Netflix For Learning: Making Learning Easy With The Network Kings Free Courses

It is natural to question the integrity of an organization when bring around something for Free like our free courses. Why would we provide you the training for free if we can very well earn from it? The answer to that is pretty simple, we believe in learning. Learning in the challenging times when everything in our lives has slowed down, can be a challenge in itself.

If you are someone who strives to learn but is worried about their next paycheck, you don’t need to worry. Ever since the beginning, all that we have wanted to do is to help our community learn. Creating an environment of learning is no easy task. Don’t get me wrong, all I’m trying to say is that learning takes a lot of effort. The first step, however, is to take the plunge.

In the unpredictable days of our lives, when we are struggling to ensure that we get paid, let alone getting paid on time, we know that your career growth is troubling you. Once with an organized plan in your mind for how your learning curve shall grow, all you care about right now is to keep your job.

I am with you. I feel that nervousness from time to time myself. What keeps me going though, is knowing that I could make myself stand up every time I fell, with the help of communities like that of Network Kings.

Network King’s mission, as many would mistakenly assume, is not to simply expand their profits by multi-fold schemes. Our CEO, Mr. Atul Sharma once told me, that all he was bothered about was that at the end of the course, his students feel satisfied with a sense of accomplishment.

So, once again, to help you out in the times of crisis, here is how we are dedicated to support our community. Network Kings is known for its courses and online trainings in the fields of technology and networking. The globally acceptable and renowned courses such as CCNA, MCSA, Linux Administration, CCNP, CCIE and other advanced trainings for networking have been their main income stream for a long time.

The students seem to recognize the name with networking courses and the names of the trainer’s next. The main areas of problem that we usually encounter however are two basic issues: Money and Time.

I have a solution for both, right away. From the very beginning, we ensured that we provide value for your money. We also understand that asking for your money without establishing trust is going to be a hoax move. The way we deal with it, is through the enhancement of the trust building techniques. Why would you trust me when I say that Network Kings is one of the best platforms for learning? Why would you believe me when I tell you that this is the place to get your money’s worth?

Well, I don’t expect you to. What I do expect you to do though, is to experience first. How many platforms out there would allow you to be privy to their learning and training sessions before you decide whether or not you wish to continue? Even a gym membership only provides with a single day of trial. For all I know, Netflix is the one place you get to experience first and then decide whether you wish to continue or not.

What if I told you that even learning could be an experience like that of Netflix for you? What if I told you that you won’t even need to spend more than a day entirely before you decide whether you wish to be a part of our community or now? Its worth a chance, isn’t it? How would I be so confident as to let you access what we sell, for FREE?

I do have the courage to do that, though! Network Kings provides and entire library of courses, available for FREE. The purpose is not to convert those who avail the free courses into potential admissions. The purpose is simply to get the ball rolling for you to nurture your learning mindset. What else can we possibly be doing in these times of confinement? Do you not require some form of motivation and growth in life? It has been almost a month that the entire world went into a lockdown. More than a month that the entire world has been a state of panic. Do you possibly have the answer to when this is going to end? Neither do I!

What I do have for you, however, is an opportunity. I don’t compel you to go for it. I don’t compel you to question how you spend your time. I would completely understand if after a day long of working from home or studying at home, you wish to kick back and actually spend your time on Netflix for entertainment instead of a potential Netflix for learning. The question, however, that I do have for you is what harm does it do to have the option open?

We have a whole bucket of free courses like the entire PHASE 1 – CCNA, MCSA & Linux available for FREE, within a span of 10 hours. What’s more?  Networking basics, CCNA Ipv6 as well as a whole lab setup of Packet Tracer, GNS3 and Eve-NG is prepared for you, totally FREE!

If that doesn’t excite you, tell me what will! Tell me how I can get you energised and ready to learn! Tell me what will motivate you! Check this out and I will wait for you to tell me that this didn’t get you thinking and motivated for your career!

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