Network Kings

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What is WAN Network? – Wide Area Network Definition and Other Concepts

what is wan network

While discussing what is WAN network, it is crucial to understand the other kinds of computer networks too. Read about LAN, MAN, and WAN here! In our ever-evolving technological landscape, our need to stay connected has outgrown the boundaries of local networks. We aim for smooth communication and the sharing of resources over great distances, … Read more

A Guide to Why Cyber Security is Important?

why cybersecurity is important

Do you want to know the reasons why Cybersecurity is important? In today’s interconnected world, where the majority of our transactions, communications, and data are conducted online, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical.  In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why cyber security is important for businesses, modern-day … Read more

What is LAN in Computer – Local Area Network Explained

What is LAN in Computer Networks

In the world of networking, what is LAN in computer networks is a crucial thing one must understand. Local Area Network (LAN) serves as a foundational element. Essentially, a LAN constitutes a network interlinking computers and devices within a specific geographic area like an office, campus, or home. LANs facilitate efficient data transfer. Acknowledged as … Read more

What are VLAN and QinQ?: Explained 

What are VLAN QinQ?

What is an Ethernet Frame?  An Ethernet frame is a fundamental unit of data transmitted over an Ethernet network. It contains the necessary information for data to be transmitted from one device to another within a local area network. Ethernet frames consist of various fields each serving a specific purpose in facilitating communication across the network.  … Read more

Exploring the Powerful GCP Tools List: A Comprehensive Guide

gcp tools list

Do you want to get trained in utilizing GCP tools effectively? Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is an initiative by Google to provide cloud computing services to customers. These services operate on the same infrastructure and platform on which Google services, such as Gmail, YouTube, etc. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a wide array of powerful … Read more

What are the Firewall Functions: Explained

firewall functions

A firewall is a device or software application that is used for network security. It helps to monitor and control the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on some pre-defined security policies Its purpose is to establish a barrier between a trusted internal network and an untrusted external network such as the internet and to … Read more

What is Internet – Advantages and Disadvantages Explained

what is internet

Undoubtedly, the Internet has taken the world by storm and no one is left unaffected. It has seamlessly woven into the fabric of our lives that considering it an integral part of our conscience is not wrong. Today, anyone can access the internet sitting anywhere in the world. Exactly ‘what is Internet‘ is known even … Read more

Different Types of Networks – LAN, MAN, and WAN: Explained

types of networks

Do you want to explore the different types of Networks? Look no further! Computer Networks, often described as a connection between two or more computer devices established to share data and information back and forth, are an integral part of technology differentiated based on connection modes (wired or wireless) and the requirement of the network … Read more

What is Google Cloud Platform? A Comprehensive Guide

what is google cloud platform

What is Google Cloud Platform? In today’s digital era, businesses and individuals alike are increasingly relying on cloud computing to store, manage, and process their data. One prominent player in the cloud computing market is Google Cloud Platform (GCP).  In this blog post, we will delve into the world of GCP, discussing its features, use … Read more

How to Become an IT Engineer? An Ultimate Pathway 

how to become an it engineer

In today’s technology world, the role of an IT еnginееr has become increasingly crucial.  As businеssеs rеly hеavily on technology to opеratе and innovatе,  IT еnginееrs play a pivotal role in dеsigning,  implеmеnting,  and maintaining thе complеx infrastructurе that powеrs organizations.  This blog post aims to provide a comprеhеnsivе guidе on How to bеcome an … Read more