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What’s the Difference between Docker and Kubernetes – Explained

difference between docker and kubernetes

Embarking in the world of containerization means navigating through tools like Kubernetes and Docker. So, what exactly is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes

Docker, a platform, is like a craftsman creating and managing containers for applications. On the other hand, Kubernetes acts as a conductor, orchestrating these containers and automating deployment, scaling, and management. This blog will dive into the nuances that set Kubernetes and Docker apart, unveiling their distinct roles in the container landscape. 

Whether you are a developer looking for simplicity in Docker or an enthusiast exploring Kubernetes’ orchestration magic, understanding these differences is crucial for building robust and scalable containerized applications. Keep reading the blog till the end as we explore the strengths each platform brings to the realm of containerization.

What is containerization?

Containerization is like packaging up an app and everything it needs to run in a tidy box. This box, or container, includes all the code, tools, and other stuff the app needs to work. The cool part is that these containers can run on different computers without causing trouble. It is like putting an app in a travel bag—it is self-contained and doesn’t mess with the computer it is running on. 

Docker is a popular tool that helps with this container stuff. Using containers makes it easier for developers to build and test apps, and it also helps when moving apps between different places. So, containerization is like a smart way to pack and move apps around without making a mess.

What is the importance of container orchestration in modern IT environments?

The importance of container orchestration in modern IT environments is as follows-

  1. Growing and Shrinking: When more people want to use your app, the manager can quickly make more copies (containers) so everyone gets what they need. When things calm down, it can shrink things back to save resources.
  2. No Breaks Allowed: If something goes wrong with one of your app boxes or even the computer it’s on, the manager quickly fixes it or moves your app to another place so people can still use it.
  3. Not Wasting Anything: The manager is like a clever organizer, making sure each computer works just right without doing too much or too little. It’s like using all the ingredients in your kitchen efficiently.
  4. Doing Things Automatically: The manager helps with boring tasks, like setting up apps or making sure they have the newest features. This means less work for people and fewer mistakes.
  5. Updates Without Pauses: When your app gets a cool new update, the manager can add it smoothly without stopping the app. If something isn’t right, it can quickly go back to how it was before.
  6. Balancing the Workload: Imagine lots of people trying to use your app at the same time. The manager makes sure everyone gets served without anyone waiting too long. It is like a fair line for your app.
  7. Easy Plans: The manager understands simple instructions about how your app should be, and it follows those instructions. This makes things easy for people managing the apps—they just say what they want, and the manager makes it happen.
  8. Using Different Spaces: The manager can place your apps in different places, like on different computers or in the cloud. This means you can choose the best spot for your app, and if you want to move, it is not a big deal.

What is the key role of Kubernetes and Docker in containerized applications?

The key role of Kubernetes and Docker in containerized applications is as follows-


  1. Super Organizer: Imagine if you have lots of those containers running different parts of your app. Kubernetes is like a super organizer for these containers. It helps you tell them what to do, where to go, and how many friends they should invite.
  2. Growing and Shrinking: Sometimes, you might need more of your containers when lots of people are using your app. Kubernetes can automatically make more copies when it’s busy and shrink them when it’s calm. It’s like having extra waiters in a restaurant when it’s full.
  3. Helps Friends Talk: If your app has different pieces that need to talk to each other, Kubernetes helps them find and talk to each other. It’s like having a guide at a big party who makes sure everyone meets the right folks.
  4. Upgrades Made Easy: When you want to update your app, Kubernetes can do it smoothly, like changing a tire while the car is still moving. If something goes wrong, it can quickly go back to the previous version, like undoing a mistake.


  1. Container Magic: Docker is like a magic box that helps put your applications and all the stuff they need into a tidy package called a container. These containers are easy to carry around, and they make sure your app works the same way no matter where you put it.
  2. Keeps Things Apart: With Docker, you can run different containers on the same computer without messing with each other. Each container has its own space, like a little bubble, with its files and rules.
  3. Picture Perfect: Docker uses pictures called images to pack up your app and its friends. These images are like ready-to-go snapshots that you can easily share with others. It is like sharing a photo instead of sending the whole album.

