8 Ways to Continue Learning During 2020 Pandemic

2020 came with a blow to our dreams. During these times while being in a 21-day lockdown, India is shutdown. The youth is worried about their careers and the pandemic has left the entire world in a state of uncertainty.

However, some still believe that there is hope. While we sit in our homes, with less to do, many have taken to the internet to explore their hobbies, learn new skills and enhance those they already possess. The initiators are making the most of this time by increasing their learning right now.

Here are 10 ways in which you can do that too:

  • YouTube Tutorials

    YouTube is a free platform where multiple creators bring the best of their knowledge for your understanding. It is a wonderful platform to explore and dwell into the trial-and-error method. YouTube provides the opportunity for you to explore and learn as many skills as you might wish to. The pandemic has done everything but break hope.YouTube tutorials can keep you busy and provide you the brief insights of what might be best for you.

  • Reading

    Reading has by far been the best way of learning. Most of us stop reading or never pick it up due to the busy schedules that we live our lives in. These times, however, can be used to our advantage. As we are at our homes with the minimal hours of working from home and no transport hours, we can make the most of this time to pick up a book and learn something new.70% of the leaders in the world of technology have great habits, one of which is reading everyday for at least 30 minutes. Now, you can let go of your excuse and pick up the book.

  • Live Webinars

    A number of trainers have taken to the internet to provide the best of their knowledge through live webinars wherein they not only provide the brief information of the skill you wish to conquer, but also provide discount offers on their full-fledged trainings.Live webinars can be a great way to keep yourself occupied as well as productive during the 2020 pandemic.

  • Video Conferencing

    The college lectures as well school classes have taken to the internet to continue with their curriculum as usual. Anything that you want to pursue is now available on the internet. Make the most of these trainings by video conferencing with your teachers and making sure that you attend your classes as scheduled by your professors.The graduating class of 2020 is in dire need of scoring perfectly to be able to stand out of the crowd and attain the best of the opportunities available as soon as the pandemic resides.

  • Online Trainings

    The extra curriculum trainings that were a part of your natural routine do not need to stop. All your additional skills can now be attained online. For all kinds of hands-on experiences or the training centres providing lab accesses and practical training of the skill are now in the position to turn to the internet as well.You have the chance right now, to make the best of these times and saving up on your fee structures by enrolling with centres that provide completely internet-based trainings along with the best trainers and industry standard learning material.

  • One-On-One Mentoring

    On tools such as Instagram, we find that one-on-one mentors now provide the training for growing businesses online and other such requirements. You can choose any skill today and find yourself a one-on-one trainer or mentor.
    This can be a great way of learning something new along with the examples of the industry experts and their experiences.

    Mentors provide the best coaching and training there ever has been. Lucky for you, our platform already has that option available with our trainers being the experienced staff of the industry with more than nine year of experience each, they provide the best ever training to our students.

  • Outdoor activity in your backyard or balcony

    As they say, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, well! That is what is happening to all of us in these difficult times. However, nowhere does it say that we are not permitted to step out to our backyards, terraces, balconies or even our apartment compounds to work-out. Make sure that you keep your bodily fluids running which will enhance your learning capacity.It also keeps you interested in learning regularly and keeps you productive.

  • Lastly, Application of your knowledge

    The last recession period of 2008 was devastating and brought a huge blow to the economy, leaving lesser number of jobs in the market. However, the flip side of the recession was that leading organizations like Uber, Zomato, Airbnb and more were all founded during that stretch.The leading companies ten years from now would most definitely be the ones found in these difficult times.You have the opportunity to decide if you would be one of those founders ten years from now who changed the market completely.
    Whatever it is that you do, requires learning, however it is useless unless you apply it somewhere.

    Build a whole network, invent something new, make the market a better supplier to the customer or apply your knowledge whichever way possible.

Learn as much as possible in the times of the global pandemic through the greatest asset known to man – the internet.

Never stop learning!

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