5 Most Commonly Occurred Network Issues and Solutions

In this article, I will share the 6 most commonly occurred network issues and their remediation method. To resolve any issue, the first thing is to understand the problem properly and try to find out what is the reason behind this problem and then start troubleshooting. This is applicable in real-life problems too and without understanding the root cause of the problem no one can solve it.  

1.Single PC (host) unable to connect to the internet:  

In a LAN network, if only a single workstation is not able to connect to the internet and all other hosts are working fine, then the issue must be related to that individual host only.  


To resolve this kind of issue, first check the cable connection, network interface card and restart the PC. If there is no issue with the hardware part. Then we will move to network adapter configuration- default gateway IP, DNS server etc everything is correct or not.  Then check connectivity with the default gateway. If everything looks fine then check, if the appropriate port number is active or not. 


2. IP address exhaustion:

IP address exhaustion means all IPs are allocated, there is no free IP. To make sure that this is the IP address exhaustion problem, first, check IP address by using ipconfig command in CLI. If the host has an IP address that starts with 169.X.X.X (APIPA Address). This address is generated when a DHCP server fails. 


This type of issue is common in cable internet connection, there is no local router and IP address is directly provided by the ISP on a limited basis. So, here is the solution: purchase a router or Wi-Fi access point with an integrated router, so that you can create your own pool of IP addresses according to the number of hosts and IP address exhaustion problem will not occur. 

If you already have a local router and after then you are facing an IP address exhaustion problem, then it may occur because your IP address pool range is smaller than the number of hosts in your network. In this situation, if you increase your IP address pool range, then this problem will be solved and will not occur again.  

2. Duplicate IP address:

This problem occurs when the DHCP server assigns an IP address that is already assigned to a network device. As we know, an IP address is a unique address, we can’t assign the same IP address to 2 different devices in the same network.  


This type of problem occurs due to some silly mistake, so when you configure the DHCP server always make sure you exclude the IP addresses that are used by network devices. Generally, we configure static IP addresses for network devices like routers, servers and switches and we configure dynamic IP addresses (DHCP server) for other hosts in the network. So, at the time of DHCP pool configuration, leave the lower addresses for devices that require static IP (router, switch, server etc).  


4. DNS Problems: 

 The network path can’t be found, IP address could not be found, or DNS name doesn’t exist, if you see these messages on your screen then it will be a DNS configuration issue. 


To fix this problem, change the DNS server configuration, allow the network devices to use their own server instead of DHCP assigned DNS server. Check the IPv4 setting of your adapter, if it shows a DNS server, then ignore this and select the DNS server address automatically

5. Slow Internet Performance: 

Slow internet speed problems mainly occurred due to 2 reasons, traffic congestion and bandwidth exhaustion, both are interrelated. Here traffic congestion means more users is more. 


Use a speed test website to check your internet speed. This will help you to understand the reason why the internet is slow. It is due to some technical issue from the ISP end or because of traffic congestion. In the case of cable connection, the local network is shared with multiple users, so in that case, if your internet speed is slow and frequently the same problem occurs, then contact your ISP and tell them your issue and then he will provide you a high bandwidth connection. 


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