What is Docker?

Docker is a super handy tool for software that makes sure your apps run smoothly wherever you put them. It puts each app and its friends in a neat box called a container. These containers are like mini-packages that have everything the app needs to work. It is like having a lunchbox for your apps!

Docker also uses something called images, which are like ready-to-go snapshots of your apps. Think of them as Instagram photos – easy to share and show to others. This helps your apps work the same way, whether they are on your computer or someone else’s.

So, Docker makes sure your apps are like little portable islands that can run anywhere, making it simpler for developers to create, share, and run software without any hiccups.

What is the role of Docker containerization?

The role of Docker containerization is as follows-

  1. Efficient Team Coordination: Envision your programs as a team. Kubernetes steps in to deploy and manage them, ensuring smooth collaboration. If more folks start using your programs, Kubernetes can swiftly bring in extra team members to handle the increased workload. And when things slow down, it can trim the team size for efficiency.
  2. Smooth Communication: Kubernetes guarantees your programs chat effortlessly, acting like a party guide ensuring everyone mingles with the right crowd. This is key for intricate applications composed of various parts that must cooperate.
  3. Health Monitoring: It keeps tabs on your programs’ well-being, fixing issues if they arise. It is like having a health inspector for your team, ensuring everyone stays in top shape and performs well.
  4. Upgrades Without Hassle: When you’re ready to update your programs, Kubernetes handles it seamlessly. It is akin to swapping a tire while the car is still moving. If something goes awry, it can swiftly revert to the previous version – like hitting ‘undo’ on a mistake.

What are the benefits of using Docker?

The benefits of using Docker are as follows-

  1. Consistent Environments: Docker ensures that everyone involved in creating an app works in the same environment, from developers to testers and when deploying to servers. This helps avoid the frustrating “it works on my machine” issue.
  2. Isolation: Docker neatly keeps each app in its own container, like a separate room. This means they don’t interfere with each other or mess with the computer they’re running on.
  3. Portability: Docker containers are like portable boxes for apps. You can easily move them around, making it simple to run your app on different computers without any hiccups.
  4. Efficiency: Docker containers start up really fast and don’t use up a lot of resources. This means you can run many containers on a single computer without it slowing down.
  5. Scalability: Docker makes it easy to add or remove containers based on how many people are using your app. It is like having extra helpers when your app gets popular and sending them home when things calm down.
  6. Version Control and Rollbacks: Docker takes snapshots of your app at different stages, like saving different versions of a document. If something goes wrong with an update, you can quickly switch back to a previous version.
  7. DevOps Integration: Docker fits well with DevOps practices, helping automate the process of building, testing, and delivering apps. This speeds up development and ensures a smooth delivery pipeline.
  8. Microservices Architecture: Docker supports breaking down apps into smaller parts, making them easier to manage. Each part runs in its own container, allowing for flexibility and easy updates.
  9. Community and Ecosystem: Docker has a big and active community, providing tons of helpful resources. The Docker Hub is like a library of pre-built app parts that developers can use as a starting point.
  10. Security: Docker pays attention to security, keeping containers isolated and allowing for thorough scans to catch potential vulnerabilities in apps.

What is Kubernetes?

Think of Kubernetes as a super-smart boss for your computer programs. Do you know how you have a bunch of different apps doing different tasks? Well, Kubernetes helps you manage and take care of them.

It is like a traffic cop for your apps, making sure they run smoothly. If lots of people are using your app, Kubernetes can automatically get more “helpers” to handle the extra work. And when things slow down, it can reduce the number of helpers.

Kubernetes is also like a health inspector for your apps. It keeps an eye on them, fixes things if they go wrong, and can even update them without causing any trouble. It is basically a reliable manager making sure all your apps work well together, stay healthy, and do their jobs right. In simple terms, Kubernetes makes running complicated apps easy.

What is the role of Kubernetes containerization?

