices connected to the Azure IoT Hub.

Exam Details for AZ-700 Certification

Exam Name

Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions

Exam Code


Exam Cost

USD 165

Exam Format

Multiple-choice questions

Total Questions

40-60 questions (one lab with 12 sub-tasks)

Passing Score


Exam Duration

120 minutes


English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Indonesian

Testing Center

Pearson VUE

4. GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) certification is a credential offered by Google Cloud to validate an individual’s expertise in using GCP services and technologies. GCP certifications demonstrate proficiency in designing, developing, implementing, and managing solutions on the Google Cloud Platform. These certifications cover a range of cloud computing topics, including infrastructure, data storage, data analytics, machine learning, networking, security, and more.

Exam Details of GCP Certification are as follows:

Exam Code


Exam Cost

USD 125

Number of Questions


Test Format

Multiple Choice


120 Minutes

Passing Score


5. AWS Certifications

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and widely-used cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. AWS offers a vast array of cloud services, including computing power, storage options, networking capabilities, databases, analytics, machine learning, security tools, and more. Organizations and individuals can leverage AWS to build scalable, reliable, and cost-effective solutions for various use cases.

AWS offers certifications at different levels to validate expertise in various AWS services and technologies. Here are the AWS certifications:

  • AWS Solution Architect: The AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification showcases your ability to design distributed systems on AWS.

Exam Details for AWS Solution Architect

Exam Name

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam

Exam Code


Exam Level


Exam Duration

130 minutes

Total Questions

65 (multiple choice and multiple response questions)

Exam Cost

150 USD

Passing Score

720 out of 1000

Exam Language

English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese and Spanish

Testing Center

Pearson Vue

  • AWS Network Specialist: The AWS Certified Advanced Networking certification certifies your expertise in designing and implementing AWS networks.

Exam Details for AWS Network Specialist Certification

Exam Name

AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty

Exam Code


Exam Format

Multiple-choice questions & Multiple Response

Exam Level


Exam Duration

170 minutes

Total Questions

65 questions

Exam Cost

USD 300

Exam Language

English, French (France), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, and Spanish (Latin America)

Testing Center

Pearson Vue

  • AWS Security: The AWS Certified Security Specialty certification demonstrates your skills in securing the AWS platform.

Exam Details for AWS Security Certification

Exam Name

AWS Security

Exam Code


Exam Level


Exam Duration

170 minutes

Total Questions

65 questions

Exam Cost

USD 300

Exam Language

English, French (France), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, and Spanish (Latin America)

Testing Center

Pearson Vue

  • AWS DevOps: The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer certification focuses on automating operational processes using AWS tools and services.

Exam details for AWS DevOps Certification

Exam Name

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam

Exam Code




Exam Cost

300 USD

Exam Format

Multiple Choice or Multiple-response questions

Total Questions

75 questions

Passing Score

750 out of 1000

Exam Duration

180 minutes


English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Japanese

Testing Center

Pearson Vue testing center or online proctored exam

6. CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification is a globally recognized credential in the field of cybersecurity. Offered by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)², CISSP is designed to validate expertise in designing, implementing, and managing cybersecurity programs to protect organizations from security threats and risks. It covers a wide range of security topics, including security and risk management, asset security, security architecture and engineering, communication and network security, identity and access management, security assessment and testing, security operations, and software development security.

Exam Details of CISSP Certification are as follows:

Exam Name

ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Exam Code


Exam Cost

USD 749

Exam Duration

4 hours

Number of Questions


Exam Format

Multiple choice and advanced innovative questions

Passing Marks

700/1000 points

Exam Language


Testing Center

(ISC)^2 authorized PPC, PVTC Select Pearson VUE tests

7. CEH v12 (Certified Ethical Hacker)

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification is a professional credential offered by the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council). CEH v12, which stands for version 12, is the latest iteration of the CEH certification program. CEH certification is designed for cybersecurity professionals who want to demonstrate their skills in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in target systems and networks in an ethical manner. The CEH v12 certification covers a wide range of topics, including ethical hacking concepts, tools, techniques, methodologies, penetration testing, network security, web application security, cryptography, and more. 

Exam Details of CEH V12 Certification are as follows:

Exam Name

Certified Ethical Hacker (312-50)

Exam Cost

USD 550

Exam Format

Multiple Choice

Total Questions

125 Questions

Passing Score

60% to 85%

Exam Duration

4 Hours



Testing Center

Pearson Vue

8. CompTIA Security+

CompTIA Security+ is a globally recognized certification that validates the foundational skills required to perform core security functions and pursue a career in cybersecurity. CompTIA Security+ certification covers essential cybersecurity topics, including network security, compliance and operational security, threats and vulnerabilities, application, data, and host security, access control, identity management, and cryptography.

Exam Details for CompTIA Security+ Certification are as follows:

Exam Code


Number of Questions

A maximum of 90 questions

Type of Questions

Multiple-choice and performance-based

Length of Test

90 minutes

Passing Score


Exam Cost

USD 392

Testing Provider

Pearson VUE


English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese

9. Palo Alto Firewall

The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) certification showcases your expertise in deploying Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.

Exam Details of Palo Alto Firewall Certification are as follows:

Exam Code

Network Security Engineer-PCNSE PAN-OS 10

Exam Level


Exam Cost

USD 175

Exam Duration

80 Minutes

Exam Format

Multiple Choice Questions & Multiple Response

Total Questions

75 Questions

Passing Score

Variable (70-80 / 100 Approx.)

10. DevOps Master Program

DevOps certifications such as DevOps Foundation and DevOps Practitioner demonstrate your ability to streamline software delivery processes through collaboration and automation.

Not only this, Network Kings has come up with their Master’s program that includes a combination of more than 2 courses in just one subscription. 

Here is a list of Master programs we are offering:

  1. IT Professional Master Program
  2. Network Engineer Master Program
  3. Network Automation Master Program
  4. Network Specialist Master Program
  5. Super Firewall Master Program
  6. AWS Cloud Security Master Program
  7. Azure Cloud Security Master Program
  8. Cybersecurity Master Program
  9. DevOps Master Program
  10. CCNP to CCIE Master Program
  11. CCNP to CCIE Data Center Master Program
  12. CCNP to CCIE Enterprise Master Program

Note: To know more, visit 


In conclusion, the top highest paying jobs in the world represent not only financial prosperity but also the culmination of expertise, dedication, and often, a deep influence on industries and society at large. These roles travel across different sectors, from healthcare to technology, finance, and law, mirroring the various routes for victory in today’s international economy. It is clear that technical skills, advanced education, and years of experience are valued and rewarded in these professions. As individuals undertake their career journeys, it is important to not only view the potential earnings but also to align one’s passions and stability with the needs of these high-paying roles. 

Ultimately, the pursuit of these top-paying professions is not just about the financial rewards, but also about donating to the creation, progress, and improvement of our world. With perseverance, continuous learning, and a strategic approach, individuals can aim for the Highest paying IT jobs in India and the pinnacle of experienced success in these coveted positions.

