Why people thinks classroom training is better than CCNA Online study.

Do you also think classroom training is better than CCNA Online study,

we get so many messages and calls, why don’t you provide classroom training, why we only provide CCNA?online study but as we are a team of working professionals, We have students all around the world,

How many offices branches we have to open in the world, Which will end up with the paying highest Rents for the buildings, that why institutes Hire new young trainers who take fewer salaries, To save their money in business.

They are in perception that while working on Real devices for 1-2 hours in a week will make them practical scenario expert, The only problem of people is getting guidance from those who never took online training, Working on real devices or Cisco Softwares or GNS3, There is no difference, If it’s so, Why Cisco also takes their exams on software based exam engines ?

It’s only a mind perception, You can also learn online, Most of the expert companies around the world giving online training as it’s affordable, you don’t have to travel book hotels & In a limited time you will end up with the course.

Just want to add one more thing here, you can learn It Trainings online, If you are still confused to take our demo sessions also visit the real training institutes & compare the training quality,

They cannot afford the real experience & training professionals as they have to pay the rents.

You have to choose you to want best trainers

or the training institutes that are a showroom?of devices.

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