The role of Kubernetes containerization is as follows-

  1. Efficient Team Coordination: Imagine your programs as a team. Kubernetes helps put them to work and makes sure they cooperate nicely. If more people start using your programs, Kubernetes can quickly bring in more team members to handle the extra work. And if things slow down, it can reduce the team size to keep things efficient.
  2. Smooth Communication: Kubernetes makes sure your programs can talk to each other easily. It is like having a guide at a big party, ensuring everyone mingles with the right people. This is super important for complicated applications that have different parts needing to work together.
  3. Health Monitoring: It keeps an eye on how your programs are doing, fixing things up if something goes wrong. It is a bit like having a health inspector for your team, making sure everyone stays in good shape and does their job well.
  4. Upgrades Without Hassle: When you want to update your programs, Kubernetes does it smoothly. It is like changing a tire while the car is still moving. If something goes wrong, it can quickly switch back to the previous version, like undoing a mistake.

What are the benefits of using Kubernetes?

The benefits of using Kubernetes are as follows-

  1. Smart Scaling: Kubernetes can automatically adjust the number of containers running your app based on how many people are using it. It is like having extra waiters in a restaurant when it is busy and sending them home when it is quiet, making sure your app is always responsive and cost-effective.
  2. Always Available: Kubernetes makes sure your app is always available. If one computer where your app is running decides to take a nap, Kubernetes quickly moves your app to another computer, minimizing any downtime or disruptions.
  3. Easy Traffic Control: It has built-in traffic control, directing the flow of visitors to your app. This ensures that no single part of your app is working too hard, preventing slowdowns and keeping things running smoothly.
  4. Safe Updates and Rollbacks: When you want to update your app, Kubernetes does it smoothly, like changing a tire on a moving car. If something doesn’t go as planned, it can quickly switch back to the previous version, ensuring your app stays stable.
  5. Discoverable Services: Kubernetes makes it easy for different parts of your app to find and talk to each other. It is like having a built-in GPS for your app, ensuring all the pieces know where to go and what to do.
  6. Simple Configuration: Instead of telling Kubernetes exactly what to do at every step, you can just tell it what you want your app to look like, and it takes care of the rest. It is like having a personal assistant who knows how you like things done.
  7. Efficient Resource Use: Kubernetes is good at making the most out of your computer’s power. It ensures that each part of your app gets just the right amount of resources, preventing any bottlenecks and making your app run faster.
  8. Fixes Itself: If something goes wrong with one part of your app, Kubernetes notices and fixes it. It is like having a superhero for your app, ensuring it stays healthy and doesn’t let small issues turn into big problems.
  9. Many Ways to Deploy: Kubernetes supports different ways of putting your app out there. Whether you want to slowly show off new features or try something new without scaring everyone, it has got you covered.

Compare Docker and Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Guide to Docker vs Kubernetes

In the world of modern app development, Docker and Kubernetes play essential roles. Docker is like a neat packaging system, making it easy to create and run applications consistently in separate containers. On the other hand, Kubernetes acts as the conductor, orchestrating these containers to automate deployment, scaling, and overall management. Docker is great for simplifying app creation, while Kubernetes shines in coordinating multiple containers effectively. Together, they form a powerful duo, providing a robust solution for developing, packaging, and smoothly running applications in dynamic and scalable environments. Understanding their individual contributions is key to navigating the realm of containerized app development.

What is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? - Kubernetes vs Docker Explained

The difference between Kubernetes and Docker is as follows-





Docker is like your toolbox for creating and running containers that wrap up applications neatly.

Kubernetes acts as the conductor, handling the big picture of how these containers work together and scaling them up or down as needed.


Docker is all about individual containers and making sure they are doing their thing.

Kubernetes zooms out and takes care of managing lots of containers working together in a cluster.


Docker makes an application and its friends fit snugly into a container.

Kubernetes steps back and hides all the techy details, letting you manage your app without worrying about the infrastructure.


Docker has the Docker Engine, images, and a friendly command-line interface.

Kubernetes has its master node, worker nodes, and a bunch of buddies like kubelet and etcd.


Docker is like a cool developer friend, helping you build and package your apps.

Kubernetes is the behind-the-scenes operator, solving the challenges of running lots of containers at once.