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India [2024] – Latest & Trending

Highest Paying Jobs in India

Confused about your next job? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Making decisions about your future can be overwhelming, especially with so many choices and factors to consider. It is genuine to seek guidance and clarity with so many options available and various factors to consider. In this article, we will dig into the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India 2024 to steer this chaos and help you approach your next job with confidence and clarity. Whether you are a recent graduate, in career transition, or simply looking for a change, this article provides insights and strategies to help you find your next job with ease. Let’s get started on your journey to a successful and fulfilling career!

Highest Paying Jobs in India

Confused about which Course to choose after 10th and 12th?

After completing the 10th or 12th, there are several course options to consider. The different domains you can choose from are as follows:

  • Engineering

This domain involves the application of scientific and mathematical directions to design, build, and enhance facilities, machines, systems, and procedures.

  • Medicine

Medicine focuses on the study and practice of analysing, treating, and controlling diseases and damages. It involves medical research, patient care, and various specialized fields like surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology, etc.

  • Commerce

Commerce involves the study of business and trade. It covers accounting, finance, marketing, economics, and management. This domain prepares students for careers in business and related fields.

  • Arts and Humanities

This domain includes subjects like literature, history, philosophy, languages, performing arts, and fine arts. It examines human culture, history, creativity, and critical thinking.

  • Science

Science encloses various fields like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science. It involves systematic study, experimentation, and analysis to understand the natural world and its phenomena.

  • Law

The law deals with rules and regulations established in a society to maintain social order. It includes areas like civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, corporate law, and more.

  • Design

The Design focuses on creative and practical problem-solving, considering aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. It includes various subsets like graphic design, industrial design, fashion design, interior design, etc.

  • Hospitality and Tourism

This domain focuses on the management and operations of hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, event planning, and tourism. It readies individuals for careers in hospitality and tourism.

  • Commerce with Maths

It is a technical field within commerce that stresses mathematics for finance, accounting, economics, and statistics. This domain prepares students for roles requiring quantitative analysis and decision-making skills.

  • Social Sciences

Social sciences include sociology, psychology, political science, and geography. 

These domains provide career opportunities, interests, and strengths before making a decision. 

List of Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India

The list of the top 10 highest paying jobs in India 2024 is as follows-

  1. Surgeon/Doctor – Surgeons and doctors fall among the highest-paid professionals in India.
  2. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – CEOs of top companies earn high salaries because of their leadership roles and responsibilities.
  3. Investment Banker – Investment bankers earn a high salary due to their expertise in financial planning and advisory assistance.
  4. IT Professionals – Top-level IT professionals, like IT Directors and Technical Architects, earn high salaries due to their technological expertise and supervision skills.
  5. Data Scientist – Data scientists earn high salaries due to their skills in analyzing and solving complex data issues.
  6. Commercial Pilot – Commercial Pilots earn high salaries due to the level of skill and responsibility demanded in their acknowledgement.
  7. Chartered Accountants – Chartered Accountants earn high salaries due to their expertise in financial management and auditing.
  8. Business Consultant – Business Consultants earn high salaries since they provide expert advice and guidance.
  9. Lawyer – Lawyers specializing in corporate law, intellectual property law, or litigation earn high salaries due to their expertise in their preferred domains.
  10. Petroleum Engineer – Petroleum Engineers earn high salaries because of the demand for their skills in the oil and gas enterprise.

Exploring industries with high paying jobs in India

India is one of the fastest-growing economies out there, and this growth reflects in its job market. Globalization and technological improvements have opened up numerous career gateways in India; however, with so much to choose from can be tricky knowing which sectors offer profitable positions. Undoubtedly, the IT sector still stands as a primary option for those who specialize in software engineering, data science or development – these roles often bring high-paying jobs along! 

Have you ever thought about how technology has transformed our lives? It almost seems like once impossible things are now possible simply because of advancements made by professionals working within the tech industry.

The tech industry has experienced monumental expansion over the last few years, with organizations committing immensely to research and development practices. Not only does this open up vast prospects for those that desire a job in technology but also provides quite competitive remunerations compared to other industries. A career in finance is another fabulous idea if you are on the hunt for decently paid employment as this sector offers some of the most rewarding posts across all sectors – salaries-wise!

There are loads of roles on offer with nice pay packets annually, including financial analysts, investment bankers and portfolio managers – all requiring a knack for handling money carefully. Other industries with handsome salaries can be sought after too; from marketing to engineering (especially civil), pharmaceuticals through to consultancy services etc. 

These vocations call for specific abilities but have competitive remuneration linked to qualifications or know-how within that sector. To sum up, there are lots of jobs in India’s labour force offering good wages if you take the initiative – however, it’s essential to do your research before jumping into something new to pinpoint what career works best alongside your aptitudes and aspirations!

What are the highest paying jobs for Freshers?

The highest paying jobs for Freshers in India are as follows-

  1. Investment Banker: Freshers in Investment Banking can earn a starting salary of around INR 12-15 lakhs per annum.
  2. Data Scientist: Freshers in data science can earn a starting salary of around INR 6-12 lakhs per annum.
  3. Machine Learning Engineer: Freshers in machine learning can earn a starting salary of around INR 6-10 lakhs per annum.
  4. Blockchain Developer: Freshers in blockchain development can earn a starting salary of around INR 5-10 lakhs per annum.
  5. Artificial Intelligence Engineer: Freshers in artificial intelligence can earn a starting salary of around INR 5-10 lakhs per annum.
  6. Cybersecurity Analyst: Freshers in cybersecurity can earn a starting salary of around INR 4-8 lakhs per annum.
  7. Full Stack Developer: Freshers in full stack development can earn a starting salary of around INR 4-8 lakhs per annum.
  8. Cloud Architect: Freshers in cloud architecture can earn a starting salary of around INR 4-7 lakhs per annum.
  9. UX/UI Designer: Freshers in UX/UI design can earn a starting salary of around INR 3-6 lakhs per annum.
  10. Product Manager: Freshers in product management can earn a starting salary of around INR 3-6 lakhs per annum.

You might have noticed that most of the highest-paid jobs in India are in the IT domain. These jobs in India per month provide an average salary package of INR 3-8 lakhs per annum. Opting for the best jobs in India, one can choose either government or public sector to land one of the highest paying companies in India. 

The demand in India for top-paying jobs for freshers is among the highest searched topic these days. Since you are now familiar with the 10 highest-paying jobs in India, you can choose your dream career from the list of job opportunities mentioned above. 

What is the basic qualification for IT jobs?

The basic qualification for the top IT jobs in India is as follows-

  • For Freshers

Freshers wishing to enter the IT sector are supposed to possess-

  1. Strong technical skills
  2. Graduation Degree
  3. Analytical and problem-solving abilities
  4. Continuous learning and adaptability
  5. Basic understanding of Networking, Cyber Security, and Cloud Computing.
  • For Professionals wishing to switch careers

The professionals wishing to switch their career from one domain to the other are supposed to possess-

  1. Quick problem-solving and immediate responsiveness
  2. Industry knowledge
  3. Experience working in the industry
  4. Networking with other professionals
  5. Flexibility and openness to learning.

What courses should I pursue to enter IT?

To enter IT, you can choose a particular domain of your choice, among IT Networking, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, and DevOps. The IT jobs in India can vary depending upon the demand of a particular domain and company. 

