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Create and delete an AWS Account.

What are the necessary steps you can take for creating an AWS Account?

aws account delete and create

You need to start by signing up with your Email address.

  • You need to first open the (AWS) Amazon Web Services Home Page. 
  • Select on “Create an AWS Account”.

         (In case you recently signed in to AWS, then select Sign in to the Console.  If the option for “Create a new AWS Account” isn’t visible then select “Create a new AWS Account”.

  • Then Enter your E-mail Address- Password, AWS Account Name and after that click on Continue.

    (You need to be sure that the account Information you entered is correct, most importantly your E-mail Address. You won’t be able to access your account if you enter a wrong Email). 

  • After entering your Email Address, add your contact information. 
  • Then select Business or Personal.

          (Just for your information the features of Personal and Business Accounts are the  same)

  • After that you can Enter your company or your Personal Information. 

          (If you are creating a Business AWS Account then keep in mind that you’re entering the company’s contact number instead of your personal contact number. Your account can be insecure as configuring a root account through a personal cell number or an E-mail address is not safe or a smart thing to do)

  • Carefully read the AWS Customer Agreement and then accept it. 
  • In the last, click on Continue. 

(After a while, you’ll receive an Email confirming that your account is created. Now, by using your registered E-mail Address and Password, you can sign in to your New Account).

Now let’s say that you’re looking up for Closing or Deleting your AWS Account and for that these are the steps that you need to follow.

With the advent of cloud computing, & AWS (Amazon Web Services) being the major shareholder, learning AWS is one the most sought-after skills in the industry. There are building blocks in AWS and these building blocks can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud. 

Now if you’re starting with AWS then creating an account and starting with it is an important step to take.

What are the necessary steps you can take for closing/deleting an AWS Account?

  • Sign in as the root user of the account that you’re thinking of closing.
Create an AWS master login for managing AWS accounts.
  • Go to Billing and Cost Management Console and open the page of Account Settings. 
  • Go to the Close Account Heading. 
  • Read the terms and conditions of Closing the Account and then Accept it. 
  • After that, click on the checkbox and select “Close Account”. 
  • Finally, go to the Confirmation Box and click on “Close Account”. 
aws blog

(Now you’re all set to close your Account. After you complete the last step, you’ll receive an Email confirming you the account you wanted has been closed or deleted).