Docker containers are like travel pros; they go anywhere without a fuss.

Kubernetes keeps things portable, making sure your apps can move around hassle-free.


Docker’s scaling is okay.

Kubernetes is the superhero for managing big container deployments.


Docker likes to be told what to do in a step-by-step way.

Kubernetes prefers you to declare what you want, and it takes care of making it happen.


Docker sometimes needs hand-finding services; you might have to introduce them.

Kubernetes has a built-in GPS for discovering and balancing services.


Docker does updates by stopping and swapping containers.

Kubernetes does fancy rolling updates and rollbacks without making your app take a break.


Docker looks outside for health checks.

Kubernetes keeps an eye on your app’s health itself, like an in-built doctor.


Docker likes to team up with other tools for logs and monitoring.

Kubernetes is an all-in-one solution, that handles logging and monitoring by itself.


Docker’s got a bustling community, especially for container fans.

Kubernetes has a massive ecosystem, covering everything from orchestration to management and beyond.


Docker loves its tools and ecosystem.

Kubernetes is open-source and plays well with everyone, promoting a neutral playground.


The docker can be extended but stays true to its container roots.

Kubernetes is like a LEGO set, letting you add extra bits and pieces for more cool features.

What are the similarities between Docker and Kubernetes?

The similarities between Docker and Kubernetes are as follows-

  1. Both Docker and Kubernetes are like magicians for applications, using containers to bundle up all the necessary bits and bobs and run them smoothly on different systems.
  2. They are both big fans of making sure your applications can go on adventures without any hiccups. Docker containers travel well, and Kubernetes makes sure they feel at home wherever they go.
  3. Docker and Kubernetes are buddies with the whole microservices gang, letting developers build and deploy applications in these neat, scalable chunks.
  4. They both speak the language of telling, not asking. Docker uses a Dockerfile to declare what your app needs and Kubernetes uses YAML files to understand your application’s wishes.
  5. They are like the energy-efficient appliances of the software world, making the most out of your computer’s resources and letting you run lots of apps without a fuss.
  6. Docker and Kubernetes both have their command centers. Docker has its CLI, and Kubernetes has Kubectl, making it easy to tell them what you need. They’re also fluent in APIs, so you can talk to them programmatically.
  7. When it comes to keeping your apps in their little bubbles, Docker and Kubernetes are on it. Docker uses containers for isolation, and Kubernetes takes care of making sure those isolated bits play well together.
  8. They are like the cool parents supporting your app’s growth spurt. Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are experts at helping your app scale up when it becomes the next big thing.
  9. They are the rockstars of CI/CD. Docker plays a role in smoothly integrating into your continuous integration and deployment pipelines, and Kubernetes is the one making sure your app gets deployed and managed like a pro.
  10. Docker and Kubernetes are the cool kids in town with bustling communities. They also have lots of friends in their ecosystems, offering a wide range of tools to make your life easier.

How do Docker and Kubernetes work together?

  1. Imagine Docker as your craftsman for making these neat little packages called containers. It packs your applications and all their necessary stuff into a tidy box, ensuring they can run anywhere.
  2. Docker not only creates these containers but also builds what we call container images. Think of them as the blueprint for your containers. They hold everything your application needs, and we stash them in a place like Docker Hub.
  3. Now, here comes Kubernetes, the director of our grand container show. It takes those Docker containers and orchestrates them on a grand scale. It is like the backstage manager making sure everything runs smoothly.
  4. In the Kubernetes world, it organizes these containers into something called pods. Think of a pod as a cosy space where your containers can chill together. They even share the same network and chat with each other easily.
  5. When you are ready to let Kubernetes do its thing, you use Deployments. You tell it how many containers you want, and which images to use, and it ensures your application looks exactly as you have described.
  6. Kubernetes also takes care of service discovery and load balancing. You don’t have to worry about how one pod talks to another; Kubernetes handles that, making it easy for your applications to find and communicate with each other.
  7. Got more traffic? No problem. Kubernetes can add more containers dynamically to handle the load. When things calm down, it scales back down, making sure your application is always ready for action.
  8. Upgrading your app is like a movie premiere with Kubernetes. It does rolling updates, smoothly bringing in the new version while the old one gracefully steps aside. If something goes wrong, it can roll back just as seamlessly.
  9. For applications that need to remember stuff (we call them stateful), Kubernetes manages their storage needs. It ensures they have the space they need to keep memories intact.

