Cloud Strategy Mistakes; A report by Gartner

Cloud Strategy Mistakes

Cloud as we know has evolved to be the hot favourite of a lot of enterprises. As it undeniably gives the most.

The cloud is one of the finest solutions in the market to introduce efficiency of all kinds. Enterprises are all smitten with all types of cloud strategies. But enterprises often fall prey to implementing cloud strategies that override the existing strategic efforts and it doesn’t “try to redo them” as per Gartner. 

Gartner is an information technology (IT) research and consultancy company previously known as the Gartner Group.
They are best known for their data visualization and analysis. In this blog, we shall read about the analysis of the cloud mistakes that are prevalent. 

As per Gartner, we are going to look at the topmost cloud strategy mishaps that are being encountered.

The Most Common Cloud Strategy Mistakes and How to Avoid Them?

1. Equal Partnership :

The first and foremost error that Gartner points out and feels needs to be corrected is the assumption that cloud strategies are only impactful on the people in IT. Whereas on contrary to the popular notion, the cloud extends influence on the non-IT and on IT sectors as well. The assumption needs to be ended by forming an association of IT and also business leaders coming together as equal partners.

2. Paying attention to the exit strategy:

The next issue in line that has been pointed out by Gartner is that a lot of cloud strategies are not aware of the proper exit strategy from cloud service providers. This process is described as complicated and hence many enterprises and organizations skip this step.

Often it has been found that organizations may feel they do not need anything back from the cloud, so they never would be in the need of an exit strategy. Analysts at Gartner say that these strategies are similar to the insurance policies that most hopefully a person wouldn’t need ever.

3. Cloud Strategy Vs Cloud Implementation Plan:

Generally, these two phrases, Cloud strategy, and Cloud Implementation seem alike and are mistaken to be the same thing but they aren’t.
The former evidently comes first as this is the phase of noting and formulating decisions, where both the IT leaders and business leaders come forward to see what part can cloud play in the enterprises.
Whereas when we talk of cloud implementation as the name suggests that it takes into consideration the part of putting the policies into action. The implementation looks into the part of deploying policies and strategies.

Never too late to jump on the cloud strategy bandwagon:

All organizations and enterprises are slowly entering the cloud acne and some enterprises and organizations may feel they are far too behind in the race of current times, but it is a clear conclusion from the analytic report that it is never too late to join a strategy or else it  will cause a resistance from individuals who have not been aligned on the strategy’s key drivers and principles. This resistance will further cause the slowing down of cloud adoption and probably vandalize the entire cloud project.
Hence it is never too late to join the cloud strategies.

Do not jump ship, completely:

It is advised to not shift everything to the cloud. A lot of organizations as per analysis by Gartner tend to assume that designing a cloud strategy implies that we need to send everything to the cloud. The dwelling of this notion leads to  IT leaders turning away from designing a sturdy real strategy as they assume they will be forced to start using cloud computing for pretty much everything.

Conclusion thoughts:

This blog was based on the report submitted by Gartner. These shortcomings are also something a user can keep in mind so as to keep any kind of notions at bay. Hopefully, a reader can take away from this and adopt cloud solutions easily. 

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