The IT jobs in India for freshers come with a demand for skills; the skills that come with certifications. Thus, to enter IT for top-paying jobs in India, one must opt for certification training as the initial step; the certifications are as follows-

IT Networking

Cyber Security

Cloud Computing


  • DevOps Overview
  • Linux
  • Shell Scripting
  • AWS
  • GIT
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible
  • Zabbix
  • Grafana & Prometheus
  • Basics of ELK

Where to enroll for these courses?

To enroll on the best and top IT courses in India, you can rely upon Network Kings – one of the best online ed-tech platforms providing training directly from experienced industry engineers. To become an in-demand skilled engineer in India choose Network Kings and get 24*7 access to the world’s biggest virtual labs with zero downtime. But why should I choose Network Kings? 

One must choose Network Kings for IT courses since a candidate gets benefitted in numerous ways such as-

  1. Live recorded sessions
  2. Career Guidance
  3. Live training sessions
  4. Completion certificate
  5. Flexible learning
  6. Industry-led training

Another Benefit of choosing Network Kings is-

Enroll on our All Access Pass and learn 45+ courses comprising IT Networking, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, and DevOps. Register today to upskill in IT!

Impact of experience level on high paying jobs in India

When it comes to high paying jobs in India, the amount of experience someone has is a major factor. The more experienced you are as an individual the better your chances at getting higher pay – employers understand this, and so they will often be willing to offer attractive remuneration for those with ample experience. 

Yet, despite all that having plenty of prior work history isn’t enough on its own; sure it improves one’s likelihoods but there needs to be certain skillset too which potential employers look out for before offering such positions. Do I have what firms want? Is my background good enough? These are questions we must ask ourselves when hoping for top-level employment offers!

If you want to be considered for a high-paying job, it is important to demonstrate qualities such as exceptional problem-solving and decision-making abilities, strong communication skills and knowledge about industry trends. You should also have technical expertise in your field so that complex tasks can be handled with ease. 

Having experience level on your side will help you stand out from the other applicants while applying for top jobs, increasing chances of success during interviews or salary negotiations etc. What could make all difference when trying for those lucrative positions? How far do qualifications take us?

Experienced professionals can have access to other resources like training opportunities or specialised professional networks which could help them track down even better positions with higher salaries further along the line. What’s more, having experience in specific fields may give individuals greater self-assurance when it comes to negotiating pay rises and promotions as they will be able to demonstrate that their earlier roles delivered tangible results – something an employer is likely to consider when picking between a fresher who lacks such real-life experience and somebody else with actual proven success stories on their CV. This could create major differences in wages over the long term compared with those without any prior history of working in related industries.

Challenges and opportunities within the Indian high pay job market

Navigating the Indian job market can be a daunting prospect. It is one of the most competitive in the world, and if you are looking for a well-paid role, it can challenge your mettle. But there are plenty of chances to make something great out of yourself through dedication and hard work – India is experiencing an economic boom that offers an opportunity like never before, with ever-increasing demand for talented professionals. If you have ambition and drive then this could just be the place to propel your career forward!

The Indian high pay job market offers professionals from all walks of life the chance to build their careers and reap the rewards that follow. From corporate executives earning salaries comparable with those seen in other countries to entrepreneurs running successful businesses and generating huge profits – India has something for everyone wanting to make money.

Those interested in a high pay job have multiple options available depending on their skill set and experience level; what could it be like working in this sort of role? How much can you potentially earn if your hard work pays off?

For experienced professionals, there are plenty of well-paying positions on offer from multinational corporations situated in major cities such as Mumbai or Bangalore. These jobs usually provide alluring benefit bundles and also long-term prospects if they prove themselves capable enough to ascend the corporate ladder rapidly enough. Startups also present great opportunities for those who seek high pay roles in India thanks to its comparatively relaxed regulatory environment compared with Western nations; this implies eager entrepreneurs can swiftly set up themselves without having too much bureaucracy blocking their way. 

But what kind of chances does this bring? Is it a good idea to consider them when looking for a career opportunity? Skilled workers from various industries such as technology or finance may also have the chance to bag senior positions within these companies if they can demonstrate their relevant qualifications and a great attitude towards work ethic. These jobs typically offer salaries much higher than industry averages since there’s limited competition from established players because startups are relatively new on the market – surprising, isn’t it?

No chat about high paying jobs in India would be complete without giving a shoutout to freelancing, which has been getting more and more popular over the past few years – largely because it’s so easy to get into different industries. Freelancers charge way higher per hour than regular employees, meaning they can make serious bank if their workload is managed well enough while still producing top-quality stuff. So it not only makes good financial sense but also allows folks greater freedom compared with 9-5 roles; that come hand in hand with access to global markets as long as they have got the right skill set.

Success Stories: Individuals thriving in highest paying jobs in India

The success stories of folks succeeding in the highest-paying jobs in India are truly inspiring and motivating. Reaching this level of attainment is not a cakewalk though; yet, combined with the right approach plus sheer determination and hard work – anything can be attained! It is oftentimes assumed that only those from well-off families have access to high paying job opportunities available within India – however, this does not always prove true as there are plenty of examples of individuals who have managed to make it big through sheer dedication and commitment alone.

You only have to take a look at Mukesh Ambani, the Chairman of Reliance Industries and one of India’s richest people. His journey from humble beginnings is an inspiring tale for many entrepreneurs in the country who dream about making it big someday. The same applies across different sectors; there are always individuals that work their way up into some highly-paid job roles within India today – they serve as a reminder that anything is possible with hard work!

The IT sector is still one of the most sought-after industries for well-paid jobs; however, there are plenty more occupations to choose from, such as finance and banking, pharma & healthcare services, media & entertainment or real estate which all provide respectable salary packages at different levels depending on your experience level and market demand.

Aside from these traditional lines of work, we have seen a rise in startups popping up lately, offering extraordinarily generous salaries plus perks like stock options etc.

It is a no-brainer that having the right qualifications and certifications can get you into higher positions with the potential to earn more than normal job posts; however, it is worth pointing out that even without any formal training, you have an opportunity for some great jobs provided your knowledge in the chosen field is enough and showcase your skills during employers interviews or tests. 

When put together with determination and hard work, anyone has the power to succeed regardless of their background! Certain start-ups offer salaries incredibly close to those from huge MNCs despite being much smaller set-ups themselves – proving anything is possible if we stay focused on our goals.

Future of IT - Start with Our Free Access Pass.

As technology progresses, the need to safeguard data is more important than ever. Network security, cloud security, cyber security and DevOps are all interrelated as they all look after keeping digital information secure. This makes these areas some of the most rewarding careers in India at present. With network security especially focusing on maintaining networks from unauthorised access or possible dangers – this job role looks very promising indeed!

Securing networks is of utmost importance in today’s world, and it involves a variety of tasks. Setting up firewalls, encrypting communications between devices and servers, monitoring for suspicious activity on the network and responding quickly to any breaches or attempted intrusions are all key components that need to be taken into consideration. 

Network Security professionals must also work hand-in-hand with IT teams to ensure systems remain current by implementing the latest patches and updates – which comes at a premium salary level due to its significance. Speaking of high paying jobs related to data security – Cloud Security offers great remuneration, too, while contributing towards keeping everyone’s information safe from malicious actors; what could be better?

