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Top 20 Networking Interview Questions. FAQs: A Cheat-Sheet to Crack Interview 

Top 20 Networking Interview Questions. FAQs: A Cheat-Sheet to Crack Interview 

Running out of time? Go through and review all these computer networking interview questions to ace your upcoming interview.  

It could be a little scary sometimes thinking about what topics to cover to crack the network interview in one go. Don’t worry, we have listed below topmost and the most commonly asked computer network interview questions.  

In order to simplify your preparation, we have collected top network interview questions to help you with the interview part. Go through this easy-to-read and understand guide to fuel your preparation. You don’t need to go anywhere else to begin your IT networking career; all you need to do is put your best foot forward to get your interview cleared.   

This cheat-sheet of network questions and answers would ease up your preparation and pave your way to the top. We have collected beginner, intermediate and advanced-level network interview questions; all for you.  

Read through all these 20 network questions and answers and gain confidence. You will also get to learn the major basics needed. Let’s get started!  

1. What is a Network?

What is a Network? Networking Interview Questions 

Its the basic Networking Interview Questions. A network is referred to as a set of a number of devices that are connected to each other with the help of a physical media link. In other words, a network is an interconnected group of a number of similar things such as computers, people, devices, etc.  

For example, a computer network is an example of a well-established network that consists a number of computers connected with each other. They share different types of information and data. 

2. What is a Node?

Networking Interview Questions What is a Node?

In a network, various devices are connected to each other such as computers, servers and printers.  

  •  Wherever a network is established, that specific point is called as a Node.   
  • A device connected to a network is also called as a Node.   
  •  A node is the hub of sending, receiving and forwarding a piece of electrical information.  

3. List different types of networks.

Networking Interview Questions List different types of networks. 

There are in total, 5 different types of networks:  

  • PAN (Personal Area Network): 

Such a network allows the connection amongst the devices present over a range of person. For example, phones connected through Bluetooth.  

  • LAN (Local Area Network): 

LAN is a privately-owned network that works within a building or between a nearby building. For example, at home, office or factory.  

  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): 

As the name suggests, MAN is a type of network that is present in a whole city. For example, a cable connection in a city.  

  • WAN (Wide Area Network): 

It is spread over a large geographical area. For example, Internet service that is spread all across a country.  

  • GAN (Global Area Network): 

One of the best-known GAN is the Internet itself that connects the whole world/globe with the help of satellites. The Internet is also known as the Network of WANs.  

4. What do you understand by Network topology?

What do you understand by Network topology? 

A network topology is the physical representation of a computer network. It shows how computers or other devices are connected to each other with the help of cables. There are mainly 6 types of network topologies and This is the most frequently Network Interview question asked :  


  • In a bus topology, all the nodes are connected to only one common cable called as the central cable or the bus.  
  • This type of topology is safe for only a small number of devices.   
  • If the bus stops working or gets damaged, the whole network fails to work.  


  • In this topology, all the nodes are connected to a single device called the central device.   
  • Star topology needs a lot of cables. If one cable fails, only a specific device stops working.  
  • It is a strong topology.  
  • It is mostly used in office and home networks.  
  • It is very easy to install, manage and troubleshoot.  


  • In this topology, a node is exactly connected to two or more nodes. Thus, it forms a one-way transmission system.  
  • There is no central server here.  
  • It is rarely used at it is expensive.  


  • Mesh is a type of topology in which all nodes are connected to other nodes individually.   
  • It is a strong topology as failure of any one cable would only destroy a single node.  


  • It is a combination of Star and Bus topology.  
  • It is also known as the ‘extended star’ topology.  
  • Ethernet protocol is used in this topology.  
  • There is no effect on the other nodes if one of them stops working.  


  • Hybrid topology is a combination of various topologies to build a particular topology.  
  • For example,   

Star topology+ Star topology = Star topology  

However, Star topology+ Bus/Tree Topology = Hybrid Topology  

Its the basic Networking Interview Questions. A network is referred to as a set of a number of devices that are connected to each other with the help of a physical media link. In other words, a network is an interconnected group of a number of similar things such as computers, people, devices, etc.  

For example, a computer network is an example of a well-established network that consists a number of computers connected with each other. They share different types of information and data. 

5. What is a VPN?

What is a VPN? 
  • VPN which stands for a Virtual Private Network.  
  •  It refers to a private WAN (Wide Area Network) that is created on the Internet.  
  • By using a VPN, a person can connect to an organization’s network no matter how far it is present.  

6. Explain the OSI Reference Model.

Explain the OSI Reference Model.
  • OSI is known as the Open System Interconnection.  
  • It is a reference model.  
  • It tells how applications can talk to each other over a networking system.  
  • It shows the relationship between networks.  
  • It explains the communication process in a network.  

7. What are the layers in the OSI Reference models? Name them too. 

What are the layers in the OSI Reference models? Name them too. 

There are 7 layers in the OSI Reference Models. These layers are given below:  

Physical Layer (Layer 1): 

It changes the bits of data into electrical impulses or radio signals. Example: Ethernet.  

Data Link Layer (Layer 2): 

  • In this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into data bits.  
  • It provides a node-to-node transfer.  
  • Layer 2 checks for errors in the Layer 1.  

Network Layer (Layer 3): 

  • This layer transfers variable-length data sequence from one node to another in the same network.  
  • This variable-length data sequence is called Datagrams.  

