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Redistribution between OSPF and EIGRP  

route redistribution between ospf and eigrp

In a network, there is a possibility that it is running on both OSPF and EIGRP and the route of OSPF cannot be advertised to EIGRP by itself. Similarly, routes of EIGRP cannot be advertised to OSPF by itself.    We can make use of Redistribution to advertise routes between each other.  Route Redistribution is a … Read more

Redistribution Between RIP and OSPF 

Redistribution Between RIP and OSPF

In a network, there is a possibility that it is running on both OSPF and RIP and the route of OSPF cannot be advertised to RIP by itself. Similarly, routes of RIP cannot be advertised to OSPF by itself.   Now the question arises how can R2 reach the routes advertised on R1?   We can also … Read more

What is the First Phase of Hacking?: Explained

what is the First Phase of Hacking?

Let us discuss what is the first phase of hacking. In the digital age, hacking is something that has become all too familiar. It refers to gaining access without permission to a computer or systems on a network and exploiting any weaknesses present. If you want to protect your information from cybercrime and malicious tools … Read more

What is Cyber Hacking? Explained

What is Cyber Hacking

What is cyber hacking? – If you want to know, keep reading the blog till the end. Are you concerned about cyber attacks and online security? Do you want to gain an understanding of what exactly is meant by ‘cyber hacking’? Well, unfortunately for us all, it has become a worrying reality in this increasingly … Read more

Which is Right for You: Cybersecurity Vs Cloud Computing Career?

Cybersecurity vs Cloud Computing Career

Introduction: Understanding the Differences between Cybersecurity vs Cloud Computing Cybersecurity vs cloud computing– which path you should choose? In today’s digital age, cybersecurity and cloud computing have become two of the most important fields in the technology industry. While they are often mentioned together, it is important to understand that they are distinct areas of … Read more

What is Ethical Hacking?: A Detailed Guide

what is ethical hacking

Are you intrigued by what is ethical hacking and want to find out more? Ethical Hacking is a form of cyber security that assists organizations in identifying vulnerabilities and defending their networks from data theft, malicious codes, as well as other kinds of cybercrime. To battle such dangers, moral hackers use different defense strategies, which … Read more

What is Hacking in Cybersecurity?: Explained

hacking in cybersecurity

In this digital age, cyber hacking is worrying more and more people – it can affect anyone. Hacking involves deliberately exploiting weaknesses in computer systems to gain unauthorized access to information or resources. It could lead to really serious security issues such as internet theft, malicious software getting into your machines, or networks being broken … Read more

Networking vs Programming: Which Career Pays More?

Networking vs Programming, Which Is Better?

Curious to know which path leads to a fatter paycheck? Unveiling the lucrative showdown between networking vs programming careers! Are you torn between pursuing a career in networking or programming? One of the critical factors in making this decision is the salary potential each field offers. In today’s digital age, both networking and programming professionals … Read more

Cloud Computing Security Explained: A Comprehensive Guide

cloud computing security

Need to know about cloud computing security in detail? You have come to the right place if you want to learn about all things cloud computing security. This blog will delve into different cloud computing security protocols, policies for data protection, and authentication systems that help protect your confidential information from potential threats.  We will … Read more

Nеtwork Sеcurity Fundamеntals Coursе: A Comprеhеnsivе Guidе

network security fundamentals course

Are you looking for thе bеst network security fundamentals course? In today’s digital landscapе, nеtwork sеcurity has become incrеasingly important. With thе growing rеliancе on technology and thе risе of cybеr thrеats, protеcting nеtworks, and sеnsitivе data has bеcomе a critical priority for businеssеs and individuals.  Nеtwork sеcurity rеfеrs to thе mеasurеs and practicеs takеn … Read more