Securing cloud computing environments from potential threats is known as Cloud Security. To protect the data stored in public clouds like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, experts set up a range of controls such as identity management tools and encryption protocols. They need to have an understanding of current trends so that they can design suitable solutions accordingly – quite a challenge! 

NOTE: Cyber Security focuses on safeguarding computers against nasty attacks including viruses, worms and Trojans, using strategies like penetration testing and virus scanning.

Professionals in this field often have specialist certifications such as CISM (Certified Information Systems Manager), which gives them the edge when vying for top positions. Cybersecurity professionals need to remain up-to-date on the latest developments so that they can keep their skills sharp, making this a highly competitive area where pay is concerned.

And then there is DevOps; automating manual processes related to software development and deployment & operations – helping organisations save both time and resources while being able to create high-performing applications more quickly than ever before. How efficient!

Are you looking for a highest paying jobs in India? Network security, cloud security, cyber security, and DevOps are domains that should certainly be on your consideration list. With companies increasingly relying upon continuous delivery models, it is not unexpected why professionals in the field of DevOps engineering have become much sought after by employers with great salaries plus additional bonuses as part of their package deal. To get an edge over other competitors, make sure to take advantage of our free access pass today!

To stand out from others and excel in this profession, one must possess technical knowledge related to coding languages such as Python & Ruby, apart from having hands-on experience working on platforms used for application deployment and managing CI/CD pipelines (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery). In addition, proficiency in automation tools like Ansible, Chef Puppet etc., is also necessary. So if you are keen on embarking upon this journey – what are you waiting for? Take full benefit of our free access pass now!

To sum up, high paid jobs in India are achievable and becoming increasingly widespread. If you have the right abilities and qualifications, then there is potential for a job with good pay along with great advantages to come your way. Uncover what positions are on offer within your field of expertise – this requires some research from yourself – and be ready to haggle for an outstanding salary package. With so many different options out there, it can be tricky deciding which one would suit you best, but determination coupled with effort will help guide you towards that perfect job!

Are you on the hunt for a free means to get your hands on the newest content, tutorials, and courses? Look no further than Enrolling in the Free Access Pass. Our experts have come up with an incredible library of material available free of charge. With more than 500 courses and tutorials, there is sure to be something perfect for what you are after. And as we are adding new stuff each month, you will never run out of things to learn! 

So do not hang around – sign up today and immediately gain access to our continuously expanding collection of educational resources – cost-free! Can it really be that simple?

Wrapping Up!

The top high-salary jobs in India can bring growth and prosperity to individuals and the country as a whole. These high-paying jobs provide opportunities for professionals to earn a substantial income, achieve financial stability, and improve their standard of living. Additionally, they contribute to the overall economic development of the nation by attracting investment, boosting consumer spending, and driving innovation. 

Moreover, the high salaries offered in these jobs often require individuals to invest in their education and acquire advanced skills and knowledge. This leads to a more educated and skilled workforce, which in turn fosters economic growth and competitiveness. Overall, the top highest paying jobs in India play a crucial role in elevating individuals and the nation towards a more prosperous future. 

Apply for the Highest Paying Jobs in India Today!

What is a System Engineer and How to Become One?

how to become a system engineer?
how to become a system engineer?

Want to become a System Engineer? But need to know how?

But before that, what is a System Engineer? System Engineer is a universal field of engineering and its management that concentrates on designing, integrating, and managing complex systems over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering uses systems thinking precepts to manage this body of understanding. The respective result of such actions, an engineered system, can be described as an amalgamation of components that work in synergy to perform a considerable function effectively. 

What is a System Engineer?

Systems engineers devise and manage all elements of a complicated system to solve a situation, from the initial creation of the system to production and control through the end product or solution.

Systems may contain products, individuals, services, information, natural elements, or procedures—or a mix of several depending on the job. As a systems engineer, you are in charge of troubleshooting and sharing with all parties interested in executing and using the system. 

You’ll find systems engineers operating in every major industry, from health care to transportation and manufacturing to software. It is a career that permits you to solve problems, research solutions, and create systems that manage a problem or attain the aim.

What does a System Engineer do?

The roles and responsibilities of a System Engineer are:

  • Creating and enforcing systems and tools.
  • Solving issues with systems and networks
  • Automating tasks for production settings
  • Installing new hardware and software
  • Handling system updates
  • Fixing system functionality in the early phases of a service or product evolution cycle
  • Managing the systems and methods that work together to provide high-quality products and benefits.
  • Confirming that everything blends skillfully and sticks to security and safety approaches
  • Conducting regular checks on current systems and equipment, and offering ways to enhance the current systems and tools.

What is the difference between System Engineer and Software Engineer?

System Engineer

Software Engineer

A System Engineer does not perform the coding. They manage installed systems and infrastructure.

A Software Engineer spends all day doing coding.

System Engineers study Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science.

They study technical knowledge like Computer science and computer engineering.

They focus on the project engineering lifecycle.

They focus on the design and development of the individual product.

They require skills like- problem-solving, Proficiency in data architecture, cloud computing, and communication. 

They require skills like- programming, coding, development process, testing, and debugging.

They are employed in aerospace, defense, automotive, and telecommunications. 

They are employed in software development companies.

How to become a System Engineer?

If you want to be a System Engineer, here is the system engineer’s roadmap for you: 

Educational Demands 

  • Bachelor’s degree: You must complete your graduation degree in computer engineering or mechanical engineering. 
  • Master’s degree: A master’s degree will help you master the field and make you proficient. You can expand your career with a Master’s degree and also you will hold additional benefits with the same.
  • Pursue System Engineer Certifications: To pursue System Engineer certifications, individuals can consider various online options provided by reputable organizations in the field of information technology.

Top System Engineer Certifications Courses

Here are some widely recognized online certifications that can enhance one’s skills and credentials as a System Engineer:

1. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

MCSE certification indicates that you have the talent to drive a modern data center. It wraps cloud technologies, identity management, systems management, virtualization, storage, and networking. This certification doesn’t expire or require recertification.

There are five exams in the MCSE which depend on your chosen certifications.

Exam Cost $150

Exam Duration 120 Minutes

Exam Format MCQ & Multiple Response

Total Questions 50 Questions

Passing score Variable (700 / 1000 Approx.)

2. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

The CCNA Course helps learners with all the necessary skills required in the field of networking. The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is a beginner-level technical certification course offered by Cisco which serves as the stepping stone in your IT career catering to you with all the necessary skills required in the field of Networking. CCNA Certification is one of the most popular & in-demand Networking certifications in the industry. The CCNA course covers the essentials of Networking such as Network Security Fundamentals, Automation, Programmability, and Routing & Switching. You’ll get in-depth CCNA training after enrolling & can become a skilled Network Engineer in the tech world.

Exam CodeCCNA 200-301
Exam LevelAssociate
Exam Cost$300
Exam Duration120 Minutes
Exam FormatMCQ & Multiple Response
Total Questions90-110 Questions
Passing scoreVariable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)
LanguageEnglish & Japanese


  • Graduation
  • Basic understanding of the IT industry
  • Attention to detail
  • Basic communication skills
  • An analytical mind
  • A keen observer

3. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

The CISSP training program comprises designing, implementing, and managing best-in-class cybersecurity programs. With a CISSP certification, one can validate the expertise and evolve as an (ISC)² member by opening an expansive exhibition of premier resources, scholarly devices, and peer-to-peer networking possibilities.