Transport Layer (Layer 4): 

  • This layer transfers data between nodes.  
  • It shows the successful transmission of data.  
  • It notes the data transmission.  
  • In case the transmission fails, it sends the segment again.  

Session Layer (Layer 5): 

  • This layer looks after the connections between computers and controls them.  
  • It has the responsibility to create, coordinate, exchange and end connections between remote and local applications.  

Presentation Layer (Layer 6): 

  • It is also called ‘Syntax’ layer.  
  • It transforms data in which the Layer 7 accepts.  

Application Layer (Layer 7): 

  • It is the last layer of the OSI model.  
  • It is the closest layer to the end-user.  
  • It interacts with the software application.  
  • This layer provides services for file transfer, email, etc.  

8. What is a Router? 

What is a Router? 
  • A router is a networking device that creates a network between two or more network segments.   
  • It is used to transfer information from source to the destination.  
  • Data packets carrying information pass from one router to another.  
  • Routers read the network address in these packets.  
  • They identify the destination network. 

9. Briefly describe the TCP/IP model. 

  • TCP/IP is known as the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol.  
  • It is the most commonly and widely used protocol.  
  • It shows how data should be packaged and transmitted.  

10. Define Firewall. 

Define Firewall. 
  • Firewall is a network security device that creates a filtering wall between the Internet and a Network.   
  • It prevents any outsider from getting access to the computer network.   
  • It is an already installed application in the Windows Operating System.  
  • ‘Windows Firewall’ is an example of Firewall.  

11. What is DNS? 

  • The full form of DNS is Domain Name System.  
  • It is a naming system used for all types of resources present over the internet.  
  • DNS is an Internet which takes and delivers the domain names to their related IP addresses.  
  • A computer can know the location of a web page through DNS.  

12. What do you understand by HTTP? Which port does it use? 

  • HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.  
  • It allows communication on the Internet.  
  • HTTP is a TCP/IP protocol.  
  • This protocol tells how messages are to be transmitted.  

13. What do you understand by a client/server network? 

 A client/server network refers to a type of network where one computer acts as a server to another computer.  

However, the server is the most powerful of all the clients. It serves all the clients with information.

14. Define and explain in short, the components of a protocol. 

A diagram of a file transfer protocol commonly asked in networking interview questions.
  • A protocol is a set of rules or procedures that allow the electrical devices to communicate with each other.   
  • In other words, protocols are a set of rules that transmit data between computers to help them exchange information.  

The major parts of a protocol are:  

  • Syntax 

Syntax is the structure and the format of the data.  

  • Semantics 

Semantics tell about the meaning of each part of bits.  

  • Timing 

Timing tells about when the data should be sent and received.  

15. Lay down the difference between Hub, Switch and Router. 

Hubs, Switches and Routers; the three of them are networking devices only. Let’s see the majn differences:  






Physical layer  

Data Link Layer  

Network Layer  


Connects a network of personal computers (PCs) together joined through a central hub  

Connects multiple devices, manage ports and VLAN security settings  

Sends data in a network  

Data Transmission Form  

Electrical signals/ bits  

Frame and packet  



4/12 ports  

Multi-port (4-48)  

2/4/5/8 ports  

Transmission mode  

Frame flooding, unicast, multicast or broadcast  

First broadcast, then unicast or multicast  

At first broadcast then unicast and multicast  


10 Mbps  

10/100 Mbps, 1 Gbps  

1-100 Mbps (wireless);  

100 Mbps- 1 Gbps (wired)  

Used in (LAN, WAN, MAN)  




16. Explain DHCP in brief. 

  • DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.  
  • It automatically gives IP addresses to the network devices on its own.  
  • It cuts off any need to add IP addresses through a person. This reduces chances of errors.  
  • Bottom line, DHCP has a ‘collection of IP addresses’ through which it provides IP addresses to the network devices.  
  • The whole process is centralized. Therefore, TCP/IP configuration is also done from a central location.  

17. What do you mean by Ethernet? 

  • Ethernet is a cable/wired system that connects a number of computers together in a small business office.  
  • It is a technology that transmits data among computers present in a network.  
  • For example, if we connect a computer and a phone to a printer, it is called an Ethernet.  

18. What is bandwidth? 

  • The maximum amount of data transmitted over an Internet connection in a given amount of time is called Bandwidth.  
  • It is often confused with Internet. However, Bandwidth is the actual volume of information that could be sent over a connection in a span of time.  
  • It is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps).  

19. What do you mean by MAC address? 

  • MAC stands for Media Access Control.  
  • It is the address of the device at the Media Access Control Layer of the Network Architecture.  
  • It is a unique address.  
  • Every device has its own unique MAC address.  

20. Explain in brief TCP? 

  • TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.  
  • It is a connection-oriented protocol.  
  • It creates and maintains a connection between two devices while they share the information.  
  • It also sends and receives information packets of information to and from the network layer.  

Ending Note: 

We know that it gets a little confusing what topics to cover and what not to clear the network interview. However, don’t worry. The computer network questions and answers that we have collected and given you are enough to rely on.  

But in order to keep a stronger preparation, you definitely should brainstorm yourself, too! These network interview questions would help you out to make your preparation even stronger. Take a notebook and a pen to note down the important points from the above listed computer network questions.   

These network interview questions would brush up your basic concepts. We do recommend you to prepare yourself first if you have time. These network questions and answers re the fundamentals of networking and IT that every individual who is getting into the technical domain should be familiar with.  

Good luck for your exam! We know you’ll ace it.  

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