It is not mandatory to share your details if you wish to browse the website for information purposes or any other requirement. We do not request any information from your end for visiting the site. There is no requirement for sharing details.
However, at any step that you wish to proceed for in-depth details, you agree explicitly to allow us to retain your information and use it when required.
We will collect certain information concerning the query if you wish to enrol. The information requested shall be in constraints of but not limited to the following:
Well, It is a Disclaimer that our website functions are based on cookies and restored information. The cookie file gets stored on your hard drive. This file may be consulted and used on basis of your browser history to understand you better.
These cookies help to serve better for personalizing the experience of users to meet their requirements effortlessly. We enhance the engagement and service basis of these cookies.
The cookies help deliver the following:
We make it understandable to our users that all information gets retained as shared by the user via web platforms.
If you enroll as a user, we may request to share a testimonial video where the data and social media content will get posted on our website.
Considering your privacy concerns, we ensure that we do not share your information other than your name on our testimonial pages. Upon your agreement, we shall display the additional information.
The team of Network Kings functions from India. However, as we are a virtual learning platform, we accept and entertain international users. If you are from any other country, you agree to abide by Indian norms of functioning at our end.
Please also keep in mind that you abide by the transmission of your data to Indian platforms that may not have the same security norms as that of your native country.
The usage of any websites which may transmit your data is at your own risk and discretion.