Exam NameISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Exam CodeCISSP
Exam CostUSD 749
Exam Duration4 hours
Number of Questions125-175
Exam FormatMultiple choice and advanced innovative questions
Passing Marks700/1000 points
Exam LanguageEnglish
Testing Center(ISC)^2 authorized PPC, PVTC Select Pearson VUE tests


  • Graduation
  • Basic understanding of the IT industry
  •  A minimum of 5 years of work experience 
  • Any ISC2-approved course certification (Preferred)
  • 1-2 years of experience in developing and maintaining Cisco Applications
  • Fundamental knowledge of Programming Language

4. CompTIA Network+

The CISSP training program comprises designing, implementing, and managing best-in-class cybersecurity programs. With a CISSP certification, one can validate the expertise and evolve as an (ISC)² member by opening an expansive exhibition of premier resources, scholarly devices, and peer-to-peer networking possibilities.

Exam CodeN10-008
Exam CostUSD 338
Number of Questions90
Types of QuestionsMultiple-choice, performance-based
Exam Duration90 minutes
Passing Marks720 out of 900
Exam LanguageEnglish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese
Experience NeededOver 9-12 months
ExpiryAfter Three years


  • Graduation
  • Basic understanding of the IT industry
  •  A minimum of 5 years of work experience 
  • Any ISC2-approved course certification (Preferred)
  • 1-2 years of experience in developing and maintaining Cisco Applications
  • Fundamental knowledge of Programming Language

What are the Top System Engineer Skills Required?

A System Engineer needs to have both technical and non-technical skills. Here is a list of both of the top system engineer skills:

  • Communication
  • Security measures
  • Time management
  • Analytical skills
  • Cloud computing
  • Designing and implementing systems and tools
  •  Organizational skills
  •  Programming, Teamwork
  •  Information security
  •  IT skills
  •  Problem-solving
  •  Scripting
  •  Systems Engineering
  •  Troubleshooting, Attention to detail
  •  Backup readiness
  •  Broad technical knowledge
  •  Experience with monitoring systems
  •  Linux
  •  and Risk management.

Join Network Kings for the best Systems Engineer courses.

Join Network Kings for the best systems engineer course, as you will get training directly from engineers who are experienced in the field. 

Not only this, you can have 24/7 lab access, pre-recorded videos, career guidance by our special mentors, live interactive sessions, a completion certificate, and most importantly flexible learning. Even if you are a job person, you will be able to complete your course easily.

What is the Average System Engineer's Salary?

The Average salary of a System Engineer in various countries is as follows:

  1. United States: The average salary for a System Engineer in the U.S. is around $88,550 per year
  2. United Kingdom: In the UK, System Engineers can expect an average annual salary of approximately £40,000
  3. Australia: System Engineers in Australia earn an average of about AU$100,000 per year
  4. Germany: The average annual salary for System Engineers in Germany is around €55,000
  5. Canada: In Canada, System Engineers can earn an average salary of about C$70,000 per year
  6. France: The average salary for System Engineers in France is approximately €45,000 per year
  7. Japan: System Engineers in Japan earn an average annual salary of around ¥5,500,000 
  8. Netherlands: In the Netherlands, System Engineers can expect to earn an average of about €48,000 per year
  9. Sweden: The average annual salary for System Engineers in Sweden is approximately SEK 480,000
  10. Switzerland: System Engineers in Switzerland earn an average salary of around CHF 100,000 per year
  11. Brazil: In Brazil, System Engineers can expect an average annual salary of about R$80,000
  12. South Africa: The average salary for System Engineers in South Africa is around R350,000 per year
  13. Singapore: System Engineers in Singapore earn an average annual salary of approximately S$60,000
  14. Spain: The average annual salary for System Engineers in Spain is around €35,000
  15. Italy: In Italy, System Engineers can expect an average salary of about €40,000 per year
  16. India: System Engineers in India earn an average annual salary of around ₹600,000
  17. Mexico: The average salary for System Engineers in Mexico is approximately MXN 250,000 per year
  18. Russia: In Russia, System Engineers can expect an average annual salary of around ₽850,000
  19. China: System Engineers in China earn an average salary of about ¥150,000 per year
  20. South Korea: The average annual salary for System Engineers in South Korea is approximately ₩40,000,000


If you see yourself as a System Engineer, you must have graduated in computer science or a related field and have certifications like MCSE, CCNA, CISSP, and CompTIA Network+. 

A software engineer can earn up to eight lacs per year. You must be skilled in Communication, Security measures, Time management, Analytical skills, Cloud computing, Designing and implementing systems and tools, Organizational skills, etc.

You can get the System Engineer training from Network Kings with expert-engineer learning.


Is a System Engineer a coding job?

No, they don't perform coding.

What skills are required for a System Engineer?

Systems engineers need a variety of skills, including technical skills, communication skills, and project management skills.

Is System Engineering a good role?

It is in high demand and offers a high work-life balance.

Is a System Engineer a difficult job?

Yes, it is a difficult job that includes sub-systems and cross-functional skills. But practice makes a man perfect. So, it depends on an individual how fastly they grasp things.

Do systems engineers use Python?

Yes, system engineers use Python.

Is a System Engineer in demand?

Yes, they are in high demand both nationally and internationally.

Who is called a system engineer?

Systems engineering is a field of engineering and its management. concentrating on how to create, combine, and manage complex systems over their life cycles.

How do I become a system engineer?

You can become a system engineer by earning a bachelor's degree in computer science, enrolling in certification training, gaining certification, and entering entry-level jobs.

What is the highest salary for a system engineer?

The highest salary for a system engineer is around INR 8.5 lacs.

Is there any growth in system engineer?

System Engineer will grow by 21% in the next 10 years. It is an ever-growing field.

Top Trending Professional Courses in 2024

Top trending professional courses
Top trending professional courses

After getting a graduate degree, getting a job is the foremost priority of every individual. However, in today’s competitive world, it is not that easy to land a job directly after getting a graduate degree. This is why taking online professional courses can boost your chances of landing your dream job.

While short-term online courses are suitable for skill enhancement, professional IT course are a great way of opening doors to various job opportunities in specific domains. These domains could range from networking infrastructure, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

This guide lists the top professional courses in India that you can enroll in to land your dream job. Without further ado, let’s begin with the list of professional courses!

What are Professional Courses in IT?

You can consider professional courses as courses for a successful career. They’re a gateway to open a world of numerous job prospects in the IT industry of your choice. The professional courses listed in this guide serve the purpose of landing in-demand jobs in the tech industry.

The list of professional courses includes:

Let’s discuss the career prospects of each one of them one by one.

Top 10+ Online Professional Courses in India

professional courses list
  • IT Networking courses:

There are plenty of networking infrastructure professional courses that you can take up to begin a career as a Network Engineer/Network Administrator. As you can see from the image below that the career prospects for network engineers are promising.

career prospects for network engineers

The salary prospects for network engineers has hiked by almost 2% in 2023! This is a great opportunity to begin career in the networking industry.

