Network Kings

What is Quality of Service: A Comprehensive Guide

what is quality of service

Quality of service refers to a set of techniques and mechanisms used to manage and prioritize network traffic to ensure the performance, reliability, and availability of the packets in the network. QOS helps to set priority for the type of data packets. Key aspects of QoS include traffic prioritization, bandwidth management, latency control, packet loss … Read more

What is LAN in Computer – Local Area Network Explained

What is LAN in Computer Networks

In the world of networking, what is LAN in computer networks is a crucial thing one must understand. Local Area Network (LAN) serves as a foundational element. Essentially, a LAN constitutes a network interlinking computers and devices within a specific geographic area like an office, campus, or home. LANs facilitate efficient data transfer. Acknowledged as … Read more

Redistribution between OSPF and EIGRP  

route redistribution between ospf and eigrp

In a network, there is a possibility that it is running on both OSPF and EIGRP and the route of OSPF cannot be advertised to EIGRP by itself. Similarly, routes of EIGRP cannot be advertised to OSPF by itself.    We can make use of Redistribution to advertise routes between each other.  Route Redistribution is a … Read more

Redistribution Between RIP and OSPF 

Redistribution Between RIP and OSPF

In a network, there is a possibility that it is running on both OSPF and RIP and the route of OSPF cannot be advertised to RIP by itself. Similarly, routes of RIP cannot be advertised to OSPF by itself.   Now the question arises how can R2 reach the routes advertised on R1?   We can also … Read more

Navigating Tech Career Paths: A Guide to Success in the Digital Age

tech career

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology plays an integral role in almost every aspect of our lives. As a result, the demand for skilled professionals in the tech industry has never been higher. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which tech careers path is right for you. If you … Read more

A guide to becoming an IT Expert!

How to Become an IT Expert

Are you desiring to become an IT Expert? But don’t have the right knowledge to pursue your IT career. This blog will cover major insights on how to become an IT expert but before that let’s explore who is an IT expert, what are their roles and responsibilities, and all about IT Expert. Who is … Read more

What is IT [Information Technology]

What is IT

Information Technology (IT) is a term that encompasses the use of computers, software, and telecommunications to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data. It plays a crucial role in modern society, as it enables individuals and organizations to access and process information quickly and efficiently. From the way we communicate to the way we conduct business, … Read more

How to Manage Secrets in Terraform: A Comprehensive Guide

how to manage secrets in terraform

Are you on the lookout for how to manage secrets in Terraform? As cloud computing is taking over, organisations are having to deploy their applications onto dynamic and robust infrastructure. In this case, Terraform provides an ideal solution when it comes to creating, updating and managing resources within public clouds or private infrastructures. Nonetheless, if … Read more

What is Route Summarization?: Explained

route summarization

Route summarization, also known as route aggregation or supernetting, is a technique used in networking to reduce the number of routes in a routing table by combining multiple smaller subnets into a single larger network address. Route Summarization helps simplify and optimize routing in a network. It can be used in routing protocols like OSPF, … Read more

A Detailed Guide to an IT Networking Engineer: Explained

IT Networking Engineer

Technology carries on developing, and network engineering is an always-growing field of IT solutions. For those after breaking into the profession, a career as an IT Networking Engineer can be one of the most rewarding and financially stable paths out there. From planning system architecture and efficient network administration to providing technical support and tackling … Read more