What are the pros and cons of Docker and Kubernetes in container orchestration?

The difference between Docker and Kubernetes leads to the difference between the pros and cons of both programs.

The pros of Docker in container orchestration are as follows-

  1. Docker is like the magician’s wand of simplicity. It’s easy for developers to use, allowing them to effortlessly create, share, and run containers.
  2. Docker containers are the globetrotters of the software world. They can run seamlessly in various environments, making life easy for applications from development to the big stage.
  3. Docker containers are like the minimalists of resource usage. They share resources with the host operating system, making them lightweight and efficient.
  4. Docker has this buzzing community vibe. There are tons of pre-built images available on Docker Hub, creating a bustling ecosystem of possibilities.
  5. Docker Compose is like the magic spell for local development. It helps set up and tear down multi-container applications with a single command, making developers’ lives a lot easier.

The cons of Docker in container orchestration are as follows-

  1. Docker’s native orchestration tool, Docker Swarm, might feel a bit like a light jog compared to the marathon that Kubernetes can handle. It may lack some features needed for complex setups.
  2. While Docker Swarm is good for basic scaling, it might face challenges when dealing with large and intricate applications. Think of it like handling a big puzzle; sometimes, you need a more intricate solution.
  3. Docker Swarm is like the expert for single-host scenarios. But when you’re dealing with a crowd of hosts, it might not be as robust as the big player, Kubernetes.

The pros of Kubernetes in container orchestration are as follows-

  1. Kubernetes is the maestro of orchestration. It has got all the advanced features for deploying, scaling, and managing applications in a grand and automated style.
  2. When it comes to handling a large cast of containers, Kubernetes takes the lead. It is the heavyweight champion for managing complex workloads.
  3. Kubernetes is like having a self-healing superhero. It watches over your applications, and if a container misbehaves, it automatically replaces it or shifts it to a healthier spot. It is all about high availability.
  4. Kubernetes is like your wish-granting genie. You tell it what you want, and it makes sure your applications stay exactly as you have described.
  5. Kubernetes is the playground of possibilities. It is highly extensible, letting you add extra toys and gadgets through a bunch of plugins and extensions.

The cons of Kubernetes in container orchestration are as follows-

  1. Kubernetes, though powerful, is like climbing a learning mountain. It might take a bit more effort to get used to, especially for smaller projects or teams without a dedicated operations expert.
  2. Kubernetes, being the big orchestrator, can sometimes take up a bit more space. It might demand more resources compared to simpler solutions.
  3. For smaller projects, Kubernetes might be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It could be overkill if your project doesn’t need the full orchestration extravaganza.

What are the future trends and developments in Docker and Kubernetes?

The future trends and developments in Docker are as follows-

  1. Docker is putting effort into making Docker Desktop a more user-friendly and efficient space for developers. They are jazzing up the interfaces, boosting performance, and adding new features to make local development smoother.
  2. Docker is serious about locking down container security. They are rolling out features like Content Trust to make sure that container images stay intact and trustworthy.
  3. Docker is broadening its horizons by aiming to support multiple architectures. This means Docker is gearing up to play well in all sorts of computing environments.
  4. Docker Swarm, the built-in tool for orchestrating containers, might see some upgrades. They are likely focusing on making it even better at handling distributed applications and making it a breeze to scale up.