You can take the following courses to begin a career in the IT infrastructure industry:

1. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA):

The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is an entry-level certification offered by Cisco. This is one of the best professional courses to take up to learn the fundamentals of networking, routing, switching and network automation.

Average salary: Rs. 5 LPA

Job opportunities after the CCNA course:
  • Network Administrator
  • Network Engineer
  • Systems Administrator
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Security Analyst
  • Network Technician
  • Wireless Network Engineer
  • VoIP Engineer
  • Network Architect
  • IT Project Manager
  • Data Center Technician
  • Network Consultant
  • IT Manager
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Network Operations Center (NOC) Technician
  • VoIP Administrator
  • Network Security Engineer
  • IT Auditor

2. Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP):

The Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) is an intermediate-level networking certification that proves your skills in advanced routing and switching. This Cisco certification is the best career choice after gaining a CCNA certification. You can take your networking skills to the next level with the CCNP course.

Average salary: Rs. 8 LPA

Job opportunities after the CCNP course:
  • Senior Network Engineer
  • Network Architect
  • Network Consultant
  • Systems Engineer
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)
  • Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Data Center Engineer
  • Network Manager
  • IT Director
  • IT Consultant
  • IT Trainer
  • Solutions Engineer
  • VoIP Engineer
  • Wireless Network Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Senior Network Administrator
  • IT Project Manager
  • Network Operations Manager
  • IT Risk Manager
  • Cloud computing courses:

90% business organizations are now dependent on cloud computing vendors for running and hosting applications. This has taken the whole IT industry by storm.

career growth in cloud computing

Among all the cloud computing service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the most popular cloud computing vendors across the globe.

You can therefore, pursue the following cloud computing professional courses in India:

3. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate:

The AWS certified solutions architect is an associate-level cloud computing certification. In this course, you learn about the design of cost and performance optimized solutions and understand the AWS Well-Architected framework.

Average salary: Rs. 6.4 LPA

Job opportunities after the AWS course:
  • AWS Solutions Architect
  • Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Cloud Solutions Engineer
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Consultant
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Systems Architect
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Infrastructure Architect
  • Cloud Security Architect
  • Solutions Architect Manager
  • Cloud Application Architect
  • AWS Cloud Consultant
  • Enterprise Cloud Strategist
  • Cloud Operations Manager
  • Technical Solutions Architect
  • Cloud Integration Specialist
  • Cloud Migration Engineer
  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Solution Sales Engineer

4. AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator:

The Microsoft Azure Administrator is an associate-level certification that trains you to implement, manage and monitor a business organization’s azure environment. You also learn to work with compute, storage, virtual networks, identity, security and governance.

Average salary: Rs. 6.5 LPA

Job opportunities after Azure course (AZ-104):
  • Azure Administrator
  • Cloud Administrator
  • Azure Solutions Engineer
  • Cloud Operations Engineer
  • Cloud Infrastructure Specialist
  • Azure Support Engineer
  • Azure Infrastructure Manager
  • Cloud Services Administrator
  • Network Administrator
  • Azure Site Recovery Specialist
  • Azure Governance Specialist
  • Azure Compliance Specialist
  • Azure Identity and Access Management Specialist
  • Azure Backup Administrator
  • Systems Administrator
  • Azure DevOps Engineer
  • Azure Security Administrator
  • Azure Database Administrator
  • Azure Virtual Desktop Specialist
  • Azure IoT Administrator

5. Google certified Professional Cloud Architect:

The Professional Cloud Architect is a professional certification offered by Google. GCP course is a professional certification that trains you to design, manage and develop secure, robust, scalable, highly available solutions related to cloud architecture to grow businesses. You learn to manage implementations of cloud architecture, ensure implementation of reliable solutions, etc.

Average salary: Rs. 24 LPA

Job opportunities after the GCP course:
  • Google Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Consultant
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
  • Cloud Strategy Advisor
  • Cloud Services Manager
  • Cloud Enterprise Architect
  • Cloud System Designer
  • Cloud Solution Planner
  • Cloud Application Architect
  • Google Cloud Security Architect
  • Cloud DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Migration Specialist
  • Cloud Cost Management Specialist
  • Cloud Compliance Auditor
  • Cloud Network Engineer
  • Cloud Data Engineer
  • Cloud Operations Manager
  • Cloud Governance Analyst
  • Cloud Business Analyst
  • Cybersecurity courses:

The cybersecurity courses indeed tops the list of professional courses after graduation. With the increase in the number of security and data breaches in various industries ranging from IT, healthcare, sales, consulting, etc., the need for cybersecurity professionals has skyrocketed. As seen in the image below, there has been a 335% growth in the cybersecurity jobs since 2013! That is a huge increase in the number.

growth in cybersecurity jobs

You can pursue the following professional degree courses if you wish to enter the cybersecurity industry:

6. Certified Ethical Hacking (CEHv12):

The Certified Ethical Hacking (CEHv12) is a top-notch cybersecurity course offered in the domain of ethical hacking by EC-Council. This course is the best professional course to take if you wish to learn everything about foot printing and reconnaissance, vulnerability analysis, system hacking, social engineering, SQL injection, IoT and OT hacking, cryptography, etc.

Average salary: Rs. 5.1 LPA

Job opportunities after the CEH V12 course:
  • Ethical Hacker
  • Security Analyst
  • Penetration Tester
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Information Security Specialist
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Vulnerability Assessor
  • Incident Responder
  • Security Auditor
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • IT Security Manager
  • Risk Analyst
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Network Administrator
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Forensic Analyst
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Researcher
  • Malware Analyst
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst


7. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP):

CISSP course offered by (ISC)² is one of the best courses for working professionals who want to excel in the domain of cybersecurity. CISSP is a very respected high-level certification in the industry. This course trains you to implement and manage security programs in various organizations. You learn about security and risk management, asset security, communication and network security, software development security, security operations, identity and access management, and much more.

Average salary: Rs.. 25 LPA

Job opportunities after the CISSP course:
  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Information Security Manager
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Analyst
  • Security Architect
  • IT Security Director 
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Cryptographer
  • Security Educator or Trainer
  • Security Policy Analyst
  • Application Security Engineer
  • Risk Manager
  • Compliance Manager
  • Security Auditor
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Manager
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) Specialist
  • Cloud Security Architect
  • Forensic Analyst
  • Healthcare Security Specialist
  • DevOps courses:

The DevOps is yet again another booming industry in the current world. In fact, the DevOps industry is projected to grow its global revenue up to $ 30 billion by 2028! No wonder why it is one of the top professional courses in India.

devops courses

One of the most popular DevOps course is the AWS DevOps course. You can learn more about it here.

8. AWS DevOps:

If you’re looking to transition your career into the DevOps industry, look no further than the AWS DevOps course. This course will train you how to function as a leader in cross-functional teams, especially software development and IT operations. You learn to manage, deploy, and monitor cloud apps on AWS using the CI/CD pipelines.

