Network Kings


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Network Expert

Master Program

A World-Class Program to Master Networking and Security Concept.
A group of people with a tablet in front of them.

Take your learning to the next level with our comprehensive online offerings.

A hexagonal icon with three cubes on it.

Learn Directly from Engineers

A blue hexagon with a group of people on it.

World's Biggest Labs

An orange hexagon with a person reading a book.

100% Job Assistance

Live-Interactive Sessions

An icon of a person with question marks above his head.

Pre-recorded Videos

An orange hexagonal icon with a person running.

Completion Certificate

Choosy Engineers Choose Network Kings

A person sitting at a table with two laptops.

Rigorous Training

Network Kings is a premier institute where we provide world-class training with live interactive classes with experts.
An icon of a man working on a laptop.

Industry-relevant Skills

Imbibe industry-relevant skills by covering the latest industry tech.
Two chess pieces with a star in the middle.

Top-Notch Trainers

Learn directly from top-notch Engineers as your trainers with over 12 years of experience.
A document with a pencil on it.

Flexible Learning

Learning schedule tailored according to your routine. Suitable for working professionals.
A conversation bubble with a question mark on it.

Placement Support

From career guidance to placement support, our career counselors are there to help you 24/7.
An icon of a man with a megaphone.


Get our

All Access Pass for FREE

Improve your skills and advance your career with our comprehensive learning resources.

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A woman wearing a headset and working on a laptop.

The only institute that teaches Networking from Basics to Advance

Practice 24x7 Labs
Experience real-world simulation and become job ready.
Get 24×7 access to labs to learn at your convenience.
Access virtually from any part of the world.

Achieve Professional Certification
Upon completion of your training, you'll receive a certificate that recognizes your expertise and dedication to professional development.

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Knowledge is Power. Know It From Our Alumni!

Network Kings has shaped the career of 1000+ candidates!

A young man wearing a surgical mask.

Aman Verma

Network security Engineer

The logo for microsystems.
A young man in a suit and tie posing for a photo.

Kartick Mondal

System Engineer

A green logo with a black background.
Sarwar Ansari

Harsh Sonker

Associate Consultant

A blue background with a white arrow in the middle of it.
An image of a man with a beard and mustache.

Ilyas Khan

Network Administration Trainee

A purple and green logo with a green and purple background.

Word of mouth

Become a Network Kings Mentor

Enlighten the new generation with your knowledge and expertise
by becoming a Mentor at Network Kings!

A group of people working on a computer.

A package of Services

Two hands holding a puzzle piece together.

A team of devoted recruiters to help you begin a new career

Two business people giving each other a high five.

Providing Job Opportunities to the thriving candidates

A man and woman sitting at a desk talking to each other.

Become industry-ready with Mock Interviews

A document with a person's face on it.

Helping you to build a strong resume and LinkedIn profile to attract employers

An orange triangle on a black background.
A pink triangle on a black background.

Launch into your learning journey in no time!



Logging In & Creating a new account is very easy



Trainers conduct free demo classes for all the batches



Choosing your dream course and enrolling in the best is what we cater



You can easily upgrade to another course after enrollment

Our alumni have landed jobs at esteemed
tech companies and exciting startups.

The career roadmap to plan your journey with us.
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