The future trends and developments in Kubernetes are as follows-

  1. Kubernetes is on a mission to be more user-friendly. They are working on making it simpler for everyone, from seasoned developers to those just dipping their toes into the Kubernetes pool.
  2. Imagine if Kubernetes and serverless computing had a collaboration. Well, they are! Projects like Knative are bringing serverless capabilities into the Kubernetes world.
  3. Kubernetes is spreading its wings into the world of AI and machine learning. They are using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and operators to make Kubernetes a go-to platform for these specialized workloads.
  4. There is a cool new trend called GitOps. It is like using Git as the superhero for keeping everything in check – your infrastructure, your applications, everything. Tools like ArgoCD are championing this approach.
  5. Kubernetes is getting adventurous with hybrid and multi-cloud deployments. Now, you can seamlessly run your apps across different clouds and servers.
  6. Kubernetes is weaving service mesh technologies into its fabric. Tools like Istio and Linkerd are becoming the go-to for managing how microservices talk to each other, tightening security, and giving you a bird’s-eye view.
  7. Picture Kubernetes making its way to the edge. Edge computing, where you need lightweight and scalable orchestration, is becoming a new territory for Kubernetes. Projects like K3s are making this happen.

Where can I learn the best Docker and Kubernetes course training?

To get the best Docker and Kubernetes course training in IT, you can choose Network Kings. Being one of the best ed-tech platforms you will get to enjoy the following perks-

  • Learn directly from expert engineers
  • 24*7 lab access
  • Pre-recorded sessions
  • Live doubt-clearance sessions
  • Completion certificate
  • Flexible learning hours
  • And much more.

Docker Course

Docker is a revolutionary force reshaping how we build, transport, and execute applications. Docker is more than just a platform; it is a transformative element in the world of software development. In this comprehensive course, we will unravel the marvels of Docker, delving into its ability to encapsulate applications and their dependencies into self-contained containers. Explore how Docker brings efficiency to creating uniform environments across various systems, from the early stages of development to the final deployment. 

Master the fundamental Docker commands, dive into the nuances of Docker files, and witness the dynamic potential of container orchestration. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a newcomer to containerization, this course will empower you with the skills to leverage Docker, streamline your workflows, and propel your applications forward. Get ready for a journey where Docker becomes your indispensable companion in crafting and seamlessly deploying applications.

The exam details of the Docker program are as follows-

Exam Name

DCA (Docker Certified Associate)

Exam Cost 

195 USD

Exam Format

Multiple-choice questions

Total Questions

55 questions

Passing Score

65% or higher

Exam Duration

90 minutes


English, Japanese

Testing Center

Pearson VUE

Certification validity

2 years

  • Kubernetes Course

Kubernetes is a revolutionary platform reshaping the way we manage containerized applications. This comprehensive course invites you to explore the core of Kubernetes, a robust tool designed to automate the intricate processes of deploying, scaling, and managing applications in containers. Think of Kubernetes as the conductor orchestrating a symphony of containers, simplifying the complexities of modern application architectures. 

Throughout this course, you will delve into the intricacies of Kubernetes, discovering how it seamlessly coordinates containers to ensure optimal performance and resilience. From deploying applications to handling updates and scaling effortlessly, you will navigate the full spectrum of Kubernetes capabilities. Whether you are a seasoned DevOps professional or a curious developer, this course is your gateway to mastering Kubernetes, empowering you to confidently navigate the dynamic realm of containerized applications. Get ready for a transformative learning journey, where Kubernetes becomes your trusted companion in orchestrating the future of application deployment.

The exam details of the Kubernetes course are as follows-

Exam Name

Kubernetes Certified Administrator (CKA)

Exam Cost

300 USD

Exam Format

Performance-based exam (live Kubernetes cluster)

Total Questions

15-20 tasks

Passing Score

74% or higher

Exam Duration

3 hours


English, Japanese

Testing Center

Pearson VUE

Certification validity

3 years

What are the available job options after the Docker and Kubernetes course?

The available job opportunities after the Docker and Kubernetes course training vary on the basis of the demand in the industry. 