Average salary: Rs. 7.5 LPA

Job opportunities after the AWS DevOps course:
  • DevOps Engineer
  • AWS DevOps Engineer
  • DevOps Consultant
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
  • Automation Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Specialist
  • Systems Engineer
  • Release Manager
  • DevSecOps Engineer
  • Application Deployment Engineer
  • Docker Engineer
  • Kubernetes Administrator
  • AWS Solution Architect
  • Build and Release Engineer
  • Cloud Operations Engineer
  • AWS Cloud Engineer
  • Configuration Management Specialist
  • Deployment Automation Specialist
  • CompTIA courses:

CompTIA provides vendor-neutral courses that can be taken up based on your area of interest. In fact, CompTIA courses are go-to choice of certification in the US. The most popular professional courses by CompTIA are mentioned below: 

9. CompTIA Network+:

If you wish to take your IT infrastructure skills to the next level, you can take the CompTIA Network+ course. This course trains you to configure, manage and troubleshoot networks. It is an associate-level certification, just like CCNA. The only difference between the two is that the CompTIA Network+ is vendor-neutral, meaning you can configure routers of any vendor such as Juniper Networks, Cisco, etc.

Average salary: Rs. 3.5 LPA – Rs. 8 LPA

Job opportunities after the CompTIA Network+ course:
  • Network Administrator
  • Network Technician
  • Network Support Specialist
  • IT Support Technician
  • Systems Administrator
  • Network Engineer
  • Help Desk Technician
  • Network Analyst
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Network Operations Center (NOC) Technician
  • IT Consultant
  • Wireless Network Technician
  • Network Security Analyst
  • VoIP Technician
  • Data Center Technician
  • Network Consultant
  • Network Manager
  • IT Project Manager

10. CompTIA CySA+:

If you are looking to become a Cybersecurity Analyst, the CompTIA CySA+ is the best professional course to begin a career in the cybersecurity industry. You learn various threat detection techniques, analyzing the data, recover systems from incidents, and monitor network traffic findings.

Average salary: Rs. 6.3 LPA

Job opportunities after the CompTIA CySA+ course:
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Threat Analyst
  • Incident Responder
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Administrator
  • Forensic Analyst
  • Malware Analyst
  • Cloud Security Analyst
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • SOC Manager
  • Network Security Analyst
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Vulnerability Analyst
  • IT Security Specialist
  • Security Auditor
  • Risk Analyst
  • Firewall courses:

The firewall courses are a great add-on to showcase your enhanced skillset as a Network Engineer to the recruiters. There are many popular firewall courses, however, the Palo Alto firewall is one of the top courses to become a Firewall Engineer. The various Firewall courses are as follows:

11. Palo Alto firewall:

The Palo Alto firewall has been posed as an industry leader 10 times in a row by Gartner! No wonder why you must pursue these skills to become a Network Security Engineer.

Palo Alto firewall course

It is quite evident from the image that the Palo Alto firewall is the most in-demand firewall across the globe. In this course, you learn to manage, deploy, monitor and implement Palo Alto firewall to bring out maximum business growth and seamless business performance.

Average salary: Rs. 7.7 LPA

Job opportunities after the Palo Alto Firewall course:
  • Palo Alto Networks Administrator
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Firewall Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Information Security Specialist
  • Network Administrator
  • IT Security Consultant
  • Network Architect
  • Security Consultant
  • IT Director 
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Cloud Security Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Incident Responder
  • Threat Analyst
  • Network Engineer
  • Security Manager
  • Security Auditor
  • Penetration Tester

12. Check Point firewall:

The Check Point firewall is yet again a popular choice of firewall after the Palo Alto firewall. You learn to work with the Next-Gen firewall when you get trained for the Check Point firewall. You learn to deploy firewall, configure VPN tunnels, deploy gateways and check traffic.

Average salary: Rs. 14.6 LPA

Job opportunities after the Checkpoint Firewall course:
  • Check Point Firewall Administrator
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Firewall Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
  • Information Security Specialist
  • Network Administrator
  • Security Manager
  • IT Director 
  • Compliance Analyst
  • Cloud Security Engineer
  • IT Security Consultant
  • Network Architect
  • Security Consultant
  • Incident Responder
  • Threat Analyst
  • Network Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Security Auditor
  • Penetration Tester

Where can you pursue the Online Professional Courses for a successful career in IT?

Network Kings is one stop-solution for all things tech. If you wish to learn directly from top-notch engineers and become a successful professional, you can enroll in our courses at reasonable prices. Some of the benefits of enrolling at Network Kings are as follows:

  • You will succeed over others if you attend live sessions led by prominent engineers with more than 12 years of expertise in the field.
  • For a pleasant approach to study, there are also frequent professional Q&A sessions.
  • You always have access to the session records.
  • You can always seek help from career counselors for your professional problems.
  • You are given a certificate of completion for the course.
  • Additionally, you receive advice on how to create the greatest CV.


That’s a wrap! This guide is the best toolbook for any individual who is already a graduate but wish to enhance his/her skills. This way, you develop skills that are more aligned with the industry standards. You can then enter the domain of network infrastructure, cybersecurity or even cloud computing! This is why we have summarized all the top professional courses in India to help you out.

What are you waiting for? Begin now by enrolling yourself in the Top Trending Professional Courses for a successful career in IT.

What are Network Devices and its types?

Network Devices
Network Devices

In today’s interconnected world, network devices play a crucial role in facilitating communication and data exchange between devices. From routers to switches, modems to access points, each networking device has a specific function that contributes to the smooth operation of a network. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of networking devices, their functions, and how they work together to create a seamless network infrastructure.

What is Networking?

Networking is a vast sea of opportunities that has routes to finally bag the dream jobs in accordance to each one’s line of interest. Networking has a varied range of devices working that initiate and facilitate efficient working in the field. There is a varied range of devices all aiming at making this possible in the realm of networking. Now let us see closely each of these devices how they work, and the purpose they serve, up close. 

Top 11 Network Devices in Networking - Networking Hardwares

#1: Hub.

cisco network device Hub

What do you understand by the word Hub in the world of computing?Hub (computing) refers to the connection point in a system which is the melting pot as data from many directions is converged here and further sent out in many varied directions. A hub also often acts as a switch by stopping certain data packets from reaching their destinations. 

Types of Hubs:

  • Active Hub.
  • Intelligent Hub.
  • Passive Hub.


  • The runtime that has been set by the environment data hub needs to be shared on DASD in a SYSPLEX environment.
  • To make a high availability  hub that enables movement from one LPAR to another, whilst a recovery switchover. The hub host address needs to be defined by the means of Dynamic VIPA (DVIP).  

Need of Hub In Networking:

  • Multiple devices are connected by the means of a hub. 
  • It also qualifies as a repeater as it amplifies signals which have deteriorated after traveling over connecting cables.  
  • Hubs are the easiest in the entire family of network connecting a hub is the simplest in the family of network connecting devices because it connects LAN components with identical protocols.

#2: Switches

cisco network device Switches
  • Switches are devices that are operating a secondary data link layer in the OSI model. They establish connectivity in any network and by the means of a packet data is received and sent. Multiple computers are plugged into it as it has many ports.