The top available job opportunities for a Docker-certified are as follows-

  1. Docker Certified Engineer
  2. DevOps Engineer – Docker
  3. Cloud Infrastructure Engineer with Docker Expertise
  4. Containerization Specialist
  5. Kubernetes and Docker Administrator
  6. Senior Software Engineer – Docker
  7. Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) – Docker
  8. Docker Solutions Architect
  9. Docker Platform Engineer
  10. Docker Integration Developer
  11. Infrastructure Automation Engineer with Docker
  12. Docker Security Specialist
  13. Docker Containerization Consultant
  14. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Engineer – Docker
  15. Cloud Solutions Engineer – Docker
  16. Docker Support Engineer
  17. Platform Reliability Engineer – Docker
  18. Docker Infrastructure Developer
  19. Docker Systems Analyst
  20. Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) – Docker

The top available job opportunities for a Kubernetes-certified are as follows-

  1. Kubernetes Certified Administrator
  2. Cloud Platform Engineer with Kubernetes Expertise
  3. Kubernetes and DevOps Engineer
  4. Senior Kubernetes Infrastructure Engineer
  5. Kubernetes Solutions Architect
  6. Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) – Kubernetes
  7. Kubernetes DevOps Specialist
  8. Kubernetes Platform Developer
  9. Cloud Infrastructure Engineer with Kubernetes Certification
  10. Kubernetes Cluster Administrator
  11. Kubernetes Security Engineer
  12. Kubernetes Deployment Specialist
  13. Senior Cloud Operations Engineer – Kubernetes
  14. Cloud Native Applications Engineer with Kubernetes
  15. Kubernetes Integration Developer
  16. Kubernetes Consultant
  17. Continuous Delivery Engineer – Kubernetes
  18. Kubernetes Systems Analyst
  19. Kubernetes Support Engineer
  20. Cloud Solutions Architect – Kubernetes

What are the salary aspects after becoming Docker and Kubernetes certified?

The salary aspects after becoming Docker and Kubernetes certified vary on the basis of region and demand. Similarly, the salary for a Docker-certified is as follows-

  1. United States: USD 80,000 – USD 130,000 per year
  2. United Kingdom: GBP 50,000 – GBP 80,000 per year
  3. Canada: CAD 80,000 – CAD 120,000 per year
  4. Australia: AUD 90,000 – AUD 130,000 per year
  5. Germany: EUR 60,000 – EUR 90,000 per year
  6. France: EUR 55,000 – EUR 85,000 per year
  7. India: INR 6,00,000 – INR 12,00,000 per year
  8. Singapore: SGD 80,000 – SGD 120,000 per year
  9. Brazil: BRL 80,000 – BRL 120,000 per year
  10. Japan: JPY 6,000,000 – JPY 9,000,000 per year
  11. South Africa: ZAR 400,000 – ZAR 700,000 per year
  12. United Arab Emirates: AED 150,000 – AED 250,000 per year
  13. Netherlands: EUR 60,000 – EUR 90,000 per year
  14. Sweden: SEK 500,000 – SEK 800,000 per year
  15. Switzerland: CHF 90,000 – CHF 130,000 per year

The salary for a Kubernetes-certified is as follows-

  1. United States: USD 90,000 – USD 150,000 per year
  2. United Kingdom: GBP 60,000 – GBP 100,000 per year
  3. Canada: CAD 90,000 – CAD 130,000 per year
  4. Australia: AUD 100,000 – AUD 140,000 per year
  5. Germany: EUR 70,000 – EUR 110,000 per year
  6. France: EUR 65,000 – EUR 100,000 per year
  7. India: INR 7,00,000 – INR 13,00,000 per year
  8. Singapore: SGD 90,000 – SGD 130,000 per year
  9. Brazil: BRL 90,000 – BRL 130,000 per year
  10. Japan: JPY 7,500,000 – JPY 10,000,000 per year
  11. South Africa: ZAR 500,000 – ZAR 800,000 per year
  12. United Arab Emirates: AED 170,000 – AED 280,000 per year
  13. Netherlands: EUR 70,000 – EUR 110,000 per year
  14. Sweden: SEK 600,000 – SEK 900,000 per year
  15. Switzerland: CHF 100,000 – CHF 150,000 per year

Wrapping Up!

In this blog, we learned the difference between Kubernetes and Docker and their other details in depth. Therefore, enroll today in the program to master the domains and stand out as the in-demand skilled engineer. For any queries and help, feel free to reach us via the comment section. We are happy to assist you!

Happy Learning!