Types of switches:

  • KVM switch 
  • Managed switch
  • Unmanaged switch
  • Smart switch
  • PoE Switch


  • The most number of small switches are employed by small businesses. They are also used at homes and office spaces. These require no configuration as they are plug and play. 
  • However, plug and play doesn’t always work.  Small switches don’t offer any troubleshooting, logging, security, or manageability whatsoever.

Need For a Switch:

  • Switches are key building blocks for any network. They connect multiple devices, such as computers, wireless access points, printers, and servers; on the same network within a building or campus. A switch enables connected devices to share information and talk to each other.

#3: Router.

  • Router is defined as a networking device that sends data packets further between computer networks. They are able to perform traffic directing functions over the internet. 

Types of Routers:

  • Edge routers
  • VPN routers.
  • Wired routers
  • Core routers


  • The process to configure a router begins by unplugging or switching off the cable or DSL modem. Firstly, unplug or turn off the cable or DSL modem. Then the wireless router has to be plugged in and connected to the network cable into the port over the router that is labeled as ‘internet’ or’ WAN’. The other end is to be connected to the cable or DSL modem and the modem has to be started. 

Need for a router:

  • The router is one of the integral parts of a computing system
  • It works to manage traffic between networks by forwarding data packets to the IP address designated to them and also allowing multiple devices to use the same internet connection as well.

#4: Bridge.

  • Let’s have a look at what qualifies as a bridge in the networking realm? Well, a bridge is another device that is used to connect LAN cable segments together. The bridge is operational at the data link layer of an OSI model. Bridges also facilitate packet filtering at the data link layer, which means that it can only pass the packets that are meant for the other side of the network.


  • Bridging is one of the features that can be employed to establish a connection between 2 or more layer 2 interfaces together that too from the single broadcast domain. 
  • This then further forwards packets in software, basing it upon the layer 2 header. This resembles quite a lot to forward the logic to layer 2 switching. From where they get ahead into hardware. 

Need for configuration:

There is a need for bridges as:
Bridges happen to connect two or more different LANs that have a similar protocol and further provide communication between the devices in them. 

Bridges help in multiplying the network capacity of a single LAN by joining multiple LANs. 

#5: Gateway.


A gateway can be defined as a network node that is employed in telecommunications that it tends to connect two networks which possess varying transmission protocols alongside.  network as it’s important for all data to communicate with the gateway before it begins to get routed. 


To configure a Gateway the following steps are needed:

  • Primarily install and configure the second network adapter.
  • Install and configure the second network adapter, if you have not done so already. (See Installing a network adapter and Adapter management and configuration.) 
  • Choose an IP address for the second network interface, and then configure the network interface by following the instructions in Network interface management.

Need of a gateway:

A gateway is a network node that is used to connect two networks with varying transmission protocols together, in telecommunications.

#6: Modem


A modem is defined as a network device that both modulates and also demodulates analog carrier signals known as signals or sine waves, for encoding and decoding digital information for processing. Modems efficiently accomplish both tasks. 


Whilst using any device with a browser, you have to connect it to the WiFi network of that particular modem.
Open the browser and then enter the gateway address which is written at the back of that modem.
Now the final step is to enter the modem username and password, which should also be on the modem.

Need for a MODEM:

We need a modem to be able to send and receive data from two different networking routes; the internet provider’s connection and also one’s home network’s connection as well.

#7: Repeater.


A repeater is implemented in a system’s network to facilitate  A repeater is implemented in computer networks to expand the coverage area of the network, repropagate a weak or broken signal and or service remote nodes. Repeaters amplify the received/input signal to a higher frequency domain so that it is reusable, scalable and available.



  • When in repeater mode, the access point tends to extend the range of any existing  WiFi network.
  • This mode is most preferred if a person is in a no Wifi zone or a place that has really poor reception. 


#8: Access Point.

Access Point

An access point is identified as a device that creates a wireless local area network, or WLAN, that often exists in an office or large building. An access point establishes a connection with a wired router, switch, or hub via an Ethernet cable, and projects a Wi-Fi signal to a designated area.


  • The access point has to be connected to one of the ports of one’s existing wired/wireless router and then the access point’s wireless settings have to be configured.    
  • Now web point’s web -based setup page is opened by entering the default IP address.
  • On the web-based setup page, click on Wireless    
  • Enter the Network Name (SSID).

Need for an access point:

  • Access points are useful for extending the wireless coverage of any existent network and further increasing the number of users that shall be connected to it.

Hopefully you were able to know the networking devices essential to perform and carry out daily and advanced computing as well. The devices are absolutely crucial for carrying out smooth working be it for individuals or organizations.

#9: WLC - Wireless LAN Controller


Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLAN), wireless controller, provides wireless performance of all mobile devices, offers limited hotspot coverage and more.


A wireless LAN controller (WLC) is a network component that is capable of managing wireless network access points and allows wireless devices to connect to the network. 

It offers central control over network elements, simplifies individual component  monitoring. 

Need for WLC:

WLCs (Cisco WLC) are commonly used to have  control over one’s routers, switches, firewalls, gateways etc. Monitoring Cisco WLC helps you determine the performance and efficiency of every device.

#10: NIC - Network Interface Card:

Wireless LAN Controller

A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, which is installed on a computer so it can connect to a network.

Configuration of NIC:

  • To configure NIC firstly the control panel has to be opened. Then orderly, set View by to Category.
  • Click Network and Internet.
  • Click Network and Sharing Center.
  • Select the local area network connection that is connected to the radio hardware and then select properties.
  • If an unused network connection is available, the local area connection appears as an Unidentified network.
  • If you plan to reuse your network connection, select the local area connection that you plan to use for the radio hardware.
  • If you have only one network connection, check if you can connect wirelessly to the existing local area network. If you can, you can use the network connection for the radio hardware.
    A  pluggable USB is used  as a Gigabit Ethernet LAN adapter instead of a NIC.
    All options except Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) are to be cleared. 
  • Often it is observed that services like antiviral software, can cause intermittent connection problems with the radio hardware.

Need of NIC:

  • A NIC  is competent enough to provide  computers with a dedicated , full- time connection from the network.
  • It works to implement the physical layer circuitry which is hailed as essential for communicating with a data link layer standard. \
  • Each card represents a device and can prepare, transmit and control the flow of data on the network.

#11: Load Balancer:

Load balancer is defined as the traffic cop, sitting in front of any server and routing client requests across all servers that are capable of fulfilling the former request.
It is done in a way that maximizes speed and capacity utilization and ensures that no server happens to be overburdened. 

Load Balancer


  • A load balancer  is configured with a protocol and a port for front-end (client to    load balancer) connections and also a  protocol and a port for back-end (load balancer to instance) connections. 

Need for A load balancer:

  • Load balancers let you evenly distribute network traffic to prevent failure that can be caused by overloading a particular resource.
  • The employed strategy improves the performance and also the availability of applications, databases and other varied computing resources. 
  • It also aids processing  user requests quickly and accurately.


In conclusion, networking devices play a critical role in establishing and maintaining communication networks. From routers to switches, modems to access points, each device serves a specific function in enabling seamless data transfer and connectivity between devices. Understanding the different types of networking devices and how they work together is essential for building efficient and reliable network infrastructures. By leveraging the right network devices for specific networking needs, organizations and individuals can create robust networks that support their communication requirements effectively.